const { fetcher, core, wiki, musicInfo, modules, version, initlog, init, } = require("../libpoketube-initsys.js"); const { curly } = require("node-libcurl"); const { IsJsonString, convert, getFirstLine, capitalizeFirstLetter, turntomins, getRandomInt, getRandomArbitrary, } = require("../ptutils/libpt-coreutils.js"); const sha384 = modules.hash; /** * Parses a string to JSON, returns null if parsing fails. * @param {string} str - The input string to be parsed as JSON. * @returns {Object|null} - The parsed JSON object or null if parsing fails. */ function getJson(str) { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch { return null; } } /** * Object representing base64-encoded protobuf values for channel tabs. * @typedef {Object} ChannelTabs * @property {string} community - Base64-encoded value for the community tab. * @property {string} shorts - Base64-encoded value for the shorts tab. * @property {string} videos - Base64-encoded value for the videos tab. * @property {string} streams - Base64-encoded value for the streams tab. */ // see const ChannelTabs = { community: "Y29tbXVuaXR5", shorts: "c2hvcnRz", videos: "dmlkZW9z", streams: "c3RyZWFtcw==", // or "live" channels: "Y2hhbm5lbHM=", store: "c3RvcmU=", released: "cmVsZWFzZWQ=", playlist: "cGxheWxpc3Rz", }; module.exports = function (app, config, renderTemplate) { app.get("/download", async function (req, res) { try { var v = req.query.v; renderTemplate(res, req, "download.ejs", { v, color: await modules .getColors(`${v}/maxresdefault.jpg`) .then((colors) => colors[0].hex()), isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile, }); } catch { res.redirect("/"); } }); app.get("/old/watch", async function (req, res) { var v = req.query.v; var e = req.query.e; if (!v) res.redirect("/"); res.redirect(`/watch?v=${v}`); }); app.get("/api/getchanneltabs", async function (req, res) { res.json(ChannelTabs); }); app.get("/search", async (req, res) => { const query = req.query.query.replace("ohio", "things to do in ohio"); const tab =; const { fetch } = await import("undici"); var media_proxy = config.media_proxy; if (req.useragent.source.includes("Pardus")) { var media_proxy = ""; } var uaos = req.useragent.os; var IsOldWindows; if (uaos == "Windows 7" && req.useragent.browser == "Firefox") { IsOldWindows = true; } else if (uaos == "Windows 8" && req.useragent.browser == "Firefox") { IsOldWindows = true; } else { IsOldWindows = false; } const poketube_universe_value = "poketube_smart_search"; if (query) { let redirectTo = null; let splitParam = ":"; if (query.includes("")) { redirectTo = "/watch"; splitParam = "?v="; } else if (query.includes("channel")) { redirectTo = "/channel?id="; } else if (query.includes("video")) { redirectTo = "/watch?v="; } if (redirectTo) { try { const id = query.split(splitParam)[1]; res.redirect(`${redirectTo}${splitParam}${id}`); } catch { return; } } } if (query && query.startsWith("!") && query.length > 2) { res.redirect("" + query); } if (!query) { return res.redirect("/"); } let continuation = req.query.continuation || ""; let date = || ""; let type = "video"; let duration = req.query.duration || ""; let sort = req.query.sort || ""; try { const headers = {}; const xmlData = await fetch( `${config.invapi}/search?q=${encodeURIComponent( query )}&page=${encodeURIComponent( continuation )}&date=${date}&type=${type}&duration=${duration}&sort=${sort}&hl=en+gb` ) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((txt) => getJson(txt)); renderTemplate(res, req, "search.ejs", { invresults: xmlData, turntomins, date, type, duration, sort, IsOldWindows, tab, continuation, media_proxy_url: media_proxy, results: "", q: query, summary: "", }); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error while searching for '${query}':`, error); res.redirect("/"); } }); app.get("/im-feeling-lucky", function (req, res) { res.send("WIP"); }); app.get("/web", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("/"); }); app.get("/channel/", async (req, res) => { const { fetch } = await