2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
//====== Copyright 1996-2018, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Note: The older ISteamController interface has been deprecated in favor of ISteamInput - this interface
// was updated in this SDK but will be removed from future SDK's. The Steam Client will retain
// compatibility with the older interfaces so your any existing integrations should be unaffected.
// Purpose: Steam Input is a flexible input API that supports over three hundred devices including all
// common variants of Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch Pro, and Steam Controllers.
// For more info including a getting started guide for developers
// please visit: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam_controller
# ifdef STEAM_WIN32
# pragma once
# endif
# include "steam_api_common.h"
# include "isteaminput.h"
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
// When sending an option to a specific controller handle, you can send to all controllers via this command
enum ESteamControllerPad
k_ESteamControllerPad_Left ,
} ;
# endif
enum EControllerSource
k_EControllerSource_None ,
k_EControllerSource_LeftTrackpad ,
k_EControllerSource_RightTrackpad ,
k_EControllerSource_Joystick ,
k_EControllerSource_ABXY ,
k_EControllerSource_Switch ,
k_EControllerSource_LeftTrigger ,
k_EControllerSource_RightTrigger ,
k_EControllerSource_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerSource_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerSource_Gyro ,
k_EControllerSource_CenterTrackpad , // PS4
k_EControllerSource_RightJoystick , // Traditional Controllers
k_EControllerSource_DPad , // Traditional Controllers
k_EControllerSource_Key , // Keyboards with scan codes - Unused
k_EControllerSource_Mouse , // Traditional mouse - Unused
k_EControllerSource_LeftGyro , // Secondary Gyro - Switch - Unused
} ;
enum EControllerSourceMode
k_EControllerSourceMode_None ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_Dpad ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_Buttons ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_FourButtons ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_AbsoluteMouse ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_RelativeMouse ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_JoystickMove ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_JoystickMouse ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_JoystickCamera ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_ScrollWheel ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_Trigger ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_TouchMenu ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_MouseJoystick ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_MouseRegion ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_RadialMenu ,
k_EControllerSourceMode_SingleButton ,
} ;
// Note: Please do not use action origins as a way to identify controller types. There is no
// guarantee that they will be added in a contiguous manner - use GetInputTypeForHandle instead
// Versions of Steam that add new controller types in the future will extend this enum if you're
// using a lookup table please check the bounds of any origins returned by Steam.
enum EControllerActionOrigin
// Steam Controller
k_EControllerActionOrigin_None ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_A ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_B ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Y ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftGrip ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightGrip ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Start ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Back ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Pitch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Yaw ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Roll ,
// PS4 Dual Shock
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Circle ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Triangle ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Square ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Options , //Start
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Share , //Back
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_CenterPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_RightStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_DPad_North ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_DPad_South ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_DPad_West ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_DPad_East ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Gyro_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Gyro_Pitch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Gyro_Yaw ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_Gyro_Roll ,
// XBox One
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_A ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_B ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_Y ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_Menu , //Start
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_View , //Back
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_RightStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_DPad_North ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_DPad_South ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_DPad_West ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_DPad_East ,
// XBox 360
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_A ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_B ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_Y ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_Start , //Start
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_Back , //Back
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_North ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_South ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_West ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_East ,
// SteamController V2
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_A ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_B ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Y ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftGrip_Lower ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftGrip_Upper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightGrip_Lower ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightGrip_Upper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftBumper_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightBumper_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftGrip_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightGrip_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftGrip_Upper_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightGrip_Upper_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Start ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Back ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_Pressure ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Gyro_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Gyro_Pitch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Gyro_Yaw ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_SteamV2_Gyro_Roll ,
// Switch - Pro or Joycons used as a single input device.
