mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 14:58:42 +01:00
Add script to generate achievements and stats configs from UserGameStatsSchema.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 828 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import vdf
import sys
import os
import json
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("format: {} UserGameStatsSchema_480.bin".format(sys.argv[0]))
with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f:
schema = vdf.binary_loads(f.read())
language = 'english'
achievements_out = []
stats_out = []
for appid in schema:
sch = schema[appid]
stat_info = sch['stats']
for s in stat_info:
stat = stat_info[s]
if stat['type'] == STAT_TYPE_BITS:
achs = stat['bits']
for ach_num in achs:
out = {}
ach = achs[ach_num]
out["hidden"] = '0'
for x in ach['display']:
value = ach['display'][x]
if x == 'name':
x = 'displayName'
if x == 'desc':
x = 'description'
if x == 'Hidden':
x = 'hidden'
if type(value) is dict:
if language in value:
value = value[language]
value = ''
out[x] = value
out['name'] = ach['name']
achievements_out += [out]
out = {}
out['default'] = 0
out['name'] = stat['name']
if stat['type'] == STAT_TYPE_INT:
out['type'] = 'int'
elif stat['type'] == STAT_TYPE_FLOAT:
out['type'] = 'float'
elif stat['type'] == STAT_TYPE_AVGRATE:
out['type'] = 'avgrate'
if 'Default' in stat:
out['default'] = stat['Default']
stats_out += [out]
# print(stat_info[s])
output_ach = json.dumps(achievements_out, indent=4)
output_stats = ""
for s in stats_out:
output_stats += "{}={}={}\n".format(s['name'], s['type'], s['default'])
# print(output_ach)
# print(output_stats)
config_directory = os.path.join(sys.argv[1] + "_output", "steam_settings")
if not os.path.exists(config_directory):
with open(os.path.join(config_directory, "achievements.json"), 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(config_directory, "stats.txt"), 'w') as f:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
Module for deserializing/serializing to and from VDF
__version__ = "3.4"
__author__ = "Rossen Georgiev"
import re
import sys
import struct
from binascii import crc32
from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO as unicodeIO
from collections.abc import Mapping
from collections import Mapping
from vdf.vdict import VDFDict
# Py2 & Py3 compatibility
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
string_type = str
int_type = int
BOMS = '\ufffe\ufeff'
def strip_bom(line):
return line.lstrip(BOMS)
from StringIO import StringIO as strIO
string_type = basestring
int_type = long
BOMS = '\xef\xbb\xbf\xff\xfe\xfe\xff'
BOMS_UNICODE = '\\ufffe\\ufeff'.decode('unicode-escape')
def strip_bom(line):
return line.lstrip(BOMS if isinstance(line, str) else BOMS_UNICODE)
# string escaping
_unescape_char_map = {
r"\n": "\n",
r"\t": "\t",
r"\v": "\v",
r"\b": "\b",
r"\r": "\r",
r"\f": "\f",
r"\a": "\a",
r"\\": "\\",
r"\?": "?",
r"\"": "\"",
r"\'": "\'",
_escape_char_map = {v: k for k, v in _unescape_char_map.items()}
def _re_escape_match(m):
return _escape_char_map[m.group()]
def _re_unescape_match(m):
return _unescape_char_map[m.group()]
def _escape(text):
return re.sub(r"[\n\t\v\b\r\f\a\\\?\"']", _re_escape_match, text)
def _unescape(text):
return re.sub(r"(\\n|\\t|\\v|\\b|\\r|\\f|\\a|\\\\|\\\?|\\\"|\\')", _re_unescape_match, text)
# parsing and dumping for KV1
def parse(fp, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True, escaped=True):
Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str`` or ``unicode`` instance containing a VDF)
to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if not issubclass(mapper, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected mapper to be subclass of dict, got %s" % type(mapper))
if not hasattr(fp, 'readline'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to be a file-like object supporting line iteration")
stack = [mapper()]
expect_bracket = False
re_keyvalue = re.compile(r'^("(?P<qkey>(?:\\.|[^\\"])*)"|(?P<key>#?[a-z0-9\-\_\\\?$%<>]+))'
r'([ \t]*('
r'|(?P<val>(?:(?<!/)/(?!/)|[a-z0-9\-\_\\\?\*\.$<> ])+)'
r'|(?P<sblock>{[ \t]*)(?P<eblock>})?'
