/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "base.h" #include <set> #ifndef SETTINGS_INCLUDE #define SETTINGS_INCLUDE struct DLC_entry { AppId_t appID; std::string name; bool available; }; struct Mod_entry { PublishedFileId_t id; std::string title; std::string path; }; struct Leaderboard_config { enum ELeaderboardSortMethod sort_method; enum ELeaderboardDisplayType display_type; }; enum Stat_Type { STAT_TYPE_INT, STAT_TYPE_FLOAT, STAT_TYPE_AVGRATE }; struct Stat_config { enum Stat_Type type; union { float default_value_float; uint32 default_value_int; }; }; struct Image_Data { uint32 width; uint32 height; std::string data; }; struct Controller_Settings { std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::set<std::string>, std::string>>> action_sets; std::map<std::string, std::string> action_set_layer_parents; std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::set<std::string>, std::string>>> action_set_layers; }; class Settings { CSteamID steam_id; CGameID game_id; std::string name, language; CSteamID lobby_id; bool unlockAllDLCs; bool offline; std::vector<struct DLC_entry> DLCs; std::vector<struct Mod_entry> mods; std::map<AppId_t, std::string> app_paths; std::map<std::string, Leaderboard_config> leaderboards; std::map<std::string, Stat_config> stats; bool create_unknown_leaderboards; uint16 port; public: #ifdef LOBBY_CONNECT static const bool is_lobby_connect = true; #else static const bool is_lobby_connect = false; #endif static std::string sanitize(std::string name); Settings(CSteamID steam_id, CGameID game_id, std::string name, std::string language, bool offline); CSteamID get_local_steam_id(); CGameID get_local_game_id(); const char *get_local_name(); const char *get_language(); void set_game_id(CGameID game_id); void set_lobby(CSteamID lobby_id); CSteamID get_lobby(); bool is_offline() {return offline; } uint16 get_port() {return port;} void set_port(uint16 port) { this->port = port;} //DLC stuff void unlockAllDLC(bool value); void addDLC(AppId_t appID, std::string name, bool available); unsigned int DLCCount(); bool hasDLC(AppId_t appID); bool getDLC(unsigned int index, AppId_t &appID, bool &available, std::string &name); //App Install paths void setAppInstallPath(AppId_t appID, std::string path); std::string getAppInstallPath(AppId_t appID); //mod stuff void addMod(PublishedFileId_t id, std::string title, std::string path); Mod_entry getMod(PublishedFileId_t id); bool isModInstalled(PublishedFileId_t id); std::set<PublishedFileId_t> modSet(); //leaderboards void setLeaderboard(std::string leaderboard, enum ELeaderboardSortMethod sort_method, enum ELeaderboardDisplayType display_type); std::map<std::string, Leaderboard_config> getLeaderboards() { return leaderboards; } void setCreateUnknownLeaderboards(bool enable) {create_unknown_leaderboards = enable;} bool createUnknownLeaderboards() { return create_unknown_leaderboards; } //custom broadcasts std::set<uint32> custom_broadcasts; //stats std::map<std::string, Stat_config> getStats() { return stats; } void setStatDefiniton(std::string name, struct Stat_config stat_config) {stats[name] = stat_config; } //images std::map<int, struct Image_Data> images; int add_image(std::string data, uint32 width, uint32 height); //controller struct Controller_Settings controller_settings; }; #endif