// This does not apply to a single joycon
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_A ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_B ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_Y ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_Plus , //Start
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_Minus , //Back
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_Capture ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_DPad_North ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_DPad_South ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_DPad_West ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_DPad_East ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Move , // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Pitch , // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Yaw , // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Roll , // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
// Switch JoyCon Specific
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Move , // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Pitch , // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Yaw , // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Roll , // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGyro_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGyro_Pitch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGyro_Yaw ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGyro_Roll ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGrip_Lower , // Left JoyCon SR Button
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGrip_Upper , // Left JoyCon SL Button
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightGrip_Lower , // Right JoyCon SL Button
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_RightGrip_Upper , // Right JoyCon SR Button
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
// Added in SDK 1.45
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS4_DPad_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBoxOne_DPad_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Switch_DPad_Move ,
2021-01-18 04:46:00 +01:00
// Added in SDK 1.51
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_X ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Circle ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Triangle ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Square ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightBumper ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Option , //Start
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Create , //Back
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Mute ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_Touch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_Swipe ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_CenterPad_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftStick_Click ,
k _EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightStick_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightStick_Click ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightStick_DPadWest ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_RightStick_DPadEast ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_DPad_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_DPad_North ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_DPad_South ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_DPad_West ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_DPad_East ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Gyro_Move ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Gyro_Pitch ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Gyro_Yaw ,
k_EControllerActionOrigin_PS5_Gyro_Roll ,
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Count , // If Steam has added support for new controllers origins will go here.
k_EControllerActionOrigin_MaximumPossibleValue = 32767 , // Origins are currently a maximum of 16 bits.
} ;
enum EXboxOrigin
k_EXboxOrigin_A ,
k_EXboxOrigin_B ,
k_EXboxOrigin_X ,
k_EXboxOrigin_Y ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftBumper ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightBumper ,
k_EXboxOrigin_Menu , //Start
k_EXboxOrigin_View , //Back
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftTrigger_Pull ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftTrigger_Click ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightTrigger_Pull ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightTrigger_Click ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftStick_Move ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftStick_Click ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftStick_DPadWest ,
k_EXboxOrigin_LeftStick_DPadEast ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightStick_Move ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightStick_Click ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightStick_DPadNorth ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightStick_DPadSouth ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightStick_DPadWest ,
k_EXboxOrigin_RightStick_DPadEast ,
k_EXboxOrigin_DPad_North ,
k_EXboxOrigin_DPad_South ,
k_EXboxOrigin_DPad_West ,
k_EXboxOrigin_DPad_East ,
} ;
enum ESteamInputType
k_ESteamInputType_Unknown ,
k_ESteamInputType_SteamController ,
k_ESteamInputType_XBox360Controller ,
k_ESteamInputType_XBoxOneController ,
k_ESteamInputType_GenericGamepad , // DirectInput controllers
k_ESteamInputType_PS4Controller ,
k_ESteamInputType_AppleMFiController , // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_AndroidController , // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_SwitchJoyConPair , // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_SwitchJoyConSingle , // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_SwitchProController ,
k_ESteamInputType_MobileTouch , // Steam Link App On-screen Virtual Controller
k_ESteamInputType_PS3Controller , // Currently uses PS4 Origins
2021-01-18 04:46:00 +01:00
k_ESteamInputType_PS5Controller , // Added in SDK 151
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
k_ESteamInputType_Count ,
k_ESteamInputType_MaximumPossibleValue = 255 ,
} ;
# endif
enum ESteamControllerLEDFlag
k_ESteamControllerLEDFlag_SetColor ,
} ;
// ControllerHandle_t is used to refer to a specific controller.