import("undici"); try { var media_proxy = config.media_proxy; if (req.useragent.source.includes("Pardus")) { var media_proxy = ""; } var ID =; if (ID.endsWith("")) { ID = ID.slice(0, -"".length); } if (ID.endsWith("")) { ID = ID.slice(0, -"".length); } const tab =; const cache = {}; try { // about const bout = await fetch(config.tubeApi + `channel?id=${ID}&tab=about`); const h = await bout.text(); var boutJson = JSON.parse(modules.toJson(h)); } catch { boutJson = " "; } const continuation = req.query.continuation ? `&continuation=${req.query.continuation}` : ""; const continuationl = req.query.continuationl ? `&continuation=${req.query.continuationl}` : ""; const continuations = req.query.continuations ? `&continuation=${req.query.continuations}` : ""; const sort_by = req.query.sort_by || "newest"; const getChannelData = async (url) => { try { return await fetch(url) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((txt) => getJson(txt)); } catch (error) { return null; } }; const apiUrl = config.invapi + "/channels/"; const channelUrl = `${apiUrl}${atob( ChannelTabs.videos )}/${ID}/?sort_by=${sort_by}${continuation}`; const shortsUrl = `${apiUrl}${ID}/${atob( ChannelTabs.shorts )}?sort_by=${sort_by}${continuations}`; const streamUrl = `${apiUrl}${ID}/${atob( ChannelTabs.streams )}?sort_by=${sort_by}${continuationl}`; const communityUrl = `${apiUrl}${atob( )}/${ID}/?hl=en-US`; const PlaylistUrl = `${apiUrl}${atob( ChannelTabs.playlist )}/${ID}/?hl=en-US`; const channelINVUrl = `${apiUrl}${ID}/`; const pronoun = "no pronouns :c"; var [tj, shorts, playlist, stream, c, cinv] = await Promise.all([ getChannelData(channelUrl), getChannelData(shortsUrl), getChannelData(PlaylistUrl), getChannelData(streamUrl), getChannelData(communityUrl), getChannelData(channelINVUrl), ]); var bannedchannels = ["UC1okSIA8UEY8OqvtjGHFvzA", "UClsVg5LkK2COQRo1mVS4taA", "UCIr4vkCsn0tdTW2xZ1jRG1g"]; var bypassQuery = "cG9rZXR1YmVjaGFubmVsYnlwYXNzbG9scGVvcGxldGhpbmt0aGlzaXNjZW5zb3JzaGlwLTQ1OTBh"; var bypassExists = req.query.bypass === bypassQuery; var tabExists = 'tab' in req.query; var continuationExists = 'continuation' in req.query; if (ID.includes(bannedchannels) && !bypassExists && !tabExists && !continuationExists) { var cinv = { error:`this channel may include disinformation. If you still wanna view content click here to bypass this restriction.` } } function getThumbnailUrl(video) { const maxresDefaultThumbnail = video.videoThumbnails.find( (thumbnail) => thumbnail.quality === "maxresdefault" ); if (maxresDefaultThumbnail) { return `${video.videoId}/maxresdefault.jpg`; } else { return `${video.videoId}/hqdefault.jpg`; } } cache[ID] = { result: { tj, shorts, stream, c, cinv, boutJson, }, timestamp:, }; if (cache[ID] && - cache[ID].timestamp < 3600000) { var { tj, shorts, stream, c, boutJson } = cache[ID].result; } const subscribers = convert(cinv?.subCount); const about = boutJson?.Channel?.Contents?.ItemSection?.About; const description = about?.Description.toString().replace( /\n/g, "
" ); const dnoreplace = about?.Description.toString(); if (continuation) { const currentAuthorId = String(cinv.authorId).trim(); const firstVideoAuthorId = String(tj?.videos[0].authorId).trim(); if (currentAuthorId.localeCompare(firstVideoAuthorId) !== 0) { res.status(400).send("Continuation does not match the channel :c"); } } let ChannelFirstVideoObject = { subCountText: "0", authorVerified: false, }; renderTemplate(res, req, "channel.ejs", { ID, tab, shorts, firstVideo: ChannelFirstVideoObject, j: boutJson, sort: sort_by, stream, tj, c, cinv, convert, turntomins, pronoun, media_proxy_url: media_proxy, dnoreplace, getThumbnailUrl, continuation, wiki: "", getFirstLine, isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile, about, playlist, subs: typeof subscribers === "string" ? subscribers.replace("subscribers", "") : "None", desc: dnoreplace === "[object Object]" ? "" : description, }); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to render channel page:", error); res.redirect("/"); } }); };