2022-07-23 03:01:36 +02:00

498 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

#Requires -Version 5.0
# We are not using Powershell >= 6.0, as the only supported debugger (vscode powershell extension) breaks on complex code. See:
# This code can be run on PowerShell Core on any platform, but it is recommend to debug this code in Windows PowerShell ISE unless debugging happens to "just work" on your machine.
# Expect the fix to be out at around the end of 2020/beginning of 2021, at which point consider upgrading this script to PowerShell 7 the next time maintenance is necessary.
# -- Griffin Downs 2020-12-15 (@grdowns)
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
Changelog generator for vcpkg.
The changelog generator uses GitHub's Pull Request and Files API to get
pull requests and their associated file changes over the provided date range.
Then, the data is processed into buckets which are presented to the user
as a markdown file.
Get-Changelog -StartDate 11/1/20 -EndDate 12/1/20
$cred = Get-Credential
Get-Changelog -Credentials $cred
A "" file in the working directory. If the file already exists,
suffix is added to the filename and a new file is created to prevent overwriting.
Param (
# The begin date range (inclusive)
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
[ValidateScript({$_ -le (Get-Date)})]
# The end date range (exclusive)
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]
[ValidateScript({$_ -le (Get-Date)})]
# GitHub credentials (username and PAT)
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
if (-not $Credentials) {
$Credentials = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter GitHub Credentials (username and PAT)'
if (-not $Credentials) {
throw [System.ArgumentException]::new(
'Cannot process command because of the missing mandatory parameter: Credentials.'
function Get-AuthHeader() {
@{ Authorization = 'Basic ' + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(
"$($Credentials.UserName):$($Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password)")) }
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri '' -Headers (Get-AuthHeader $Credentials)
if ('X-OAuth-Scopes' -notin $response.Headers.Keys) {
throw [System.ArgumentException]::new(
"Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Credentials'. Incorrect GitHub credentials"
function Get-MergedPullRequests {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
[ValidateScript({$_ -le (Get-Date)})]
# The end date range (exclusive)
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]
[ValidateScript({$_ -le (Get-Date)})]
Begin {
$RequestSplat = @{
Uri = ''
Body = @{
state = 'closed'
sort = 'updated'
base = 'master'
per_page = 100
direction = 'desc'
page = 1
$Epoch = Get-Date -AsUTC
$DeltaEpochStart = ($Epoch - $StartDate).Ticks
$ProgressSplat = @{
Activity = "Searching for merged Pull Requests in date range: $($StartDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')) - $($EndDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))"
PercentComplete = 0
Write-Progress @ProgressSplat
$writeProgress = {
$ProgressSplat.PercentComplete = 100 * ($Epoch - $_.updated_at).Ticks / $DeltaEpochStart
Write-Progress @ProgressSplat -Status "Current item date: $($_.updated_at.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))"
Process {
while ($True) {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers (Get-AuthHeader $Credentials) @RequestSplat | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($_ in $response) {
foreach ($x in 'created_at', 'merged_at', 'updated_at', 'closed_at') {
if ($_.$x) { $_.$x = [DateTime]::Parse($_.$x,
[System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::AdjustToUniversal -bor [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::AssumeUniversal) }
if (-not $_.merged_at) { continue }
if ($_.updated_at -lt $StartDate) { return }
if ($_.merged_at -ge $EndDate -or $_.merged_at -lt $StartDate) { continue }
class PRFileMap {
function Get-PullRequestFileMap {
Param (
Begin {
$Pulls = [List[Object]]::new()
$ProgressSplat = @{
Activity = 'Getting Pull Request files'
PercentComplete = 0
$Count = 0
$WriteProgress = {
$ProgressSplat.Status = 'Getting files for: #{0} ({1}/{2})' -f $_.number, $Count, $Pulls.Length
$ProgressSplat.PercentComplete = 100 * $Count / $Pulls.Length
Write-Progress @ProgressSplat
Process {
$Pulls += $Pull
End {
Write-Progress @ProgressSplat
$ProgressSplat += @{ Status = '' }
$Pulls | ForEach-Object {
Pull = $_
Files = $(
$requestSplat = @{
Uri = '{0}/files' -f $_.number
Body = @{ page = 0; per_page = 100 }
do {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers (Get-AuthHeader $Credentials) @requestSplat | ConvertFrom-Json
} until ($response.Length -lt $requestSplat.Body.per_page)
class DocumentationUpdate {
function Select-Documentation {
Param (
Begin {
$UpdatedDocumentation = @{}
Process {
$PRFileMap.Files | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.filename -notlike 'docs/*') { return }
$new = $_.status -eq 'added'
if ($entry = $UpdatedDocumentation[$_.filename]) {
$entry.Pulls += $PRFileMap.Pull
$entry.New = $entry.New -or $new
} else {
$UpdatedDocumentation[$_.filename] = @{
Pulls = [List[Object]]::new(@($PRFileMap.Pull))