// This handle will consistently identify a controller, even if it is disconnected and re-connected
typedef uint64 ControllerHandle_t ;
// These handles are used to refer to a specific in-game action or action set
// All action handles should be queried during initialization for performance reasons
typedef uint64 ControllerActionSetHandle_t ;
typedef uint64 ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t ;
typedef uint64 ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t ;
# pragma pack( push, 1 )
# define ControllerAnalogActionData_t InputAnalogActionData_t
# define ControllerDigitalActionData_t InputDigitalActionData_t
# define ControllerMotionData_t InputMotionData_t
# else
struct ControllerAnalogActionData_t
// Type of data coming from this action, this will match what got specified in the action set
EControllerSourceMode eMode ;
// The current state of this action; will be delta updates for mouse actions
float x , y ;
// Whether or not this action is currently available to be bound in the active action set
bool bActive ;
} ;
struct ControllerDigitalActionData_t
// The current state of this action; will be true if currently pressed
bool bState ;
// Whether or not this action is currently available to be bound in the active action set
bool bActive ;
} ;
struct ControllerMotionData_t
// Sensor-fused absolute rotation; will drift in heading
float rotQuatX ;
float rotQuatY ;
float rotQuatZ ;
float rotQuatW ;
// Positional acceleration
float posAccelX ;
float posAccelY ;
float posAccelZ ;
// Angular velocity
float rotVelX ;
float rotVelY ;
float rotVelZ ;
} ;
# endif
# pragma pack( pop )
// Purpose: Steam Input API
class ISteamController
public :
// Init and Shutdown must be called when starting/ending use of this interface
virtual bool Init ( ) = 0 ;
virtual bool Shutdown ( ) = 0 ;
// Synchronize API state with the latest Steam Controller inputs available. This
// is performed automatically by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks, but for the absolute lowest
// possible latency, you call this directly before reading controller state. This must
// be called from somewhere before GetConnectedControllers will return any handles
virtual void RunFrame ( ) = 0 ;
// Enumerate currently connected controllers
// handlesOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT sized array of ControllerHandle_t handles
// Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
virtual int GetConnectedControllers ( STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT ( STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT , Receives list of connected controllers ) ControllerHandle_t * handlesOut ) = 0 ;
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
// Lookup the handle for an Action Set. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual ControllerActionSetHandle_t GetActionSetHandle ( const char * pszActionSetName ) = 0 ;
// Reconfigure the controller to use the specified action set (ie 'Menu', 'Walk' or 'Drive')
// This is cheap, and can be safely called repeatedly. It's often easier to repeatedly call it in
// your state loops, instead of trying to place it in all of your state transitions.
virtual void ActivateActionSet ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle ) = 0 ;
virtual ControllerActionSetHandle_t GetCurrentActionSet ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) = 0 ;
virtual void ActivateActionSetLayer ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) = 0 ;
virtual void DeactivateActionSetLayer ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) = 0 ;
virtual void DeactivateAllActionSetLayers ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) = 0 ;
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
// Enumerate currently active layers
// handlesOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS sized array of ControllerActionSetHandle_t handles.
// Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut
virtual int GetActiveActionSetLayers ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT ( STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS , Receives list of active layers ) ControllerActionSetHandle_t * handlesOut ) = 0 ;
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
// Lookup the handle for a digital action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t GetDigitalActionHandle ( const char * pszActionName ) = 0 ;
// Returns the current state of the supplied digital game action
virtual ControllerDigitalActionData_t GetDigitalActionData ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle ) = 0 ;
// Get the origin(s) for a digital action within an action set. Returns the number of origins supplied in originsOut. Use this to display the appropriate on-screen prompt for the action.
// originsOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EControllerActionOrigin handles. The EControllerActionOrigin enum will get extended as support for new controller controllers gets added to
// the Steam client and will exceed the values from this header, please check bounds if you are using a look up table.
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
virtual int GetDigitalActionOrigins ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle , ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle , STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT ( STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS , Receives list of aciton origins ) EControllerActionOrigin * originsOut ) = 0 ;
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
// Lookup the handle for an analog action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t GetAnalogActionHandle ( const char * pszActionName ) = 0 ;
// Returns the current state of these supplied analog game action
virtual ControllerAnalogActionData_t GetAnalogActionData ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle ) = 0 ;
// Get the origin(s) for an analog action within an action set. Returns the number of origins supplied in originsOut. Use this to display the appropriate on-screen prompt for the action.
// originsOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EControllerActionOrigin handles. The EControllerActionOrigin enum will get extended as support for new controller controllers gets added to
// the Steam client and will exceed the values from this header, please check bounds if you are using a look up table.
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
virtual int GetAnalogActionOrigins ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle , ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle , STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT ( STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS , Receives list of action origins ) EControllerActionOrigin * originsOut ) = 0 ;
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
// Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular origin - this call is cheap
virtual const char * GetGlyphForActionOrigin ( EControllerActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0 ;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the specified origin - this call is serialized
virtual const char * GetStringForActionOrigin ( EControllerActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0 ;
virtual void StopAnalogActionMomentum ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t eAction ) = 0 ;
// Returns raw motion data from the specified controller
virtual ControllerMotionData_t GetMotionData ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) = 0 ;
// Trigger a haptic pulse on a controller
virtual void TriggerHapticPulse ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad , unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) = 0 ;
// Trigger a pulse with a duty cycle of usDurationMicroSec / usOffMicroSec, unRepeat times.
// nFlags is currently unused and reserved for future use.
virtual void TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad , unsigned short usDurationMicroSec , unsigned short usOffMicroSec , unsigned short unRepeat , unsigned int nFlags ) = 0 ;
// Trigger a vibration event on supported controllers.
virtual void TriggerVibration ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , unsigned short usLeftSpeed , unsigned short usRightSpeed ) = 0 ;
// Set the controller LED color on supported controllers.
virtual void SetLEDColor ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , uint8 nColorR , uint8 nColorG , uint8 nColorB , unsigned int nFlags ) = 0 ;
// Utility functions availible without using the rest of Steam Input API
// Invokes the Steam overlay and brings up the binding screen if the user is using Big Picture Mode
// If the user is not in Big Picture Mode it will open up the binding in a new window
virtual bool ShowBindingPanel ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) = 0 ;
2021-01-18 04:46:00 +01:00
// Returns the input type for a particular handle - unlike EControllerActionOrigin which update with Steam and may return unrecognized values
// ESteamInputType will remain static and only return valid values from your SDK version
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
virtual ESteamInputType GetInputTypeForHandle ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) = 0 ;
// Returns the associated controller handle for the specified emulated gamepad - can be used with the above 2 functions
// to identify controllers presented to your game over Xinput. Returns 0 if the Xinput index isn't associated with Steam Input
virtual ControllerHandle_t GetControllerForGamepadIndex ( int nIndex ) = 0 ;
// Returns the associated gamepad index for the specified controller, if emulating a gamepad or -1 if not associated with an Xinput index
virtual int GetGamepadIndexForController ( ControllerHandle_t ulControllerHandle ) = 0 ;
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the specified Xbox controller origin.
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
virtual const char * GetStringForXboxOrigin ( EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) = 0 ;
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
// Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular Xbox controller origin.
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
virtual const char * GetGlyphForXboxOrigin ( EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) = 0 ;
// Get the equivalent ActionOrigin for a given Xbox controller origin this can be chained with GetGlyphForActionOrigin to provide future proof glyphs for
// non-Steam Input API action games. Note - this only translates the buttons directly and doesn't take into account any remapping a user has made in their configuration
virtual EControllerActionOrigin GetActionOriginFromXboxOrigin_ ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) = 0 ;
// Convert an origin to another controller type - for inputs not present on the other controller type this will return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None
virtual EControllerActionOrigin TranslateActionOrigin ( ESteamInputType eDestinationInputType , EControllerActionOrigin eSourceOrigin ) = 0 ;
2019-07-28 15:02:09 +02:00
// Get the binding revision for a given device. Returns false if the handle was not valid or if a mapping is not yet loaded for the device
virtual bool GetControllerBindingRevision ( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle , int * pMajor , int * pMinor ) = 0 ;
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
} ;
2021-01-18 04:46:00 +01:00
2019-04-13 18:21:56 +02:00
// Global interface accessor
inline ISteamController * SteamController ( ) ;
# endif