const { fetcher, core, wiki, musicInfo, modules, version, initlog, init, } = require("../libpoketube-initsys.js"); const { IsJsonString, convert, getFirstLine, capitalizeFirstLetter, turntomins, getRandomInt, getRandomArbitrary, } = require("../ptutils/libpt-coreutils.js"); const media_proxy = require("../libpoketube-video.js"); const atmos = require("../../../pokeatmosurls.json"); const sha384 = modules.hash; const fetch = modules.fetch; const htmlToText = require("html-to-text"); const encoding = require("encoding"); const delim1 = '
'; const delim2 = '
'; const url = ""; async function lyricsFinder(e = "", d = "") { let i; try { i = await fetch(`${url}${encodeURIComponent(d + " " + e)}+lyrics`); i = await i.textConverted(); [, i] = i.split(delim1); [i] = i.split(delim2); } catch (m) { try { i = await fetch(`${url}${encodeURIComponent(d + " " + e)}+song+lyrics`); i = await i.textConverted(); [, i] = i.split(delim1); [i] = i.split(delim2); } catch (n) { try { i = await fetch(`${url}${encodeURIComponent(d + " " + e)}+song`); i = await i.textConverted(); [, i] = i.split(delim1); [i] = i.split(delim2); } catch (o) { try { i = await fetch(`${url}${encodeURIComponent(d + " " + e)}`); i = await i.textConverted(); [, i] = i.split(delim1); [i] = i.split(delim2); } catch (p) { i = ""; } } } } const ret = i.split("\n"); let final = ""; for (let j = 0; j < ret.length; j += 1) { final = `${final}${htmlToText.fromString(ret[j])}\n`; } return String(encoding.convert(final)).trim(); } function toObject(arr) { var rv = {}; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) if (arr[i] !== undefined) rv[i] = arr[i]; return rv; } function lightOrDark(color) { // Variables for red, green, blue values var r, g, b, hsp; // Check the format of the color, HEX or RGB? if (color.match(/^rgb/)) { // If RGB --> store the red, green, blue values in separate variables color = color.match( /^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))?\)$/ ); r = color[1]; g = color[2]; b = color[3]; } else { // If hex --> Convert it to RGB: color = +("0x" + color.slice(1).replace(color.length < 5 && /./g, "$&$&")); r = color >> 16; g = (color >> 8) & 255; b = color & 255; } // HSP (Highly Sensitive Poo) equation from hsp = Math.sqrt(0.299 * (r * r) + 0.587 * (g * g) + 0.114 * (b * b)); // Using the HSP value, determine whether the color is light or dark if (hsp > 127.5) { return "light"; } else { return "dark"; } } function IsInArray(array, id) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].id === id) return true; } return false; } function getJson(str) { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch { return false; } } const PATREON_REGEX = /https:\/\/\/(?[\w\d_-]+)/ module.exports = function (app, config, renderTemplate) { app.get("/encryption", async function (req, res) { var v = req.query.v; const video = await modules.fetch(config.tubeApi + `video?v=${v}`); var fetching = await fetcher(v); const json =; const h = await video.text(); const k = JSON.parse(modules.toJson(h)); if (!v) res.redirect("/"); try { if ("Formats" in { //video const j =, j_ = Array.isArray(j) ? j[j.length - 1] : j; let url; if (j_.URL != undefined) url = j_.URL; //checks if json exists if (json) { //checks if title exists in the json object if ("Title" in json) { // json response const re = { main: { video_id: sha384(, channel: sha384(json.Channel.Name), title: sha384(json.Title), date: sha384(btoa(, }, video: { title: sha384(json.Title), url: sha384(url), }, }; res.json(re); } } } } catch { res.json("error in parsing"); } }); app.get("/watch", async function (req, res) { /* * QUERYS * v = Video ID * e = Embed * r = Recommended videos * f = Recent videos from channel * t = Piwik OptOut * q = quality obv * a = ambient mode */ var v = req.query.v; var e = req.query.e; var r = req.query.r; var f = req.query.f; var t = req.query.t; var q = req.query.quality; var a = req.query.a; const isvld = await core.isvalidvideo(v); if (!v) res.redirect("/"); const u = await media_proxy(v); var secure; var verify; if ( req.hostname == "" || req.hostname == "" || req.hostname == "" || req.hostname == "" ) { secure = true; } else { secure = false; } if (req.hostname == "") { verify = true; } else { verify = false; } try { const info = await modules.fetch(""); const jj = await info.text(); const ip = JSON.parse(jj); if (isvld) { => { if (data) { if ("video" in data) { const k =; const json = data.json; const engagement = data.engagement; var inv_comments = data.comments; const inv_vid = data.vid; //checks if json exists if (json) { //checks if title exists in the json object if ("Title" in json) { if (!data.comments) inv_comments = "Disabled"; if (! { var nnn = ""; var badges = ""; var comments = ""; } if (!v) res.redirect("/"); if (q === "medium") { var url = `${v}&itag=18&local=true`; } const desc = data.desc; if (d) { var d = desc.toString().replace(/\n/g, "