New = $new
End {
$UpdatedDocumentation.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
Path = $_.Key
Pulls = $_.Value.Pulls
New = $_.Value.New
function Select-InfrastructurePullRequests {
Param (
Process {
switch -Wildcard ($PRFileMap.Files | Foreach-Object {$_.filename}) {
"docs/*" { continue }
"ports/*" { continue }
"versions/*" { continue }
"scripts/ci.baseline.txt" { continue }
Default { return $PRFileMap.Pull }
class Version {
function Select-Version {
Param (
Begin {
$V = [Version]@{}
Process {
$regex = switch ($VersionFile.filename | Split-Path -Leaf) {
'vcpkg.json' {
Default { return }
$VersionFile.Patch -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -notmatch $regex) { return }
$m = $Matches
switch -Wildcard ($m.operation + $m.field) {
'Version*' { $V.Begin = $V.End = $m.version }
'-Version*' { $V.Begin = ($V.Begin, $m.version | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum }
'+Version*' { $V.End = ($V.End, $m.version | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum }
'Port-Version' { $V.BeginPort = $V.EndPort = $m.version }
'-Port-Version' { $V.BeginPort = ($V.BeginPort, $m.version | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum }
'+Port-Version' { $V.EndPort = ($V.EndPort, $m.version | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum }
End {
if (-not $V.Begin) { $V.Begin = $V.End }
elseif (-not $V.End) { $V.End = $V.Begin }
if (-not $V.BeginPort) { $V.BeginPort = '0' }
if (-not $V.EndPort) { $V.EndPort = '0' }
class PortUpdate {
function Select-UpdatedPorts {
Param (
Begin {
$ModifiedPorts = @{}
Process {
$PRFileMap.Files | Where-Object {
$_.filename -like 'ports/*/CONTROL' -or
$_.filename -like 'ports/*/vcpkg.json'
} | ForEach-Object {
$port = $_.filename.split('/')[1]
if ($entry = $ModifiedPorts[$port]) {
$entry.VersionFiles += $_
if (-not $entry.Pulls.Contains($PRFileMap.Pull)) { $entry.Pulls += $PRFileMap.Pull }
} else {
$ModifiedPorts[$port] = @{
VersionFiles = [List[Object]]::new(@($_))
Pulls = [List[Object]]::new(@($PRFileMap.Pull))
End {
$ModifiedPorts.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$versionFiles = $_.Value.VersionFiles
if (-not ($versionChange = $versionFiles | Select-Version)) { return }
function Find-File($x) { [bool]($versionFiles | Where-Object { $_.filename -like "*$x" }) }
function Find-NewFile($x)
{ [bool]($versionFiles | Where-Object { $_.filename -like "*$x" -and $_.status -eq 'added' }) }
Port = $_.Key
Pulls = $_.Value.Pulls
Version = $versionChange
New = (Find-NewFile 'CONTROL') -or (-not (Find-File 'CONTROL') -and (Find-NewFile 'vcpkg.json'))
$MergedPRs = Get-MergedPullRequests -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Credentials $Credentials
$MergedPRsSorted = $MergedPRs | Sort-Object -Property 'number'
$PRFileMaps = $MergedPRsSorted | Get-PullRequestFileMap -Credentials $Credentials
$sortSplat = @{ Property =
@{ Expression = 'New'; Descending = $True }, @{ Expression = 'Path'; Descending = $False } }
$UpdatedDocumentation = $PRFileMaps | Select-Documentation | Sort-Object @sortSplat
$UpdatedInfrastructure = $PRFileMaps | Select-InfrastructurePullRequests
$UpdatedPorts = $PRFileMaps | Select-UpdatedPorts
$NewPorts = $UpdatedPorts | Where-Object { $_.New }
$ChangedPorts = $UpdatedPorts | Where-Object { -not $_.New }
Write-Progress -Activity 'Selecting updates from pull request files' -Completed
Write-Progress -Activity 'Writing changelog file' -PercentComplete -1
$output = @"
vcpkg ($($StartDate.ToString('yyyy.MM.dd')) - $((($EndDate).AddSeconds(-1)).ToString('yyyy.MM.dd')))
#### Total port count:
#### Total port count per triplet (tested) (tentative): LINK TO BUILD
|triplet|ports available|
if ($UpdatedDocumentation) {
$output += @"
#### The following documentation has been updated:
$(-join ($UpdatedDocumentation | Sort-Object -Property 'Path' | ForEach-Object {
$PathWithoutDocs = ([string]$_.Path).Remove(0, 5) # 'docs/'
"- [{0}]({0}){1}`n" -f $PathWithoutDocs, ($(if ($_.New) { ' ***[NEW]***' } else { '' }))
$_.Pulls | ForEach-Object {
" - {0} (by @{1}, in #{2})`n" -f $_.title, $_.user.login, $_.number
if ($NewPorts) {
$output += @"
<summary><b>The following $($NewPorts.Length) ports have been added:</b></summary>
$(-join ($NewPorts | Sort-Object -Property 'Port' | ForEach-Object {
"|[{0}]({1})" -f $_.Port, $_.Pulls[0].html_url
if ($_.Pulls.Length -gt 1 ) {
$_.Pulls[1..($_.Pulls.Length - 1)] | ForEach-Object {
" #{0}" -f $_.number
"|{0}`n" -f $_.Version.End
if ($ChangedPorts) {
$output += @"
<summary><b>The following $($ChangedPorts.Length) ports have been updated:</b></summary>
$(-join ($ChangedPorts | Sort-Object -Property 'Port' | ForEach-Object {
"- {0} ``{1}#{2}``" -f $_.Port, $_.Version.Begin, $_.Version.BeginPort
' -> '
"``{0}#{1}```n" -f $_.Version.End, $_.Version.EndPort
$_.Pulls | ForEach-Object {
" - {0} (by @{1}, in #{2})`n" -f $_.title, $_.user.login, $_.number
if ($UpdatedInfrastructure) {
$output += @"
<summary>The following additional changes have been made to vcpkg's infrastructure:</summary>
$(-join ($UpdatedInfrastructure | ForEach-Object {
"- {0} (by @{1}, in #{2})`n" -f $_.title, $_.user.login, $_.number
Set-Content -Value $Output -Path $OutFile
Write-Progress -Activity 'Writing changelog file' -Completed