2022-05-17 21:04:11 +02:00

358 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
# Copyright 2013-2022 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Base class for working-group-specific style conventions,
# used in generation.
from enum import Enum
# Type categories that respond "False" to isStructAlwaysValid
# basetype is home to typedefs like ..Bool32
# These are basic C types pulled in via openxr_platform_defines.h
'int8_t', 'uint8_t',
'int32_t', 'uint32_t',
'int64_t', 'uint64_t',
class ProseListFormats(Enum):
"""A connective, possibly with a quantifier."""
AND = 0
OR = 2
ANY_OR = 3
def from_string(cls, s):
if s == 'or':
return cls.OR
if s == 'and':
return cls.AND
return None
def connective(self):
if self in (ProseListFormats.OR, ProseListFormats.ANY_OR):
return 'or'
return 'and'
def quantifier(self, n):
"""Return the desired quantifier for a list of a given length."""
if self == ProseListFormats.ANY_OR:
if n > 1:
return 'any of '
elif self == ProseListFormats.EACH_AND:
if n > 2:
return 'each of '
if n == 2:
return 'both of '
return ''
class ConventionsBase:
"""WG-specific conventions."""
def __init__(self):
self._command_prefix = None
self._type_prefix = None
def formatExtension(self, name):
"""Mark up an extension name as a link the spec."""
return '`apiext:{}`'.format(name)
def null(self):
"""Preferred spelling of NULL."""
raise NotImplementedError
def makeProseList(self, elements, fmt=ProseListFormats.AND, with_verb=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Make a (comma-separated) list for use in prose.
Adds a connective (by default, 'and')
before the last element if there are more than 1.
Adds the right one of "is" or "are" to the end if with_verb is true.
Optionally adds a quantifier (like 'any') before a list of 2 or more,
if specified by fmt.
Override with a different method or different call to
_implMakeProseList if you want to add a comma for two elements,
or not use a serial comma.
return self._implMakeProseList(elements, fmt, with_verb, *args, **kwargs)
def struct_macro(self):
"""Get the appropriate format macro for a structure.
May override.
return 'slink:'
def external_macro(self):
"""Get the appropriate format macro for an external type like uint32_t.
May override.
return 'code:'
def makeStructName(self, name):
"""Prepend the appropriate format macro for a structure to a structure type name.
Uses struct_macro, so just override that if you want to change behavior.
return self.struct_macro + name
def makeExternalTypeName(self, name):
"""Prepend the appropriate format macro for an external type like uint32_t to a type name.
Uses external_macro, so just override that if you want to change behavior.
return self.external_macro + name
def _implMakeProseList(self, elements, fmt, with_verb, comma_for_two_elts=False, serial_comma=True):
"""Internal-use implementation to make a (comma-separated) list for use in prose.
Adds a connective (by default, 'and')
before the last element if there are more than 1,
and only includes commas if there are more than 2
(if comma_for_two_elts is False).
Adds the right one of "is" or "are" to the end if with_verb is true.
Optionally adds a quantifier (like 'any') before a list of 2 or more,
if specified by fmt.
Do not edit these defaults, override self.makeProseList().
assert(serial_comma) # did not implement what we did not need
if isinstance(fmt, str):
fmt = ProseListFormats.from_string(fmt)
my_elts = list(elements)
if len(my_elts) > 1:
my_elts[-1] = '{} {}'.format(fmt.connective, my_elts[-1])
if not comma_for_two_elts and len(my_elts) <= 2:
prose = ' '.join(my_elts)
prose = ', '.join(my_elts)
quantifier = fmt.quantifier(len(my_elts))
parts = [quantifier, prose]
if with_verb:
if len(my_elts) > 1:
parts.append(' are')
parts.append(' is')
return ''.join(parts)
def file_suffix(self):
"""Return suffix of generated Asciidoctor files"""
raise NotImplementedError
def api_name(self, spectype=None):
"""Return API or specification name for citations in ref pages.
spectype is the spec this refpage is for.
