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synced 2025-03-16 13:48:25 +01:00
Merge branch 'main' of https://codeberg.org/ashley/poke
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 714 additions and 37 deletions
@ -380,9 +380,6 @@ a[data-onclick="jump_to_time"] {
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<% if (k.Video.Channel.Name == "7clouds") { %>
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@ -600,7 +597,98 @@ background-color: #0000;
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@ -616,9 +704,352 @@ background-color: #0000;
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function csts(seconds) {
var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor((seconds - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
var secs = Math.floor(seconds - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60));
if (hours === 0) {
var timeString = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' +
secs.toString().padStart(2, '0');
} else {
var timeString = hours.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' +
minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' +
secs.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return timeString;
function cstsRemaining(totalTimeInSeconds, elapsedTimeInSeconds) {
var remainingSeconds = totalTimeInSeconds - elapsedTimeInSeconds;
var hours = Math.floor(remainingSeconds / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor((remainingSeconds % 3600) / 60);
var secs = Math.floor(remainingSeconds % 60);
var timeString;
if (hours === 0) {
timeString = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + secs.toString().padStart(2, '0');
} else {
timeString = hours.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + secs.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return '-' + timeString;
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case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED:
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case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED:
document.querySelector("div p span").innerText = "(Network error or format not supported)"
document.querySelector("div p span").innerText = "(Unknown error)"
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document.querySelector("div p span").innerText = "(Network error)"
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let didFirstTimePlay = false;
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document.getElementById("play-pause").innerHTML = pauseSVG;
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//FIXME: saved playback intentionally overwritten
localStorage.setItem(`progress-${new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('v')}`, 0);
// Controls and high-res playback
//TODO - a
let setTime = false
const seekbar = document.getElementById("duration-slider")
const video = document.getElementById("video");
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const timestamps = document.getElementById("timestamps");
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shouldUseRemaining = true;
timestamps.innerText = `${cstsRemaining(video.duration, video.currentTime)}/${csts(video.duration)}`;
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timestamps.innerText = `${csts(video.currentTime)}/${csts(video.duration)}`;
// test
seekbar.addEventListener("input", (event) => {
canPlayPause = false;
if(qua != "medium") {
aud.currentTime = event.target.value
video.currentTime = event.target.value
canPlayPause = true;
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// Play/Pause
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video.addEventListener("play", ()=>{if(qua != "medium") {aud.play()}})
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document.querySelector("#muteOption #current").innerText = "25%"
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document.querySelector("#muteOption #current").innerText = "50%"
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document.querySelector("#muteOption #current").innerText = "75%"
case 0.75:
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document.querySelector("#muteOption #new").innerText = "0%"
document.querySelector("#muteOption #current").innerText = "100%"
element.volume = 1;
document.querySelector("#muteOption #new").innerText = "0%"
document.querySelector("#muteOption #current").innerText = "100%"
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else {
document.getElementById("syncOption").addEventListener("click", () => {
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video.currentTime > aud.currentTime ? aud.currentTime = video.currentTime : video.currentTime = aud.currentTime;
playPauseButton.innerHTML = pauseSVG;
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video.addEventListener("seeked", (event) => {
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video.pause(); aud.pause(); playPauseButton.innerHTML = playSVG;
aud.addEventListener("seeked", (event) => {
if(video.currentTime==0||aud.currentTime==0) return;
video.pause(); aud.pause(); playPauseButton.innerHTML = playSVG;
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function startPlayback() {
// Final prepare
seekbar.max = video.duration
const timestamps = document.getElementById("timestamps");
timestamps.innerText = `${csts(video.currentTime)}/${csts(video.duration)}`;
// Show controls
try {
playPauseButton.innerHTML = pauseSVG;
didFirstTimePlay = true;
catch {}
if(!setTime) {
//FIXME: saved playback intentionally overwritten
aud.currentTime = 0
vid.currentTime = 0
seekbar.value = 0
setTime = true
video.addEventListener("seeking", (event) => {
if(!didFirstTimePlay) return;
if(qua != "medium") {
canPlayPause = false;
aud.currentTime = event.target.currentTime
}, 500)
const aud = document.getElementById("aud");
const vid = document.getElementById("video");
function shouldPlay() {
if(vid.readyState === HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) {
aud.addEventListener("canplaythrough", shouldPlay);
vid.addEventListener("canplaythrough", shouldPlay);
<% if(shortsui) { %>
// Function to apply styles after DOM has loaded
function applyStyles() {
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styleElement.innerHTML = styles;
// Append the style element to the document head
// Event listener to call applyStyles after DOM has loaded
window.onload = applyStyles;
<% } %>
<% if (inv_vid.author.endsWith(' - Topic')) { %>
// Function to apply styles after DOM has loaded
function applyStyles() {
const styles = `
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width: fit-content;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
height: fit-content;
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margin-right: auto;
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const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
styleElement.innerHTML = styles;
// Append the style element to the document head
// Event listener to call applyStyles after DOM has loaded
window.onload = applyStyles;
<% } %>
<% if(dm) { %>
@ -700,28 +1131,16 @@ background-color: #0000;
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var player = videojs('video');
// Preload the icon image
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iconImage.src = "/css/yt-ukraine.svg";
<% if (!qua) { //TODO - a %>
let itag = '136'; // Default itag
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if (format.itag == '298') {
itag = '298';
{ type: "video/mp4", src: "<%=u%>/latest_version?id=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&itag=<%=itag%>&local=true" },
{ type: "audio/mp3", src: "<%=u%>/latest_version?id=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&itag=140&local=true" }
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// Wait for the icon image to load before showing it
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@ -843,7 +1262,7 @@ if your domain matches this code you are probably in poketube.fun owo:3
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<a href="/customize" style="text-decoration: none;" class="dropdown__item">
<i class="fa-light fa-brush"></i>
Customize Poke
Customize PokeTube
<a href="/account-create" style="text-decoration: none;" class="dropdown__item">
@ -994,7 +1413,13 @@ Offical Discord Server! :3
<div id="<%=sha384(inv_vid.videoId)%>" class="video-player-container">
<% if (!qua) { //TODO - a %>
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<audio id="aud"></audio>
<% } %>
<% if (!qua) { %>
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@ -1002,14 +1427,27 @@ Offical Discord Server! :3
<% } %>
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<div id="buffer-failed-warning" class="error-card">
Oh no, the video couldn't be loaded :(
You can try refreshing the page!
