## Why Poketube? - Works on Older browsers! - No like bloat css (unlike,LightTube) /s - Lyrics for songs! - No cookies,no data collection,no statistics - Javascript-free on frontend - No ads - See Dislike counts from [Return YouTube Dislike Api](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/) (see:[Line 22 of fetcher.js](https://github.com/iamashley0/poketube/blob/main/src/fetcher.js#L22)) - Uses LightTube api* - Custom sdk! *:we are planing to ditch LightTube api in the future ## How to self host or add a new public instance? good question lol - first,you have to install nodejs if you dont have it (prob you do tho) - then clone this url:https://github.com/iamashley0/poketube.git - open a terminal in the folder you cloned poketube,and type npm install - and then open a port in your local host via express - then,setup your domain - lastly,make a pr about adding your domain into domains.ejs ## Privacy Policy: We do not sell your data.