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synced 2025-03-21 05:58:26 +01:00

Its always better to reserve memory when we can for a vector. Also, STL implements a lot of algorithms, its better to use them in case someday you need to change it to something alike. Like reversing the copy, use transform instead, etc...
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829 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg
This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator
The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#include "item_db_loader.h"
#include <thread>
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests {
double timeout = 0.1;
bool done = false;
bool full_query;
SteamInventoryResult_t inventory_result;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_created;
std::vector<SteamItemInstanceID_t> instance_ids;
bool result_done() {
return done;
uint32 timestamp() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<uint32>>(time_created.time_since_epoch()).count();
class Steam_Inventory :
public ISteamInventory001,
public ISteamInventory002,
public ISteamInventory
class Settings *settings;
class SteamCallResults *callback_results;
class SteamCallBacks *callbacks;
class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb;
std::vector<struct Steam_Inventory_Requests> inventory_requests;
std::map<SteamItemDef_t, std::map<std::string, std::string>> items;
// Like typedefs
using item_iterator = std::map<SteamItemDef_t, std::map<std::string, std::string>>::iterator;
using attr_iterator = std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator;
std::atomic_bool items_loaded;
std::string items_db_file;
std::once_flag load_items_flag;
bool call_definition_update;
bool definition_update_called;
bool full_update_called;
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests* new_inventory_result(bool full_query=true, const SteamItemInstanceID_t* pInstanceIDs = NULL, uint32 unCountInstanceIDs = 0)
static SteamInventoryResult_t result;
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests request;
request.inventory_result = result;
request.full_query = full_query;
if (pInstanceIDs && unCountInstanceIDs) {
std::copy(pInstanceIDs, pInstanceIDs + unCountInstanceIDs, std::back_inserter(request.instance_ids));
request.time_created = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
return &(inventory_requests.back());
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *get_inventory_result(SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle)
auto request = std::find_if(inventory_requests.begin(), inventory_requests.end(), [&resultHandle](struct Steam_Inventory_Requests const& item) { return item.inventory_result == resultHandle; });
if (inventory_requests.end() == request)
return NULL;
return &(*request);
static void run_every_runcb_cb(void *object)
Steam_Inventory *obj = (Steam_Inventory *)object;
Steam_Inventory(class Settings *settings, class SteamCallResults *callback_results, class SteamCallBacks *callbacks, class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb, std::string items_db_file_path)
items_db_file = items_db_file_path;
PRINT_DEBUG("Items file path: %s\n", items_db_file.c_str());
items_loaded = false;
this->settings = settings;
this->callbacks = callbacks;
this->callback_results = callback_results;
this->run_every_runcb = run_every_runcb;
this->run_every_runcb->add(&Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb_cb, this);
call_definition_update = false;
definition_update_called = false;
full_update_called = false;
this->run_every_runcb->remove(&Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb_cb, this);
// Asynchronous inventory queries always output a result handle which can be used with
// GetResultStatus, GetResultItems, etc. A SteamInventoryResultReady_t callback will
// be triggered when the asynchronous result becomes ready (or fails).
// Find out the status of an asynchronous inventory result handle. Possible values:
// k_EResultPending - still in progress
// k_EResultOK - done, result ready
// k_EResultExpired - done, result ready, maybe out of date (see DeserializeResult)
// k_EResultInvalidParam - ERROR: invalid API call parameters
// k_EResultServiceUnavailable - ERROR: service temporarily down, you may retry later
// k_EResultLimitExceeded - ERROR: operation would exceed per-user inventory limits
// k_EResultFail - ERROR: unknown / generic error
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Find out the status of an asynchronous inventory result handle.)
EResult GetResultStatus( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *request = get_inventory_result(resultHandle);
if (!request) return k_EResultInvalidParam;
if (!request->result_done()) return k_EResultPending;
return k_EResultOK;
// Copies the contents of a result set into a flat array. The specific
// contents of the result set depend on which query which was used.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Copies the contents of a result set into a flat array. The specific contents of the result set depend on which query which was used.)