'api' (the default value) is the main API Specification.
If an unrecognized spectype is given, returns None.
Must implement."""
raise NotImplementedError
def should_insert_may_alias_macro(self, genOpts):
"""Return true if we should insert a "may alias" macro in this file.
Only used by OpenXR right now."""
return False
def command_prefix(self):
"""Return the expected prefix of commands/functions.
Implemented in terms of api_prefix."""
if not self._command_prefix:
self._command_prefix = self.api_prefix[:].replace('_', '').lower()
return self._command_prefix
def type_prefix(self):
"""Return the expected prefix of type names.
Implemented in terms of command_prefix (and in turn, api_prefix)."""
if not self._type_prefix:
self._type_prefix = ''.join(
(self.command_prefix[0:1].upper(), self.command_prefix[1:]))
return self._type_prefix
def api_prefix(self):
"""Return API token prefix.
Typically two uppercase letters followed by an underscore.
Must implement."""
raise NotImplementedError
def api_version_prefix(self):
"""Return API core version token prefix.
Implemented in terms of api_prefix.
May override."""
return self.api_prefix + 'VERSION_'
def KHR_prefix(self):
"""Return extension name prefix for KHR extensions.
Implemented in terms of api_prefix.
May override."""
return self.api_prefix + 'KHR_'
def EXT_prefix(self):
"""Return extension name prefix for EXT extensions.
Implemented in terms of api_prefix.
May override."""
return self.api_prefix + 'EXT_'
def writeFeature(self, featureExtraProtect, filename):
"""Return True if OutputGenerator.endFeature should write this feature.
Defaults to always True.
Used in COutputGenerator.
May override."""
return True
def requires_error_validation(self, return_type):
"""Return True if the return_type element is an API result code
requiring error validation.
Defaults to always False.
May override."""
return False
def required_errors(self):
"""Return a list of required error codes for validation.
Defaults to an empty list.
May override."""
return []
def is_voidpointer_alias(self, tag, text, tail):
"""Return True if the declaration components (tag,text,tail) of an
element represents a void * type.
Defaults to a reasonable implementation.
May override."""
return tag == 'type' and text == 'void' and tail.startswith('*')
def make_voidpointer_alias(self, tail):
"""Reformat a void * declaration to include the API alias macro.
Defaults to a no-op.
Must override if you actually want to use this feature in your project."""
return tail
def category_requires_validation(self, category):
"""Return True if the given type 'category' always requires validation.
Defaults to a reasonable implementation.
May override."""
def type_always_valid(self, typename):
"""Return True if the given type name is always valid (never requires validation).
This is for things like integers.
Defaults to a reasonable implementation.
May override."""
return typename in TYPES_KNOWN_ALWAYS_VALID
def should_skip_checking_codes(self):
"""Return True if more than the basic validation of return codes should
be skipped for a command."""
return False
def generate_index_terms(self):
"""Return True if asiidoctor index terms should be generated as part
of an API interface from the docgenerator."""
return False
def generate_enum_table(self):
"""Return True if asciidoctor tables describing enumerants in a
group should be generated as part of group generation."""
return False
def generate_max_enum_in_docs(self):
"""Return True if MAX_ENUM tokens should be generated in
documentation includes."""
return False
def extension_include_string(self, ext):
"""Return format string for include:: line for an extension appendix
file. ext is an object with the following members:
- name - extension string string
- vendor - vendor portion of name
- barename - remainder of name
Must implement."""
raise NotImplementedError
def refpage_generated_include_path(self):
"""Return path relative to the generated reference pages, to the
generated API include files.
Must implement."""
raise NotImplementedError
def valid_flag_bit(self, bitpos):
"""Return True if bitpos is an allowed numeric bit position for
an API flag.
Behavior depends on the data type used for flags (which may be 32
or 64 bits), and may depend on assumptions about compiler
handling of sign bits in enumerated types, as well."""
return True