for lineno, line in enumerate(fp, 1):
if lineno == 1:
line = strip_bom(line)
line = line.lstrip()
# skip empty and comment lines
if line == "" or line[0] == '/':
# one level deeper
if line[0] == "{":
expect_bracket = False
if expect_bracket:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: expected openning bracket",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 1, line))
# one level back
if line[0] == "}":
if len(stack) > 1:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: one too many closing parenthasis",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
# parse keyvalue pairs
while True:
match = re_keyvalue.match(line)
if not match:
line += next(fp)
except StopIteration:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: unexpected EOF (open key quote?)",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
key = match.group('key') if match.group('qkey') is None else match.group('qkey')
val = match.group('qval')
if val is None:
val = match.group('val')
if val is not None:
val = val.rstrip()
if val == "":
val = None
if escaped:
key = _unescape(key)
# we have a key with value in parenthesis, so we make a new dict obj (level deeper)
if val is None:
if merge_duplicate_keys and key in stack[-1]:
_m = stack[-1][key]
# we've descended a level deeper, if value is str, we have to overwrite it to mapper
if not isinstance(_m, mapper):
_m = stack[-1][key] = mapper()
_m = mapper()
stack[-1][key] = _m
if match.group('eblock') is None:
# only expect a bracket if it's not already closed or on the same line
if match.group('sblock') is None:
expect_bracket = True
# we've matched a simple keyvalue pair, map it to the last dict obj in the stack
# if the value is line consume one more line and try to match again,
# until we get the KeyValue pair
if match.group('vq_end') is None and match.group('qval') is not None:
line += next(fp)
except StopIteration:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: unexpected EOF (open quote for value?)",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
stack[-1][key] = _unescape(val) if escaped else val
# exit the loop
if len(stack) != 1:
raise SyntaxError("vdf.parse: unclosed parenthasis or quotes (EOF)",
(getattr(fp, 'name', '<%s>' % fp.__class__.__name__), lineno, 0, line))
return stack.pop()
def loads(s, **kwargs):
Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str`` or ``unicode`` instance containing a JSON
document) to a Python object.
if not isinstance(s, string_type):
raise TypeError("Expected s to be a str, got %s" % type(s))
fp = unicodeIO(s)
except TypeError:
fp = strIO(s)
return parse(fp, **kwargs)
def load(fp, **kwargs):
Deserialize ``fp`` (a ``.readline()``-supporting file-like object containing
a JSON document) to a Python object.
return parse(fp, **kwargs)
def dumps(obj, pretty=False, escaped=True):
Serialize ``obj`` to a VDF formatted ``str``.
if not isinstance(obj, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected data to be an instance of``dict``")
if not isinstance(pretty, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected pretty to be of type bool")
if not isinstance(escaped, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected escaped to be of type bool")
return ''.join(_dump_gen(obj, pretty, escaped))
def dump(obj, fp, pretty=False, escaped=True):
Serialize ``obj`` as a VDF formatted stream to ``fp`` (a
``.write()``-supporting file-like object).
