2021-03-05 17:22:48 +01:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#define NORMAL "\x1b[0m"
#define BOLD "\x1b[1m"
#define BLACK "\x1b[30m"
#define RED "\x1b[31m"
#define GREEN "\x1b[32m"
#define YELLOW "\x1b[33m"
#define BLUE "\x1b[34m"
#define MAGENTA "\x1b[35m"
#define CYAN "\x1b[36m"
#define WHITE "\x1b[37m"
char user[32], host[253], shell[64], version_name[64];
int pkgman();
int main() {
struct rusage r_usage;
struct utsname sys_var;
struct sysinfo sys;
// get user name, host name and shell
snprintf(user, 32, "%s", getenv("USER"));
gethostname(host, 253);
snprintf(shell, 16, "%s", getenv("SHELL"));
memmove(&shell[0], &shell[5], 16);
// get os version
FILE *fos_rel = popen("cut -d '=' -f2 <<< $(cat /etc/lsb-release | grep ID)", "r");
fscanf(fos_rel,"%[^\n]", version_name);
if (uname(&sys_var) == -1) printf("Ah sh*t, an error\n");
if (sysinfo(&sys) == -1) printf("Ah sh*t, an error\n");
// get cpu info
char cpu_model[256];
FILE *fcpu = popen("lscpu | grep 'Model name:'", "r");
fscanf(fcpu, "%[^\n]", cpu_model);
memmove(&cpu_model[0], &cpu_model[33], 128);
// get ram info
int ram_max = sys.totalram * sys.mem_unit / 1048576;
int pkgs = pkgman();
// print collected info
if (strcmp(version_name, "Arch") == 0) {
printf("%s %s@%s\n", BOLD, user, host);
printf("%s /\\ %s%sOWOS %sNyArch Linuwu\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL);
printf("%s / \\ %s%sKERNEL %s%s %s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, sys_var.release, sys_var.machine);
printf("%s /\\ \\ %s%sCPUWU %s%s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, cpu_model);
2021-03-05 22:09:29 +01:00
printf("%s / > w <\\ %s%sWAM %s%ldM/%iM\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, r_usage.ru_maxrss, ram_max);
2021-03-05 17:22:48 +01:00
printf("%s / __ \\ %s%sSHELL %s%s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, shell);
printf("%s / __| |__-\\ %s%sPKGS %s%s%d\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, NORMAL, pkgs);
printf("%s /_-'' ''-_\\ %s%sUWUPTIME %s%lid, %lih, %lim\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, sys.uptime/60/60/24, sys.uptime/60/60%24, sys.uptime/60%60);
printf(" %s%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\n", BOLD, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, NORMAL);
else if (strcmp(version_name, "ManjaroLinux") == 0) {
printf("%s \u25b3 \u25b3 \u25e0\u25e0\u25e0\u25e0 %s@%s\n", BOLD, user, host);
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sOWOS %sMyanjaro Linuwu\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL);
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m\e[0;42m\e[1;30m > w < \e[0m%s\e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sKERNEL %s%s %s\n", BLUE, BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, sys_var.release, sys_var.machine);
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sCPUWU %s%s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, cpu_model);
2021-03-05 22:13:48 +01:00
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sWAM %s%ldM/%iM\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, r_usage.ru_maxrss, ram_max);
2021-03-05 17:22:48 +01:00
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sSHELL %s%s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, shell);
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sPKGS %s%s%d\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, NORMAL, pkgs);
printf("%s \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m \e[0;42m \e[0m %s%sUWUPTIME %s%lid, %lih, %lim\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, sys.uptime/60/60/24, sys.uptime/60/60%24, sys.uptime/60%60);
printf(" %s%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\n", BOLD, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, NORMAL);
2021-03-06 03:38:53 +01:00
else if ((strcmp(version_name, "Artix")==0)) {
printf("%s %s@%s\n", BOLD, user, host);
2021-03-06 03:45:00 +01:00
printf("%s /\\ %s%sOS %sNyArtix Linuwu\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL);
2021-03-06 03:38:53 +01:00
printf("%s / \\ %s%sKERNEL %s%s %s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, sys_var.release, sys_var.machine);
printf("%s /`'.,\\ %s%sCPUWU %s%s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, cpu_model);
printf("%s / > w <\\ %s%sWAM %s%ldM/%iM\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, r_usage.ru_maxrss, ram_max);
printf("%s / ,`\\ %s%sSHELL %s%s\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, shell);
printf("%s / ,.'`. \\ %s%sPKGS %s%s%d\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, NORMAL, pkgs);
printf("%s /.,'` `'.\\ %s%sUWUPTIME %s%lid, %lih, %lim\n", BLUE, NORMAL, BOLD, NORMAL, sys.uptime/60/60/24, sys.uptime/60/60%24, sys.uptime/60%60);
printf(" %s%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\u2587\u2587%s\n", BOLD, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, NORMAL);
2021-03-05 17:22:48 +01:00
int pkgman() { // this is just a function that returns the total of installed packages
int apt, dnf, emerge, flatpak, nix, pacman, rpm, xbps, total = 0;
FILE *file[8];
file[0] = popen("dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[1] = popen("dnf list installed 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[2] = popen("qlist -I 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[3] = popen("flatpak list 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[4] = popen("nix-store -q --requisites /run/current-sys_vartem/sw 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[5] = popen("pacman -Qq 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[6] = popen("rpm -qa --last 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
file[7] = popen("xbps-query -l 2> /dev/null | wc -l", "r");
fscanf(file[0], "%d", &apt);
fscanf(file[1], "%d", &dnf);
fscanf(file[2], "%d", &emerge);
fscanf(file[3], "%d", &flatpak);
fscanf(file[4], "%d", &nix);
fscanf(file[5], "%d", &pacman);
fscanf(file[6], "%d", &rpm);
fscanf(file[7], "%d", &xbps);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) fclose(file[i]);
if (apt > 0) total += apt;
if (dnf > 0) total += dnf;
if (emerge > 0) total += emerge;
if (flatpak > 0) total += flatpak;
if (nix > 0) total += nix;
if (pacman > 0) total += pacman;
if (rpm > 0) total += rpm;
if (xbps > 0) total += xbps;
return total;