const { fetcher, core, wiki, musicInfo, modules, version, initlog, init, } = require("../libpoketube-initsys.js"); const { IsJsonString, convert, getFirstLine, capitalizeFirstLetter, turntomins, getRandomInt, getRandomArbitrary, } = require("../ptutils/libpt-coreutils.js"); var http = require("https"); var ping = require("ping"); const sha384 = modules.hash; function getJson(str) { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch { return null; } } module.exports = function (app, config, renderTemplate) { app.get("/app", async function (req, res) { let tab = ""; if ( { tab = `/?type=${capitalizeFirstLetter(}`; } const invtrend = await modules.fetch( `${tab}` ); const t = getJson(await invtrend.text()); let j = null; if (req.query.mobilesearch) { const query = req.query.mobilesearch; const continuation = req.query.continuation || ""; const search = await modules.fetch( `${query}&continuation=${continuation}` ); const text = await search.text(); j = getJson(modules.toJson(text)); } renderTemplate(res, req, "main.ejs", { tab:, isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile, mobilesearch: req.query.mobilesearch, inv: t, turntomins, continuation: req.query.continuation, j, }); }); app.get("/:v*?", async function (req, res) { const uaos = req.useragent.os; const browser = req.useragent.browser; const isOldWindows = (uaos === "Windows 7" || uaos === "Windows 8") && browser === "Firefox"; if (process.env.STATUSPAGE_API) { // The following 4 are the actual values that pertain to your account and this specific metric. var apiKey = process.env.STATUSPAGE_API; var pageId = process.env.STATUSPAGE_PAGEID; var metricId = process.env.STATUSPAGE_METRICID; var apiBase = ""; var url = apiBase + "/pages/" + pageId + "/metrics/" + metricId + "/data.json"; var authHeader = { Authorization: "OAuth " + apiKey }; var options = { method: "POST", headers: authHeader }; var totalPoints = (60 / 5) * 24; var epochInSeconds = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000); var count = 0 + 1; if (count > totalPoints) return; var currentTimestamp = epochInSeconds - (count - 1) * 5 * 60; // Measure server ping here var host = ""; // Replace with the server you want to ping ping.promise .probe(host) .then((result) => { var ping = result.time !== "unknown" ? parseInt(result.time) : -1; ping = Math.min(Math.max(ping, 20), 250); var data = { timestamp: currentTimestamp, value: ping, }; var request = http.request(url, options, function (res) { if (res.statusMessage === "Unauthorized") { const genericError = "Error encountered. Please ensure that your page code and authorization key are correct."; return console.error(genericError); } res.on("data", function () { console.log("Submitted point " + count + " of " + totalPoints); }); res.on("end", function () { }); res.on("error", (error) => { console.error(`Error caught: ${error.message}`); }); }); request.end(JSON.stringify({ data: data })); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Ping failed:", error); // Submit a default value if the ping fails var data = { timestamp: currentTimestamp, value: -1, // Use -1 to indicate ping failure }; var request = http.request(url, options, function (res) { // Handle response }); request.end(JSON.stringify({ data: data })); }); } const rendermainpage = () => { if (req.useragent.isMobile) { return res.redirect("/app?tab=search"); } return renderTemplate(res, req, "landing.ejs", { isOldWindows, }); }; if (req.params.v && /[a-zA-Z0-9]+/.test(req.params.v)) { const isvld = await core.isvalidvideo(req.params.v); if (isvld) { return res.redirect(`/watch?v=${req.params.v}`); } } return rendermainpage(); }); };