if not isinstance(obj, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected data to be an instance of``dict``")
if not hasattr(fp, 'write'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to have write() method")
if not isinstance(pretty, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected pretty to be of type bool")
if not isinstance(escaped, bool):
raise TypeError("Expected escaped to be of type bool")
for chunk in _dump_gen(obj, pretty, escaped):
def _dump_gen(data, pretty=False, escaped=True, level=0):
indent = "\t"
line_indent = ""
if pretty:
line_indent = indent * level
for key, value in data.items():
if escaped and isinstance(key, string_type):
key = _escape(key)
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
yield '%s"%s"\n%s{\n' % (line_indent, key, line_indent)
for chunk in _dump_gen(value, pretty, escaped, level+1):
yield chunk
yield "%s}\n" % line_indent
if escaped and isinstance(value, string_type):
value = _escape(value)
yield '%s"%s" "%s"\n' % (line_indent, key, value)
# binary VDF
class BASE_INT(int_type):
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)
class UINT_64(BASE_INT):
class INT_64(BASE_INT):
BIN_NONE = b'\x00'
BIN_STRING = b'\x01'
BIN_INT32 = b'\x02'
BIN_FLOAT32 = b'\x03'
BIN_POINTER = b'\x04'
BIN_COLOR = b'\x06'
BIN_UINT64 = b'\x07'
BIN_END = b'\x08'
BIN_INT64 = b'\x0A'
BIN_END_ALT = b'\x0B'
def binary_loads(b, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True, alt_format=False, raise_on_remaining=True):
Deserialize ``b`` (``bytes`` containing a VDF in "binary form")
to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if not isinstance(b, bytes):
raise TypeError("Expected s to be bytes, got %s" % type(b))
return binary_load(BytesIO(b), mapper, merge_duplicate_keys, alt_format, raise_on_remaining)
def binary_load(fp, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True, alt_format=False, raise_on_remaining=False):
Deserialize ``fp`` (a ``.read()``-supporting file-like object containing
binary VDF) to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if not hasattr(fp, 'read') or not hasattr(fp, 'tell') or not hasattr(fp, 'seek'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to be a file-like object with tell()/seek() and read() returning bytes")
if not issubclass(mapper, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected mapper to be subclass of dict, got %s" % type(mapper))
# helpers
int32 = struct.Struct('<i')
uint64 = struct.Struct('<Q')
int64 = struct.Struct('<q')
float32 = struct.Struct('<f')
def read_string(fp, wide=False):
buf, end = b'', -1
offset = fp.tell()
# locate string end
while end == -1:
chunk = fp.read(64)
if chunk == b'':
raise SyntaxError("Unterminated cstring (offset: %d)" % offset)
buf += chunk
end = buf.find(b'\x00\x00' if wide else b'\x00')
if wide:
end += end % 2
# rewind fp
fp.seek(end - len(buf) + (2 if wide else 1), 1)
# decode string
result = buf[:end]
if wide:
result = result.decode('utf-16')
elif bytes is not str:
result = result.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
result = result.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
return result
stack = [mapper()]
CURRENT_BIN_END = BIN_END if not alt_format else BIN_END_ALT
for t in iter(lambda: fp.read(1), b''):
if len(stack) > 1:
key = read_string(fp)
if t == BIN_NONE:
if merge_duplicate_keys and key in stack[-1]:
_m = stack[-1][key]
_m = mapper()
stack[-1][key] = _m
elif t == BIN_STRING:
stack[-1][key] = read_string(fp)
stack[-1][key] = read_string(fp, wide=True)
val = int32.unpack(fp.read(int32.size))[0]
if t == BIN_POINTER:
val = POINTER(val)
elif t == BIN_COLOR:
val = COLOR(val)
stack[-1][key] = val
elif t == BIN_UINT64:
stack[-1][key] = UINT_64(uint64.unpack(fp.read(int64.size))[0])
elif t == BIN_INT64:
stack[-1][key] = INT_64(int64.unpack(fp.read(int64.size))[0])
elif t == BIN_FLOAT32:
stack[-1][key] = float32.unpack(fp.read(float32.size))[0]
raise SyntaxError("Unknown data type at offset %d: %s" % (fp.tell() - 1, repr(t)))
if len(stack) != 1:
raise SyntaxError("Reached EOF, but Binary VDF is incomplete")
if raise_on_remaining and fp.read(1) != b'':
fp.seek(-1, 1)
raise SyntaxError("Binary VDF ended at offset %d, but there is more data remaining" % (fp.tell() - 1))
return stack.pop()
def binary_dumps(obj, alt_format=False):
Serialize ``obj`` to a binary VDF formatted ``bytes``.
