// ==UserScript== // @name LightTube Redirect Button // @namespace http://youtube.com // @version 0.1 // @description Adds a redirect button to the YouTube watch page to redirect to LightTube // @match https://www.youtube.com/* // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; const createLtButton = () => { let ltButton = document.createElement("button"); ltButton.onclick = () => { ltButton.innerHTML = "Loading proxy, please wait..."; ltButton.disabled = true; window.location = "https://lighttube.herokuapp.com/watch" + window.location.search; }; ltButton.innerHTML = "Proxy (lighttube)"; ltButton.id = "lighttube-button"; return ltButton; }; let ltButton = createLtButton(); // Add button whenever you can setInterval(() => { if (window.location.pathname === "/watch" && !document.getElementById("lighttube-button") && document.getElementById("sponsor-button")) { console.log("Inserted button!"); document.getElementById("sponsor-button").parentElement.insertBefore(ltButton, document.getElementById("sponsor-button")); } }, 1000); // Ping lighttube so it stays awake setInterval(() => { fetch("https://lighttube.herokuapp.com/").then(() => {}) }, 30000); console.log("Pog!"); })();