package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) var isuwuified bool = true func getHome() string { return os.Getenv("HOME") } func getConfigFile() string { return getHome() + "/.config/neowofetch/conf" } func handleConfig() { _, folder := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(getConfigFile())) _, file := os.Stat(getConfigFile()) if os.IsNotExist(folder) { os.Mkdir(filepath.Dir(getConfigFile()), os.ModePerm) } if os.IsNotExist(file) { println("config was not found. a default config file has been generated in '~/.config/neowofetch/conf'") f, _ := os.Create(getConfigFile()) _, _ = f.WriteString("println green neOwOfetch 🔥\ninfo magenta username\nprint blue @\ninfoln blue hostname\nprint white uptime: \ninfoln red uptime\nprint white shell: \ninfoln blue shell\nprint white distro: \ninfoln blue distro\nprint white terminal: \ninfoln blue terminal\nprint white memory: \ninfo blue memoryUsed\nprint white /\ninfoln blue memoryAll") } else { body, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(getConfigFile()) sbody := (string(body)) fbody := strings.Split(sbody, "\n") for _, line := range fbody { word := strings.Split(line, " ") if len(word) < 3 { continue } action := word[0] color := word[1] rest := strings.Join(word[2:], " ") handlePrint(action, color, rest) } } } func handlePrint(action, format string, rest string) { if action == "print" { utils.CutePrint(rest, format) } else if action == "println" { utils.CutePrint(rest, format) utils.CuteNewLine() } else if action == "info" || action == "infoln" { switch rest { case "distro": utils.CutePrint(data.GetDistro(), format) case "username": utils.CutePrint(getUsername(), format) case "uptime": no, _ := strconv.Atoi(getUptime()) utils.CutePrint(formatTime(no), format) case "hostname": utils.CutePrint(getHostname(), format) case "GPU": utils.CutePrint(getGPU(), format) case "shell": utils.CutePrint(getShell(), format) case "terminal": utils.CutePrint(getTerminal(), format) case "memoryAll": utils.CutePrint(getMemory(false), format) case "memoryUsed": utils.CutePrint(getMemory(true), format) default: print("{UNKNOWN KEYWORD}") } if action == "infoln" { utils.CuteNewLine() } } } func getHostname() string { cmd := exec.Command("uname", "-n") shell, _ := cmd.Output() return strings.Replace(string(shell), "\n", "", -1) } func getUsername() string { cmd := exec.Command("whoami") shell, _ := cmd.Output() return strings.Replace(string(shell), "\n", "", -1) } func getKernel() string { cmd := exec.Command("uname", "-r") kernel, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return "fuck you" } return string(kernel) } func getUptime() string { content, _ := os.ReadFile("/proc/uptime") return (string(content[0:strings.Index(string(content), ".")])) } func getPackages() { } func getShell() string { return os.Getenv("SHELL") } func getResolution() { } func getWM() { } func getTheme() { } func getIcons() { } func getTerminal() string { a, existprgm := os.LookupEnv("TERM_PROGRAM") if !existprgm { return os.Getenv("TERM") } else { return a } } func getCPU() { mem, _ := os.Open("/proc/cpuinfo") mem_info := make([]byte, 1024) mem.Read(mem_info) mem.Close() // mem_list := strings.Split(string(mem_info), "\n") // mem_map := make(map[string]string) print(mem_info) } func getGPU() string { cmd := exec.Command("lspci", "-v") shell, err := cmd.Output() _ = err var bruh string //return strings.Replace(string(shell), "\n", "", -1) //return string(shell) for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(shell), "\n"), "\n") { if strings.Contains(line, "VGA") { bruh += line[strings.Index(line, ": ")+2 : strings.Index(line, " (")] } } return bruh } func getMemory(used bool) string { // // The coolest part about this function unlike neofetch is that it also takes account of the basic os operations // into account thus not giving an illusion that your os is completely having fun // honestly idk lmao // mem, err := os.Open("/proc/meminfo") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(0) } mem_info := make([]byte, 1024) mem.Read(mem_info) mem.Close() mem_list := strings.Split(string(mem_info), "\n") mem_map := make(map[string]string) for _, v := range mem_list { if strings.Contains(v, ":") { kv := strings.Split(v, ":") kv[0] = strings.TrimSpace(kv[0]) kv[1] = strings.TrimSpace(kv[1]) kv[1] = strings.Replace(kv[1], "kB", "", 3) kv[1] = strings.TrimSpace(kv[1]) mem_map[kv[0]] = kv[1] } } mem_free, _ := strconv.Atoi(mem_map["MemFree"]) mem_total, _ := strconv.Atoi(mem_map["MemTotal"]) mem_used := mem_total - mem_free //memory := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", mem_used/1024, mem_total/1024) if used { return strconv.Itoa(mem_used / 1024) } else { return strconv.Itoa(mem_total / 1024) } } func formatTime(seconds int) string { minutes := seconds / 60 secondsre := strconv.Itoa(seconds % 60) hour := strconv.Itoa(minutes / 60) minutesre := strconv.Itoa(minutes % 60) return (hour + "h " + minutesre + "m " + secondsre + "s") } func getColorPalette() { } func main() { utils.Initargs() utils.Initcolor() utils.CutePrintInit() handleConfig() utils.CutePrintEnd() }