bool GetResultItems( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle,
STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( punOutItemsArraySize,Output array) SteamItemDetails_t *pOutItemsArray,
uint32 *punOutItemsArraySize )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *request = get_inventory_result(resultHandle);
if (!request) return false;
if (!request->result_done()) return false;
if (pOutItemsArray != nullptr)
uint32 max_items = *punOutItemsArraySize;
if (request->full_query) {
// We end if we reached the end of items or the end of buffer
for( auto i = items.begin(); i != items.end() && max_items; ++i, --max_items )
pOutItemsArray->m_iDefinition = i->first;
pOutItemsArray->m_itemId = i->first;
pOutItemsArray->m_unQuantity = 1;
pOutItemsArray->m_unFlags = k_ESteamItemNoTrade;
*punOutItemsArraySize = std::min(*punOutItemsArraySize, static_cast<uint32>(items.size()));
} else {
for (auto &itemid : request->instance_ids) {
if (!max_items) break;
pOutItemsArray->m_iDefinition = itemid;
pOutItemsArray->m_itemId = itemid;
pOutItemsArray->m_unQuantity = 1;
pOutItemsArray->m_unFlags = k_ESteamItemNoTrade;
else if (punOutItemsArraySize != nullptr)
*punOutItemsArraySize = items.size();
PRINT_DEBUG("GetResultItems good\n");
return true;
// In combination with GetResultItems, you can use GetResultItemProperty to retrieve
// dynamic string properties for a given item returned in the result set.
// Property names are always composed of ASCII letters, numbers, and/or underscores.
// Pass a NULL pointer for pchPropertyName to get a comma - separated list of available
// property names.
// If pchValueBuffer is NULL, *punValueBufferSize will contain the
// suggested buffer size. Otherwise it will be the number of bytes actually copied
// to pchValueBuffer. If the results do not fit in the given buffer, partial
// results may be copied.
bool GetResultItemProperty( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle,
uint32 unItemIndex,
const char *pchPropertyName,
STEAM_OUT_STRING_COUNT( punValueBufferSizeOut ) char *pchValueBuffer, uint32 *punValueBufferSizeOut )
return false;
// Returns the server time at which the result was generated. Compare against
// the value of IClientUtils::GetServerRealTime() to determine age.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Returns the server time at which the result was generated. Compare against the value of IClientUtils::GetServerRealTime() to determine age.)
uint32 GetResultTimestamp( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *request = get_inventory_result(resultHandle);
if (!request || !request->result_done()) return 0;
return request->timestamp();
// Returns true if the result belongs to the target steam ID, false if the
// result does not. This is important when using DeserializeResult, to verify
// that a remote player is not pretending to have a different user's inventory.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Returns true if the result belongs to the target steam ID or false if the result does not. This is important when using DeserializeResult to verify that a remote player is not pretending to have a different users inventory.)
bool CheckResultSteamID( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle, CSteamID steamIDExpected )
return true;
// Destroys a result handle and frees all associated memory.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Destroys a result handle and frees all associated memory.)
void DestroyResult( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
auto request = std::find_if(inventory_requests.begin(), inventory_requests.end(), [&resultHandle](struct Steam_Inventory_Requests const& item) { return item.inventory_result == resultHandle; });
if (inventory_requests.end() == request)
// Captures the entire state of the current user's Steam inventory.
// You must call DestroyResult on this handle when you are done with it.
// Returns false and sets *pResultHandle to zero if inventory is unavailable.
// Note: calls to this function are subject to rate limits and may return
// cached results if called too frequently. It is suggested that you call
// this function only when you are about to display the user's full inventory,
// or if you expect that the inventory may have changed.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Captures the entire state of the current users Steam inventory.)
bool GetAllItems( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests* request = new_inventory_result();
if (!definition_update_called) call_definition_update = true;
if (pResultHandle != nullptr)
*pResultHandle = request->inventory_result;
return true;
// Captures the state of a subset of the current user's Steam inventory,
// identified by an array of item instance IDs. The results from this call
// can be serialized and passed to other players to "prove" that the current
// user owns specific items, without exposing the user's entire inventory.
// For example, you could call GetItemsByID with the IDs of the user's
// currently equipped cosmetic items and serialize this to a buffer, and
// then transmit this buffer to other players upon joining a game.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Captures the state of a subset of the current users Steam inventory identified by an array of item instance IDs.)
bool GetItemsByID( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT( unCountInstanceIDs ) const SteamItemInstanceID_t *pInstanceIDs, uint32 unCountInstanceIDs )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
if (pResultHandle) {
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *request = new_inventory_result(false, pInstanceIDs, unCountInstanceIDs);
*pResultHandle = request->inventory_result;
return true;
return false;
// Serialized result sets contain a short signature which can't be forged
// or replayed across different game sessions. A result set can be serialized
// on the local client, transmitted to other players via your game networking,
// and deserialized by the remote players. This is a secure way of preventing
// hackers from lying about posessing rare/high-value items.
