<% if (!isMobile) { %> <% if (e === false) { %> <% } %> <% if (!e) { %> <% } %> <%=video.Title%> - PokeTube
<% if (!qua) { %> <% } %> <% if (qua) { %> <% } %>

if the video is not loading, try the sd quailty. if its buffering, refresh the page or wait for it to download it qwq (try using the arrow buttons on your keyboard to download the whole video faster.) if you still have problems using poketube, create an issue here.


<%=engagement.viewCount.toLocaleString()%> Total views - Uploaded on <%=date%> ^^

<% if (video.Channel.Name.endsWith(' - Topic')) { %> Listen to this song on poketube music! owo :3

<% }%> <%-String(video.Description).replace(/\n/g, "

<%= k.Video.Channel.subscriberCount %>

Encryption Information!

The Connection is secured with ECDSA with SHA-384 Signature Algorithm :3 (WHAT THE HELL IS ENCRYPTION ?! (ME DUM))

Click here for encryption info

<% if (!optout) { %> <% } %>
<% } %> <% if (isMobile) { %> <% if (e === false) { %> <% } %> <% if (!e) { %> <% } %> <%=video.Title%> - PokeTube Mobile
<%=engagement.viewCount.toLocaleString()%> Views - Uploaded on <%=date%> :3


<%-String(video.Description).replace(/\n/g, "

<% if (!optout) { %> <% } %>
<% } %>