# see https://codeberg.org/Ashley/poke/issues/59 if you are having problems using poke

The Ultimate Privacy App

Be Anonymous watching epic videos, searching thingys on the interwebs and listening to music on poke - the free privacy front end!
[Welcome!](#welcome)   |   [Features](#features)   |   [No non-free codec needed](#no-non-free-codec-needed-3)   |   [Hosting Poke~](#hosting-poketube)   |   [Poke community!](#poketube-community)   |   [The Legal Stuff (boring tbh)](#the-legal-stuff-boring-tbh) Netweak status badge License - GPL-3
## Welcome! This is the source code of PokeTube, the privacy-friendly youtube front-end built with the InnerTube API!


Return Youtube Dislikes Built-in

See the dislikes from returnyoutubedislike!


Customize Poketube However you want :3


Install PokeTube as a pwa on your mobile device :3


Suscribe (yes Suscribe hehe sussy baka) to whaever channel you want!

Web Search

Search the web privatly on poketube :3


Ambient mode, HQ audio And Even more!!!!!

## Written by humans - not gpt poke is made by hard-working hoomans - not gpt :3
Written by Humanss, Not by AI ## No Non-free codec needed :3 Poke uses openh264 which is free software! poketube does not inculude non free stuff owowowoow!!!! you can view the source code of the openh264 codec in this repo :3 --> https://github.com/cisco/openh264.git PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SOFTWARE MAY INCULUDE CODECS THAT IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES MAY BE COVERED BY PATENTS OR HAVE LEGAL ISSUES. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT LAWS OPERATE DIFFERENTLY DEPENDING ON WHICH COUNTRY YOU ARE IN. PLEASE OBTAIN LEGAL ADVICE IF YOU ARE UNSURE WHETHER A PARTICULAR PATENT OR RESTRICTION APPLIES TO A CODEC YOU WISH TO USE IN YOUR COUNTRY. ## Hosting Poke~ ### With NodeJS - To self host your own Poke instance, you'll need the following: - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) - [npm](http://npmjs.com) (Included with Node.js) Once you have everything, clone our repo: ``` git clone https://codeberg.org/ashley/poke.git ``` You can also clone using our Github mirror if you'd prefer: ``` git clone https://github.com/ashley0143/poke.git ``` Or you can use our forgejo instance: ``` git clone https://git.poketube.fun/ashley/poke.gitt ``` Now, install the needed dependencies within the Poke folder: ( go to the folder by running cd pokee) ``` npm install ``` Once everythings installed, start your server with the following command: ``` node server.js ``` Congrats, Poketube should now be running on `localhost:6003`! ### With Docker Create a new directory for PokeTube: ``` mkdir poketube && cd poketube ``` Download the docker compose and config file: ``` curl -O https://codeberg.org/Ashley/poketube/raw/branch/main/docker-compose.yml ``` Run PokeTube: ``` docker compose up -d ``` PokeTube should be running on `http://localhost:6003`. The port can be changed with the config file you downloaded, just change the `server_port` option. ## Hosting Image Proxy see [here](https://codeberg.org/Ashley/poke/src/branch/main/january) :3 just uhh change the url in config.json to ur image proxy ## Poke community! Join the community on [revolt](https://rvlt.gg/poketube) or [matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#poke:vern.cc) :3 ## The Legal Stuff (boring tbh) the main parts of the project is Under GPL-3.0-OR-LATER :3 see the each sections LICENSE tho!! Copyleft 2021-202x Poke Project [Code Of conduct](https://codeberg.org/Ashley/poketube/src/branch/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) [Privacy Policy](https://poketube.fun/privacy) TL;DR: we dont collect or share your personal info, that's it lol. We additionally use the GNU Coding Standard, see [this link.](https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards)

some parts of poketube.fun is proudly hosted on glitch.com since 2020