// Serializes a result set with signature bytes to an output buffer. Pass
// NULL as an output buffer to get the required size via punOutBufferSize.
// The size of a serialized result depends on the number items which are being
// serialized. When securely transmitting items to other players, it is
// recommended to use "GetItemsByID" first to create a minimal result set.
// Results have a built-in timestamp which will be considered "expired" after
// an hour has elapsed. See DeserializeResult for expiration handling.
bool SerializeResult( SteamInventoryResult_t resultHandle, STEAM_OUT_BUFFER_COUNT(punOutBufferSize) void *pOutBuffer, uint32 *punOutBufferSize )
PRINT_DEBUG("SerializeResult %i\n", resultHandle);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *request = get_inventory_result(resultHandle);
if (!request) return false;
if (!request->result_done()) return false;
uint8 buffer[8 + 128] = {};
memset(buffer, 0x5F, sizeof(buffer));
if (!punOutBufferSize) return false;
PRINT_DEBUG("Size %u\n", *punOutBufferSize);
if (!pOutBuffer) {
*punOutBufferSize = sizeof(buffer);
return true;
if (*punOutBufferSize < sizeof(buffer)) {
*punOutBufferSize = sizeof(buffer);
return false; //??
memcpy(pOutBuffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
*punOutBufferSize = sizeof(buffer);
return true;
// Deserializes a result set and verifies the signature bytes. Returns false
// if bRequireFullOnlineVerify is set but Steam is running in Offline mode.
// Otherwise returns true and then delivers error codes via GetResultStatus.
// The bRESERVED_MUST_BE_FALSE flag is reserved for future use and should not
// be set to true by your game at this time.
// DeserializeResult has a potential soft-failure mode where the handle status
// is set to k_EResultExpired. GetResultItems() still succeeds in this mode.
// The "expired" result could indicate that the data may be out of date - not
// just due to timed expiration (one hour), but also because one of the items
// in the result set may have been traded or consumed since the result set was
// generated. You could compare the timestamp from GetResultTimestamp() to
// ISteamUtils::GetServerRealTime() to determine how old the data is. You could
// simply ignore the "expired" result code and continue as normal, or you
// could challenge the player with expired data to send an updated result set.
bool DeserializeResult( SteamInventoryResult_t *pOutResultHandle, STEAM_BUFFER_COUNT(punOutBufferSize) const void *pBuffer, uint32 unBufferSize, bool bRESERVED_MUST_BE_FALSE)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
if (pOutResultHandle) {
struct Steam_Inventory_Requests *request = new_inventory_result(false);
*pOutResultHandle = request->inventory_result;
return true;
return false;
// GenerateItems() creates one or more items and then generates a SteamInventoryCallback_t
// notification with a matching nCallbackContext parameter. This API is only intended
// for prototyping - it is only usable by Steam accounts that belong to the publisher group
// for your game.
// If punArrayQuantity is not NULL, it should be the same length as pArrayItems and should
// describe the quantity of each item to generate.
bool GenerateItems( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) const SteamItemDef_t *pArrayItemDefs, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) const uint32 *punArrayQuantity, uint32 unArrayLength )
// GrantPromoItems() checks the list of promotional items for which the user may be eligible
// and grants the items (one time only). On success, the result set will include items which
// were granted, if any. If no items were granted because the user isn't eligible for any
// promotions, this is still considered a success.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(GrantPromoItems() checks the list of promotional items for which the user may be eligible and grants the items (one time only).)
bool GrantPromoItems( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle )
return true;
// AddPromoItem() / AddPromoItems() are restricted versions of GrantPromoItems(). Instead of
// scanning for all eligible promotional items, the check is restricted to a single item
// definition or set of item definitions. This can be useful if your game has custom UI for
// showing a specific promo item to the user.
bool AddPromoItem( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, SteamItemDef_t itemDef )
return false;
bool AddPromoItems( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) const SteamItemDef_t *pArrayItemDefs, uint32 unArrayLength )
return false;
// ConsumeItem() removes items from the inventory, permanently. They cannot be recovered.
