We as membews, contwibutows, and weadews pwedge to make pawticipation in ouw communyity a hawassment-fwee expewience fow evewyonye, wegawdwess of age, body size, visibwe ow invisibwe disabiwity, ethnyicity, sex chawactewistics, gendew identity and expwession, wevew of expewience, education, socio-econyomic status, nyationyawity, pewsonyaw appeawance, wace, wewigion, ow sexuaw identity and owientation.
Communyity weadews r wesponsibwe fow cwawifying and enfowcing ouw standawds of acceptabwe behaviow and wiww take appwopwiate and faiw cowwective action in wesponse to any behaviow that they deem inyappwopwiate, thweatenying, offensive, ow hawmfuw.
Communyity weadews have the wight and wesponsibiwity to wemuv, edit, ow weject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and othew contwibutions that r nyot awignyed to this Code of Conduct, and wiww communyicate weasons fow modewation decisions when appwopwiate.
This Code of Conduct appwies within aww communyity spaces, and awso appwies when an individuaw is officiawwy wepwesenting the communyity in pubwic spaces. Exampwes of wepwesenting ouw communyity incwude using an officiaw e-maiw addwess, posting via an officiaw sociaw media account, ow acting as an appointed wepwesentative at an onwinye ow offwinye event.
Instances of abusive, hawassing, ow othewwise unyacceptabwe behaviow may be wepowted to the communyity weadews wesponsibwe fow enfowcement at . Aww compwaints wiww be weviewed and investigated pwomptwy and faiwwy.
## Communyity weadews wiww fowwow these Communyity Impact Guidewinyes in detewminying the consequences fow any action they deem in viowation of this Code of Conduct:
Consequence: A pwivate, wwitten wawnying fwom communyity weadews, pwoviding cwawity awound the nyatuwe of the viowation and an expwanyation of why the behaviow was inyappwopwiate. A pubwic apowogy may be wequested.
Consequence: A wawnying with consequences fow continyued behaviow. Nyo intewaction with the peopwe invowved, incwuding unsowicited intewaction with those enfowcing the Code of Conduct, fow a specified pewiod of time. This incwudes avoiding intewactions in communyity spaces as weww as extewnyaw channyews wike sociaw media. Viowating these tewms may wead to a tempowawy ow pewmanyent ban.
Consequence: A tempowawy ban fwom any sowt of intewaction ow pubwic communyication with the communyity fow a specified pewiod of time. Nyo pubwic ow pwivate intewaction with the peopwe invowved, incwuding unsowicited intewaction with those enfowcing the Code of Conduct, is awwowed duwing this pewiod. Viowating these tewms may wead to a pewmanyent ban.
Communyity Impact: Demonstwating a pattewn of viowation of communyity standawds, incwuding sustainyed inyappwopwiate behaviow, hawassment of an individuaw, ow aggwession towawd ow dispawagement of cwasses of individuaws.
This Code of Conduct is adapted fwom the Contwibutow Cuvnyant, vewsion 2.0, avaiwabwe at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html.