buf = BytesIO()
binary_dump(obj, buf, alt_format)
return buf.getvalue()
def binary_dump(obj, fp, alt_format=False):
Serialize ``obj`` to a binary VDF formatted ``bytes`` and write it to ``fp`` filelike object
if not isinstance(obj, Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected obj to be type of Mapping")
if not hasattr(fp, 'write'):
raise TypeError("Expected fp to have write() method")
for chunk in _binary_dump_gen(obj, alt_format=alt_format):
def _binary_dump_gen(obj, level=0, alt_format=False):
if level == 0 and len(obj) == 0:
int32 = struct.Struct('<i')
uint64 = struct.Struct('<Q')
int64 = struct.Struct('<q')
float32 = struct.Struct('<f')
for key, value in obj.items():
if isinstance(key, string_type):
key = key.encode('utf-8')
raise TypeError("dict keys must be of type str, got %s" % type(key))
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
yield BIN_NONE + key + BIN_NONE
for chunk in _binary_dump_gen(value, level+1, alt_format=alt_format):
yield chunk
elif isinstance(value, UINT_64):
yield BIN_UINT64 + key + BIN_NONE + uint64.pack(value)
elif isinstance(value, INT_64):
yield BIN_INT64 + key + BIN_NONE + int64.pack(value)
elif isinstance(value, string_type):
value = value.encode('utf-8') + BIN_NONE
value = value.encode('utf-16') + BIN_NONE*2
yield key + BIN_NONE + value
elif isinstance(value, float):
yield BIN_FLOAT32 + key + BIN_NONE + float32.pack(value)
elif isinstance(value, (COLOR, POINTER, int, int_type)):
if isinstance(value, COLOR):
elif isinstance(value, POINTER):
yield BIN_INT32
yield key + BIN_NONE
yield int32.pack(value)
raise TypeError("Unsupported type: %s" % type(value))
yield BIN_END if not alt_format else BIN_END_ALT
def vbkv_loads(s, mapper=dict, merge_duplicate_keys=True):
Deserialize ``s`` (``bytes`` containing a VBKV to a Python object.
``mapper`` specifies the Python object used after deserializetion. ``dict` is
used by default. Alternatively, ``collections.OrderedDict`` can be used if you
wish to preserve key order. Or any object that acts like a ``dict``.
``merge_duplicate_keys`` when ``True`` will merge multiple KeyValue lists with the
same key into one instead of overwriting. You can se this to ``False`` if you are
using ``VDFDict`` and need to preserve the duplicates.
if s[:4] != b'VBKV':
raise ValueError("Invalid header")
checksum, = struct.unpack('<i', s[4:8])
if checksum != crc32(s[8:]):
raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")
return binary_loads(s[8:], mapper, merge_duplicate_keys, alt_format=True)
def vbkv_dumps(obj):
Serialize ``obj`` to a VBKV formatted ``bytes``.
data = b''.join(_binary_dump_gen(obj, alt_format=True))
checksum = crc32(data)
return b'VBKV' + struct.pack('<i', checksum) + data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
import sys
from collections import Counter
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
_iter_values = 'values'
_range = range
_string_type = str
import collections.abc as _c
class _kView(_c.KeysView):
def __iter__(self):
return self._mapping.iterkeys()
class _vView(_c.ValuesView):
def __iter__(self):
return self._mapping.itervalues()
class _iView(_c.ItemsView):
def __iter__(self):
return self._mapping.iteritems()
_iter_values = 'itervalues'
_range = xrange
_string_type = basestring
_kView = lambda x: list(x.iterkeys())
_vView = lambda x: list(x.itervalues())
_iView = lambda x: list(x.iteritems())
class VDFDict(dict):
def __init__(self, data=None):
This is a dictionary that supports duplicate keys and preserves insert order
``data`` can be a ``dict``, or a sequence of key-value tuples. (e.g. ``[('key', 'value'),..]``)
The only supported type for key is str.
Get/set duplicates is done by tuples ``(index, key)``, where index is the duplicate index
for the specified key. (e.g. ``(0, 'key')``, ``(1, 'key')``...)