// Not for the faint of heart - if your game implements item removal at all, a high-friction
// UI confirmation process is highly recommended.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(ConsumeItem() removes items from the inventory permanently.)
bool ConsumeItem( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, SteamItemInstanceID_t itemConsume, uint32 unQuantity )
// ExchangeItems() is an atomic combination of item generation and consumption.
// It can be used to implement crafting recipes or transmutations, or items which unpack
// themselves into other items (e.g., a chest).
// Exchange recipes are defined in the ItemDef, and explicitly list the required item
// types and resulting generated type.
// Exchange recipes are evaluated atomically by the Inventory Service; if the supplied
// components do not match the recipe, or do not contain sufficient quantity, the
// exchange will fail.
bool ExchangeItems( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayGenerateLength) const SteamItemDef_t *pArrayGenerate, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayGenerateLength) const uint32 *punArrayGenerateQuantity, uint32 unArrayGenerateLength,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayDestroyLength) const SteamItemInstanceID_t *pArrayDestroy, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayDestroyLength) const uint32 *punArrayDestroyQuantity, uint32 unArrayDestroyLength )
// TransferItemQuantity() is intended for use with items which are "stackable" (can have
// quantity greater than one). It can be used to split a stack into two, or to transfer
// quantity from one stack into another stack of identical items. To split one stack into
// two, pass k_SteamItemInstanceIDInvalid for itemIdDest and a new item will be generated.
bool TransferItemQuantity( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, SteamItemInstanceID_t itemIdSource, uint32 unQuantity, SteamItemInstanceID_t itemIdDest )
// Deprecated. Calling this method is not required for proper playtime accounting.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC( Deprecated method. Playtime accounting is performed on the Steam servers. )
void SendItemDropHeartbeat()
// Playtime credit must be consumed and turned into item drops by your game. Only item
// definitions which are marked as "playtime item generators" can be spawned. The call
// will return an empty result set if there is not enough playtime credit for a drop.
// Your game should call TriggerItemDrop at an appropriate time for the user to receive
// new items, such as between rounds or while the player is dead. Note that players who
// hack their clients could modify the value of "dropListDefinition", so do not use it
// to directly control rarity.
// See your Steamworks configuration to set playtime drop rates for individual itemdefs.
// The client library will suppress too-frequent calls to this method.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(Playtime credit must be consumed and turned into item drops by your game.)
bool TriggerItemDrop( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, SteamItemDef_t dropListDefinition )
//TODO: if gameserver return false
return true;
// Deprecated. This method is not supported.
bool TradeItems( SteamInventoryResult_t *pResultHandle, CSteamID steamIDTradePartner,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(nArrayGiveLength) const SteamItemInstanceID_t *pArrayGive, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(nArrayGiveLength) const uint32 *pArrayGiveQuantity, uint32 nArrayGiveLength,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(nArrayGetLength) const SteamItemInstanceID_t *pArrayGet, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(nArrayGetLength) const uint32 *pArrayGetQuantity, uint32 nArrayGetLength )
return false;
// Item definitions are a mapping of "definition IDs" (integers between 1 and 1000000)
// to a set of string properties. Some of these properties are required to display items
// on the Steam community web site. Other properties can be defined by applications.
// Use of these functions is optional; there is no reason to call LoadItemDefinitions
// if your game hardcodes the numeric definition IDs (eg, purple face mask = 20, blue
// weapon mod = 55) and does not allow for adding new item types without a client patch.
// LoadItemDefinitions triggers the automatic load and refresh of item definitions.
// Every time new item definitions are available (eg, from the dynamic addition of new
// item types while players are still in-game), a SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate_t
// callback will be fired.
STEAM_METHOD_DESC(LoadItemDefinitions triggers the automatic load and refresh of item definitions.)
bool LoadItemDefinitions()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
if (!definition_update_called) {
call_definition_update = true;
//real steam launches a SteamInventoryResultReady_t which is why I create a new inventory result
return true;
// GetItemDefinitionIDs returns the set of all defined item definition IDs (which are
// defined via Steamworks configuration, and not necessarily contiguous integers).
