% try { %> <% if (!isMobile) { %> <% if(secure) { %><% } %><% if(!secure) { %><% } %>
<% if (e === false) { %> <% } %> <% if (!e) { %> <% } %>No Description On this Video ( sad innit :c )
<% } %> <% if (wiki.extract_html) { %>From wikipedia under CC-BY-SA 3.0
<% } %>
Views : <%=engagement.viewCount.toLocaleString()%>
Genre: <%-inv_vid.genre %>
Date of upload: <%=date%> ^^
Rating : <%=engagement.rating.toLocaleString()%> (<%=engagement.dislikes.toLocaleString()%>/<%=engagement.likes.toLocaleString()%> LTDR)
const likes = parseInt(engagement.likes) || 0;
const dislikes = parseInt(engagement.dislikes) || 0;
const total = likes + dislikes;
const likePercentage = total > 0 ? ((likes / total) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' : '0%';
const getPercentageColor = (percentage) => {
const num = parseFloat(percentage);
if (num >= 80) {
return 'green';
} else if (num >= 50) {
return 'orange';
} else {
return 'red';
const likeColor = getPercentageColor(likePercentage);
<%= likePercentage %> of the users lieked the video!!
RYD date created : <%=engagement.dateCreated.toLocaleString()%>
See in json
<% if (Array.isArray(inv_vid?.keywords)) { %>
<%- inv.error %>
<%- inv.errorBacktrace %>
Report this issue
Top Comments of this video!! :3
See how our lyrics search works:Here
<% } %> <% } %> <% if (lyrics && !r) { %>
Top Comments :3
Comments couldnt load ;-; (Report dis issue or refresh the god damn page lol)
<% } %> <% } %> <% if (inv == "Disabled") { %>Comments are disabled
<% } %> <% if (Array.isArray( inv.comments)) { %> <% inv.comments.forEach(x =>{ %>
<%- x.author%> <% if (x.verified) { %>
<% } %>
<%- x.publishedText %>
<%- x.author%> <% if (x.verified) { %>
<% } %>
<%- x.publishedText %>
<%- x.contentHtml %> <%- convert(x.likeCount) %> | <% if(x.creatorHeart) { %> <% } %>
<%- x.author%><% if (x.verified) { %><% } %>
<% } %><% if (x.authorIsChannelOwner) { %><%- x.publishedText %>
<%- x.author%><% if (x.verified) { %><% } %>
<%- x.publishedText %>
<% } %><%- x.contentHtml %>
<% if (x.likeCount === 0) { %> | <% } else { %> <%= convert(x.likeCount) %> | <% } %><% if(x.creatorHeart) { %> <% } %>