<video class="player video-ambient-container" id="video" style="border-radius: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 100%; display: block;" autoplay preload onerror="showErrorCard(event)">
<% if (isvidious) { %>
<% if (!qua) { %>
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let itag = '136'; // Default itag
inv_vid.adaptiveFormats.forEach(format => {
if (format.itag == '298') {
itag = '298';
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<% } %>
<% if (qua === "medium") { %>
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@ -1046,8 +1484,23 @@ Offical Discord Server! :3
<track src="/api/subtitles?v=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&h=<%= %>" label="<%= video.Subtitles.Subtitle.language.replace("United States","Simplified - USA") %>" kind="subtitles">
<% } %>
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<div id="seekbar">
<input type="range" min="0" step="any" value="0" id="duration-slider">
<p id="timestamps">...</p>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="any" value="1" id="volume-slider">
<% if (!a) { %>
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@ -2397,7 +2850,7 @@ a {
<source src="https://eu-proxy.poketube.fun/latest_version?id=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&itag=136&local=true" type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2"" label="hd720" selected="true">
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<% } %>
@ -541,6 +541,230 @@ font-weight: 1000;">You are not alone</h2>
<% } %>
const fakeNewsSources = {
"InfoWars": {
category: "conspiracy",
reason: "InfoWars has been widely criticized for promoting conspiracy theories and false information, such as falsely claiming that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.",
search: "Is it true that InfoWars promotes conspiracy theories and false information?"
"Breitbart": {
category: "conservative",
reason: "Breitbart is known for its extreme political bias and spreading misleading information, including downplaying the severity of COVID-19.",
search: "Is it true that Breitbart spreads misleading information about COVID-19?"
"Daily Mail": {
category: "tabloid",
reason: "The Daily Mail is frequently criticized for sensationalism and misinformation, such as publishing misleading health and science stories.",
search: "Is it true that the Daily Mail publishes misleading health and science stories?"
"Natural News": {
category: "pseudoscience",
reason: "Natural News promotes pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, including false vaccine claims and unverified health information.",
search: "Is it true that Natural News promotes pseudoscience and false vaccine claims?"
"RT news": {
category: "state-sponsored",
reason: "RT is a state-funded media outlet known for promoting Russian government perspectives and biased reporting on international issues.",
search: "Is it true that RT promotes Russian government perspectives and biased reporting?"
"Sputnik": {
category: "state-sponsored",
reason: "Sputnik spreads Russian state propaganda and publishes misleading information about Western countries.",
search: "Is it true that Sputnik spreads Russian state propaganda?"
"Before It's News": {
category: "conspiracy",
reason: "Before It's News is known for spreading conspiracy theories and fake news, including fabricated stories about global events.",
search: "Is it true that Before It's News spreads conspiracy theories and fake news?"
"Your News Wire": {
category: "conspiracy",
reason: "Your News Wire publishes false information and conspiracy theories, including fabricated reports on various topics.",
search: "Is it true that Your News Wire publishes false information and conspiracy theories?"
"WorldTruth.TV": {
category: "conspiracy",
reason: "WorldTruth.TV spreads conspiracy theories and pseudoscience, including false health information and other dubious claims.",
search: "Is it true that WorldTruth.TV spreads conspiracy theories and pseudoscience?"
"NewsPunch": {
category: "conspiracy",
reason: "NewsPunch publishes false information and conspiracy theories, including unsubstantiated claims about political figures.",
search: "Is it true that NewsPunch publishes false information and conspiracy theories?"