"); } if (d === "[object Object]") { var d = false; } if (String(json.Description) != "[object Object]"){ var support = (PATREON_REGEX.exec(json.Description) ?? {}).groups } renderTemplate(res, req, "poketube.ejs", { color: data.color, color2: data.color2, engagement: engagement, support, u, video: json, date: k.Video.uploadDate, e, a, k, verify, secure, process, sha384, lightOrDark, isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile, tj:, r: r, qua: q, inv: inv_comments, ip: ip, convert: convert, wiki:, f: f, t: config.t_url, optout: t, badges: badges, desc: desc, comments: comments, n: nnn, inv_vid, lyrics: "", }); } } } } else { res.redirect("/?fromerror=24"); } }); } else { res.redirect("/?fromerror=21"); } } catch { return res.redirect("/?fromerror=43"); } }); app.get("/lite", async function (req, res) { /* * QUERYS * v = Video ID * e = Embed * r = Recommended videos * f = Recent videos from channel * t = Piwik OptOut * q = quality obv */ var v = req.query.v; var e = req.query.e; var r = req.query.r; var f = req.query.f; var t = req.query.t; var q = req.query.quality; const info = await modules.fetch(""); const jj = await info.text(); const ip = JSON.parse(jj); const isvld = await core.isvalidvideo(v); if (isvld) { => { if (data) { if ( { const k =; const json = data.json; const engagement = data.engagement; var inv_comments = data.comments; const inv_vid = data.vid; if (json) { if (json.Title) { if (!data.comments) inv_comments = "Disabled"; if (! { var nnn = ""; var badges = ""; var comments = ""; } if (!v) res.redirect("/"); if (q === "medium") { var url = `${v}&itag=18&local=true`; } const desc = data.desc; if (d) { var d = desc.toString().replace(/\n/g, "
"); } if (d === "[object Object]") { var d = false; } renderTemplate(res, req, "lite.ejs", { color: data.color, color2: data.color2, engagement: engagement, video: json, date: k.Video.uploadDate, e: e, k: k, process: process, sha384: sha384, lightOrDark, isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile, tj:, r: r, qua: q, inv: inv_comments, ip: ip, convert: convert, wiki:, f: f, t: config.t_url, optout: t, badges: badges, desc: desc, comments: comments, n: nnn, inv_vid, lyrics: "", }); } } } } else { res.redirect("/"); } }); } else { res.redirect("/"); } }); app.get("/music", async function (req, res) { /* * QUERYS * v = Video ID * e = Embed * r = Recommended videos * f = Recent videos from channel * t = Piwik OptOut * q = quality obv */ var v = req.query.v; var e = req.query.e; var r = req.query.r; var f = req.query.f; var t = req.query.t; const info = await modules.fetch(""); const n = await info.text(); const ip = JSON.parse(n); if (!v) { res.redirect("/discover?tab=music"); } else { var fetching = await fetcher(v); const json =; const video = await modules.fetch(config.tubeApi + `video?v=${v}`); const h = await video.text(); const k = JSON.parse(modules.toJson(h)); if (!json.Channel.Name.endsWith(" - Topic")) { res.redirect(`/watch?v=${v}`); } if (req.useragent.isMobile) { res.redirect(`/watch?v=${v}`); } //video var url = `${v}/22`; // encryption var url_e = url + "?e=" + sha384( + sha384( + "Piwik" + sha384(config.t_url); const stringed = toObject(atmos); const search = what => atmos.find(element => === what); const mos = search(v) /* this is only for the alac codec being used * Copyright (c) 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_APACHE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_APACHE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ if (mos) { var url_e = mos.url + "?e=" + sha384( + sha384( + "Piwik" + sha384(config.t_url); } else { } // channel info const engagement = fetching.engagement; const channel = await modules.fetch( config.tubeApi + `channel?id=${}&tab=videos` ); const c = await channel.text(); const tj = JSON.parse(modules.toJson(c)); try { // info const song = await musicInfo.searchSong( { title: k.Video.Title, artist: json.Channel.Name.replace("- Topic", ""), }, 1000 ); if (!song) { res.redirect(`/watch?v=${v}`); } const lyrics = await lyricsFinder(song.artist + song.title); if (lyrics == undefined) ly = "This Is Where I'd Put The songs lyrics. IF IT HAD ONE "; var ly = ""; if (lyrics) { ly = lyrics.replace(/\n/g, "
"); } renderTemplate(res, req, "poketube-music.ejs", { url: url_e, info: song, color: await modules .getColors(song.artwork) .then((colors) => colors[0].hex()), engagement: engagement, process: process, ip: ip, video: json, date: modules.moment(k.Video.uploadDate).format("LL"), e: e, k: k, sha384: sha384, isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile, tj: tj, r: r, f: f, t: config.t_url, optout: t, lyrics: ly, }); } catch { return res.redirect("/?fromerror=43"); } } }); };