When the ``key`` is ``str``, instead of tuple, set will create a duplicate and get will look up ``(0, key)``
self.__omap = []
self.__kcount = Counter()
if data is not None:
if not isinstance(data, (list, dict)):
raise ValueError("Expected data to be list of pairs or dict, got %s" % type(data))
def __repr__(self):
out = "%s(" % self.__class__.__name__
out += "%s)" % repr(list(self.iteritems()))
return out
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__omap)
def _verify_key_tuple(self, key):
if len(key) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected key tuple length to be 2, got %d" % len(key))
if not isinstance(key[0], int):
raise TypeError("Key index should be an int")
if not isinstance(key[1], _string_type):
raise TypeError("Key value should be a str")
def _normalize_key(self, key):
if isinstance(key, _string_type):
key = (0, key)
elif isinstance(key, tuple):
raise TypeError("Expected key to be a str or tuple, got %s" % type(key))
return key
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance(key, _string_type):
key = (self.__kcount[key], key)
elif isinstance(key, tuple):
if key not in self:
raise KeyError("%s doesn't exist" % repr(key))
raise TypeError("Expected either a str or tuple for key")
super(VDFDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
self.__kcount[key[1]] += 1
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super(VDFDict, self).__getitem__(self._normalize_key(key))
def __delitem__(self, key):
key = self._normalize_key(key)
result = super(VDFDict, self).__delitem__(key)
start_idx = self.__omap.index(key)
del self.__omap[start_idx]
dup_idx, skey = key
self.__kcount[skey] -= 1
tail_count = self.__kcount[skey] - dup_idx
if tail_count > 0:
for idx in _range(start_idx, len(self.__omap)):
if self.__omap[idx][1] == skey:
oldkey = self.__omap[idx]
newkey = (dup_idx, skey)
super(VDFDict, self).__setitem__(newkey, self[oldkey])
super(VDFDict, self).__delitem__(oldkey)
self.__omap[idx] = newkey
dup_idx += 1
tail_count -= 1
if tail_count == 0:
if self.__kcount[skey] == 0:
del self.__kcount[skey]
return result
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.iterkeys())
def __contains__(self, key):
return super(VDFDict, self).__contains__(self._normalize_key(key))
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, VDFDict):
return list(self.items()) == list(other.items())
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def clear(self):
super(VDFDict, self).clear()
self.__omap = list()
def get(self, key, *args):
return super(VDFDict, self).get(self._normalize_key(key), *args)
def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
if key not in self:
self.__setitem__(key, default)
return self.__getitem__(key)
def pop(self, key):
key = self._normalize_key(key)
value = self.__getitem__(key)
return value
def popitem(self):
if not self.__omap:
raise KeyError("VDFDict is empty")
key = self.__omap[-1]
return key[1], self.pop(key)
def update(self, data=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = data.items()
elif not isinstance(data, list):
raise TypeError("Expected data to be a list or dict, got %s" % type(data))
for key, value in data:
self.__setitem__(key, value)
def iterkeys(self):
return (key[1] for key in self.__omap)
def keys(self):
return _kView(self)
def itervalues(self):
return (self[key] for key in self.__omap)
def values(self):
return _vView(self)
def iteritems(self):
return ((key[1], self[key]) for key in self.__omap)
def items(self):
return _iView(self)
def get_all_for(self, key):
""" Returns all values of the given key """
if not isinstance(key, _string_type):
raise TypeError("Key needs to be a string.")
return [self[(idx, key)] for idx in _range(self.__kcount[key])]
def remove_all_for(self, key):
""" Removes all items with the given key """
if not isinstance(key, _string_type):
raise TypeError("Key need to be a string.")
for idx in _range(self.__kcount[key]):
super(VDFDict, self).__delitem__((idx, key))
self.__omap = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != key, self.__omap))
del self.__kcount[key]
def has_duplicates(self):
Returns ``True`` if the dict contains keys with duplicates.
Recurses through any all keys with value that is ``VDFDict``.
for n in getattr(self.__kcount, _iter_values)():
if n != 1:
return True
def dict_recurse(obj):
for v in getattr(obj, _iter_values)():
if isinstance(v, VDFDict) and v.has_duplicates():
return True
elif isinstance(v, dict):
return dict_recurse(v)
return False
return dict_recurse(self)
Reference in a new issue