// If pItemDefIDs is null, the call will return true and *punItemDefIDsArraySize will
// contain the total size necessary for a subsequent call. Otherwise, the call will
// return false if and only if there is not enough space in the output array.
bool GetItemDefinitionIDs(
STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(punItemDefIDsArraySize,List of item definition IDs) SteamItemDef_t *pItemDefIDs,
STEAM_DESC(Size of array is passed in and actual size used is returned in this param) uint32 *punItemDefIDsArraySize )
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
if (!punItemDefIDsArraySize)
return false;
PRINT_DEBUG("array_size %u\n", *punItemDefIDsArraySize);
if (pItemDefIDs == nullptr)
*punItemDefIDsArraySize = items.size();
return true;
if (*punItemDefIDsArraySize < items.size())
return false;
for (auto& i : items)
*pItemDefIDs++ = i.first;
return true;
// GetItemDefinitionProperty returns a string property from a given item definition.
// Note that some properties (for example, "name") may be localized and will depend
// on the current Steam language settings (see ISteamApps::GetCurrentGameLanguage).
// Property names are always composed of ASCII letters, numbers, and/or underscores.
// Pass a NULL pointer for pchPropertyName to get a comma - separated list of available
// property names. If pchValueBuffer is NULL, *punValueBufferSize will contain the
// suggested buffer size. Otherwise it will be the number of bytes actually copied
// to pchValueBuffer. If the results do not fit in the given buffer, partial
// results may be copied.
bool GetItemDefinitionProperty( SteamItemDef_t iDefinition, const char *pchPropertyName,
STEAM_OUT_STRING_COUNT(punValueBufferSizeOut) char *pchValueBuffer, uint32 *punValueBufferSizeOut )
PRINT_DEBUG("GetItemDefinitionProperty %i %s\n", iDefinition, pchPropertyName);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
item_iterator item;
if ((item = items.find(iDefinition)) != items.end())
attr_iterator attr;
if (pchPropertyName != nullptr)
// Should I check for punValueBufferSizeOut == nullptr ?
// Try to get the property
if ((attr = item->second.find(pchPropertyName)) != items[iDefinition].end())
std::string const& val = attr->second;
if (pchValueBuffer != nullptr)
// copy what we can
strncpy(pchValueBuffer, val.c_str(), *punValueBufferSizeOut);
// Set punValueBufferSizeOut to the property size
*punValueBufferSizeOut = std::min(static_cast<uint32>(val.length() + 1), *punValueBufferSizeOut);
if (pchValueBuffer != nullptr)
// Make sure we have a null terminator
pchValueBuffer[*punValueBufferSizeOut-1] = '\0';
// Property not found
*punValueBufferSizeOut = 0;
PRINT_DEBUG("Attr %s not found for item %d\n", pchPropertyName, iDefinition);
else // Pass a NULL pointer for pchPropertyName to get a comma - separated list of available property names.
// If pchValueBuffer is NULL, *punValueBufferSize will contain the suggested buffer size
if (pchValueBuffer == nullptr)
// Should I check for punValueBufferSizeOut == nullptr ?
*punValueBufferSizeOut = 0;
for (auto& i : item->second)
*punValueBufferSizeOut += i.first.length() + 1; // Size of key + comma, and the last is not a comma but null char
// strncat always add the null terminator, so remove 1 to the string length
uint32_t len = *punValueBufferSizeOut-1;
*punValueBufferSizeOut = 0;
memset(pchValueBuffer, 0, len);
for( auto i = item->second.begin(); i != item->second.end() && len > 0; ++i )
strncat(pchValueBuffer, i->first.c_str(), len);
// Count how many chars we copied
// Either the string length or the buffer size if its too small
uint32 x = std::min(len, static_cast<uint32>(i->first.length()));
*punValueBufferSizeOut += x;
len -= x;
if (len && std::distance(i, item->second.end()) != 1) // If this is not the last item, add a comma
strncat(pchValueBuffer, ",", len--);
// Always add 1, its a comma or the null terminator
return true;
// Request the list of "eligible" promo items that can be manually granted to the given
// user. These are promo items of type "manual" that won't be granted automatically.
// An example usage of this is an item that becomes available every week.
