/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "base.h" class Steam_Parties : public ISteamParties { class Settings *settings; class Networking *network; class SteamCallResults *callback_results; class SteamCallBacks *callbacks; class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb; std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> initialized_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); FSteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutput debug_function; public: static void steam_callback(void *object, Common_Message *msg) { PRINT_DEBUG("steam_parties_callback\n"); Steam_Parties *steam_parties = (Steam_Parties *)object; steam_parties->Callback(msg); } static void steam_run_every_runcb(void *object) { PRINT_DEBUG("steam_parties_run_every_runcb\n"); Steam_Parties *steam_parties = (Steam_Parties *)object; steam_parties->RunCallbacks(); } Steam_Parties(class Settings *settings, class Networking *network, class SteamCallResults *callback_results, class SteamCallBacks *callbacks, class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb) { this->settings = settings; this->network = network; this->run_every_runcb = run_every_runcb; //this->network->setCallback(CALLBACK_ID_USER_STATUS, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Parties::steam_callback, this); this->run_every_runcb->add(&Steam_Parties::steam_run_every_runcb, this); this->callback_results = callback_results; this->callbacks = callbacks; } ~Steam_Parties() { //TODO rm network callbacks this->run_every_runcb->remove(&Steam_Parties::steam_run_every_runcb, this); } // ============================================================================================= // Party Client APIs // Enumerate any active beacons for parties you may wish to join uint32 GetNumActiveBeacons() { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::GetNumActiveBeacons\n"); } PartyBeaconID_t GetBeaconByIndex( uint32 unIndex ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::GetBeaconByIndex\n"); } bool GetBeaconDetails( PartyBeaconID_t ulBeaconID, CSteamID *pSteamIDBeaconOwner, STEAM_OUT_STRUCT() SteamPartyBeaconLocation_t *pLocation, STEAM_OUT_STRING_COUNT(cchMetadata) char *pchMetadata, int cchMetadata ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::GetBeaconDetails\n"); } // Join an open party. Steam will reserve one beacon slot for your SteamID, // and return the necessary JoinGame string for you to use to connect STEAM_CALL_RESULT( JoinPartyCallback_t ) SteamAPICall_t JoinParty( PartyBeaconID_t ulBeaconID ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::JoinParty\n"); } // ============================================================================================= // Party Host APIs // Get a list of possible beacon locations bool GetNumAvailableBeaconLocations( uint32 *puNumLocations ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::GetNumAvailableBeaconLocations\n"); } bool GetAvailableBeaconLocations( SteamPartyBeaconLocation_t *pLocationList, uint32 uMaxNumLocations ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::GetAvailableBeaconLocations\n"); } // Create a new party beacon and activate it in the selected location. // unOpenSlots is the maximum number of users that Steam will send to you. // When people begin responding to your beacon, Steam will send you // PartyReservationCallback_t callbacks to let you know who is on the way. STEAM_CALL_RESULT( CreateBeaconCallback_t ) SteamAPICall_t CreateBeacon( uint32 unOpenSlots, SteamPartyBeaconLocation_t *pBeaconLocation, const char *pchConnectString, const char *pchMetadata ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::CreateBeacon\n"); } // Call this function when a user that had a reservation (see callback below) // has successfully joined your party. // Steam will manage the remaining open slots automatically. void OnReservationCompleted( PartyBeaconID_t ulBeacon, CSteamID steamIDUser ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::OnReservationCompleted\n"); } // To cancel a reservation (due to timeout or user input), call this. // Steam will open a new reservation slot. // Note: The user may already be in-flight to your game, so it's possible they will still connect and try to join your party. void CancelReservation( PartyBeaconID_t ulBeacon, CSteamID steamIDUser ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::CancelReservation\n"); } // Change the number of open beacon reservation slots. // Call this if, for example, someone without a reservation joins your party (eg a friend, or via your own matchmaking system). STEAM_CALL_RESULT( ChangeNumOpenSlotsCallback_t ) SteamAPICall_t ChangeNumOpenSlots( PartyBeaconID_t ulBeacon, uint32 unOpenSlots ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::ChangeNumOpenSlots\n"); } // Turn off the beacon. bool DestroyBeacon( PartyBeaconID_t ulBeacon ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::DestroyBeacon\n"); } // Utils bool GetBeaconLocationData( SteamPartyBeaconLocation_t BeaconLocation, ESteamPartyBeaconLocationData eData, STEAM_OUT_STRING_COUNT(cchDataStringOut) char *pchDataStringOut, int cchDataStringOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Parties::GetBeaconLocationData\n"); } void RunCallbacks() { } void Callback(Common_Message *msg) { if (msg->has_low_level()) { if (msg->low_level().type() == Low_Level::CONNECT) { } if (msg->low_level().type() == Low_Level::DISCONNECT) { } } if (msg->has_networking_sockets()) { } } };