"Civic Tribune": {
category: "fake-news",
reason: "Civic Tribune is known for hoaxes and misinformation, including fabricated stories about political events.",
search: "Is it true that Civic Tribune is known for hoaxes and misinformation?"
"The Daily Stormer": {
category: "extremist",
reason: "The Daily Stormer promotes hate speech and extremist views, including anti-Semitic and other hateful content.",
search: "Is it true that The Daily Stormer promotes hate speech and extremist views?"
"Times of Israel": {
category: "state-sponsored",
reason: "Times of Israel has faced criticism for biased reporting and spreading propaganda, especially regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict.",
search: "Is it true that Times of Israel has biased reporting on the Israel-Palestine conflict?"
"Zero Hedge": {
category: "conspiracy",
reason: "Zero Hedge promotes conspiracy theories and financial misinformation, including false claims about market events.",
search: "Is it true that Zero Hedge promotes conspiracy theories and financial misinformation?"
"Pravda": {
category: "state-sponsored",
reason: "Pravda is a state-run media outlet known for spreading Russian government propaganda with a history of biased reporting on international events.",
search: "Is it true that Pravda spreads Russian government propaganda?"
"Press TV": {
category: "state-sponsored",
reason: "Press TV promotes Iranian government propaganda and often spreads biased information about Western countries.",
search: "Is it true that Press TV promotes Iranian government propaganda?"
"Fox News": {
category: "conservative",
reason: "Fox News is often criticized for extreme political bias and misinformation, such as its reporting on the 2020 US election.",
search: "Is it true that Fox News has extreme political bias and misinformation?"
"The Blaze": {
category: "conservative",
reason: "The Blaze promotes right-wing viewpoints and sometimes misleading information, including false claims about political figures.",
search: "Is it true that The Blaze promotes misleading information?"
"OANN": {
category: "conservative",
reason: "OANN spreads far-right viewpoints and conspiracy theories, including false claims about election fraud.",
search: "Is it true that OANN spreads far-right viewpoints and conspiracy theories?"
"Newsmax": {
category: "conservative",
reason: "Newsmax promotes extreme right-wing perspectives and misinformation, including false claims about the COVID-19 pandemic.",
search: "Is it true that Newsmax promotes extreme right-wing perspectives and misinformation?"
"Al Jazeera": {
category: "state-sponsored",
reason: "Al Jazeera, a Qatar state-funded media outlet, has a history of promoting government viewpoints and biased reporting on Middle Eastern conflicts.",
search: "Is it true that Al Jazeera promotes government viewpoints and biased reporting?"
"The Sun": {
category: "tabloid",
reason: "The Sun is known for sensationalism and often publishes exaggerated or false stories, particularly about celebrities and high-profile topics.",
search: "Is it true that The Sun publishes exaggerated or false stories?"
const normalizedQuery = q.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '');
const matchedSource = Object.keys(fakeNewsSources).find(source => normalizedQuery.includes(source.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '')));
if (q.includes('-debug-news')) {
<div class="container">
<h2 class="debug-title">
<span class="debug-icon">🔍</span> Debug Info
<p class="debug-intro">
Here are all the sources and their details:
<ul class="debug-list">
<% Object.keys(fakeNewsSources).forEach(source => { %>
<li class="debug-item">
<strong><%= source %></strong> - <%= fakeNewsSources[source].reason %> <br>
<a class="debug-link" href="https://www.google.com/search?q=<%= fakeNewsSources[source].search %>">Find more info</a>
<% }); %>
<% } else if (matchedSource) { %>
<div class="container">
<h2 class="warning-title">
<span class="warning-icon">🚫</span>
<br> Be Cautious with This Source
<p class="warning-intro">
Hai there! It looks like you might be looking at info from <strong><%= matchedSource %></strong>, which is known for spreading fake news or propaganda.
<p class="warning-tips">
Here are some quick tips to check if what you're reading is legit:
<ul class="tips-list">
<li class="tips-item"><strong>Check the source's rep:</strong> Reliable sites usually have a good track record for being accurate and fair.</li>
<li class="tips-item"><strong>See if other reputable sites are reporting the same news:</strong> If it's just one place, be cautious.</li>
<li class="tips-item"><strong>Use fact-checking sites:</strong> Try <a href="https://www.snopes.com/" class="fact-check-link">Snopes</a> or <a href="https://www.factcheck.org/" class="fact-check-link">FactCheck.org</a>.</li>
<li class="tips-item"><strong>Look at the publication date:</strong> Make sure it's current and not out of context.</li>
<li class="tips-item"><strong>Check for links and citations:</strong> Good articles usually back up their claims with evidence.</li>
<p class="warning-info">
For more info on why <strong><%= matchedSource %></strong> might not be reliable, check out a search for:
<ul class="warning-links">
<li><a class="warning-link" href="https://www.google.com/search?q=<%= fakeNewsSources[matchedSource].search %>"><%= fakeNewsSources[matchedSource].reason %></a></li>
<p>wrong filter? <a href="https://codeberg.org/ashley/poke/issues/new">Report :3</p>
<% } %>
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