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( SteamInventoryEligiblePromoItemDefIDs_t )
SteamAPICall_t RequestEligiblePromoItemDefinitionsIDs( CSteamID steamID )
// After handling a SteamInventoryEligiblePromoItemDefIDs_t call result, use this
// function to pull out the list of item definition ids that the user can be
// manually granted via the AddPromoItems() call.
bool GetEligiblePromoItemDefinitionIDs(
CSteamID steamID,
STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(punItemDefIDsArraySize,List of item definition IDs) SteamItemDef_t *pItemDefIDs,
STEAM_DESC(Size of array is passed in and actual size used is returned in this param) uint32 *punItemDefIDsArraySize )
// Starts the purchase process for the given item definitions. The callback SteamInventoryStartPurchaseResult_t
// will be posted if Steam was able to initialize the transaction.
// Once the purchase has been authorized and completed by the user, the callback SteamInventoryResultReady_t
// will be posted.
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( SteamInventoryStartPurchaseResult_t )
SteamAPICall_t StartPurchase( STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) const SteamItemDef_t *pArrayItemDefs, STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) const uint32 *punArrayQuantity, uint32 unArrayLength )
// Request current prices for all applicable item definitions
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( SteamInventoryRequestPricesResult_t )
SteamAPICall_t RequestPrices()
return 0;
// Returns the number of items with prices. Need to call RequestPrices() first.
uint32 GetNumItemsWithPrices()
bool GetItemsWithPrices( STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(pArrayItemDefs, Items with prices) SteamItemDef_t *pArrayItemDefs,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(pPrices, List of prices for the given item defs) uint64 *pCurrentPrices,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(pPrices, List of prices for the given item defs) uint64 *pBasePrices,
uint32 unArrayLength )
// Returns item definition ids and their prices in the user's local currency.
// Need to call RequestPrices() first.
bool GetItemsWithPrices( STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(pArrayItemDefs, Items with prices) SteamItemDef_t *pArrayItemDefs,
STEAM_ARRAY_COUNT(unArrayLength) STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(pPrices, List of prices for the given item defs) uint64 *pPrices,
uint32 unArrayLength )
PRINT_DEBUG("GetItemsWithPrices old\n");
return GetItemsWithPrices(pArrayItemDefs, pPrices, NULL, unArrayLength);
bool GetItemPrice( SteamItemDef_t iDefinition, uint64 *pCurrentPrice, uint64 *pBasePrice )
// Retrieves the price for the item definition id
// Returns false if there is no price stored for the item definition.
bool GetItemPrice( SteamItemDef_t iDefinition, uint64 *pPrice )
PRINT_DEBUG("GetItemPrice old\n");
return GetItemPrice(iDefinition, pPrice, NULL);
// Create a request to update properties on items
SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t StartUpdateProperties()
// Remove the property on the item
bool RemoveProperty( SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t handle, SteamItemInstanceID_t nItemID, const char *pchPropertyName )
// Accessor methods to set properties on items
bool SetProperty( SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t handle, SteamItemInstanceID_t nItemID, const char *pchPropertyName, const char *pchPropertyValue )
bool SetProperty( SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t handle, SteamItemInstanceID_t nItemID, const char *pchPropertyName, bool bValue )
bool SetProperty( SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t handle, SteamItemInstanceID_t nItemID, const char *pchPropertyName, int64 nValue )
bool SetProperty( SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t handle, SteamItemInstanceID_t nItemID, const char *pchPropertyName, float flValue )
// Submit the update request by handle
bool SubmitUpdateProperties( SteamInventoryUpdateHandle_t handle, SteamInventoryResult_t * pResultHandle )
void RunCallbacks()
if (call_definition_update || inventory_requests.size()) {
std::call_once(load_items_flag, [&]() {
std::thread items_load_thread(read_items_db, items_db_file, &items, &items_loaded);
if (items_loaded) {
if (call_definition_update) {
SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate_t data = {};
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
call_definition_update = false;
definition_update_called = true;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (auto & r : inventory_requests) {
if (!r.done && std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(now - r.time_created).count() > r.timeout) {
if (r.full_query) {
if (!full_update_called) {
// SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t callbacks are triggered when GetAllItems
// successfully returns a result which is newer / fresher than the last
// known result.
//TODO: should this always be returned for each get all item calls?
struct SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t data;
data.m_handle = r.inventory_result;
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
full_update_called = true;
struct SteamInventoryResultReady_t data;
data.m_handle = r.inventory_result;
data.m_result = k_EResultOK;
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
r.done = true;