We dont collect or share your personal information,period.

thats our privacy policy TL;DR

see history (last update 29.06.2022)

Poketube does not collect or share personal information,period. poketube is a free software that you can fork it yourself. you can see the repo here.

Information Not Collected

TL;DR:We dont collect your personal information,period.

When you watch a video at PokeTube, we don't know who you are and there is no way to tie the videos you are wathcing.

When you access a website, your Web browser automatically sends information about your computer. (e.g. your User agent and IP address.)

Because this information could be used to link you to your peronsal information, we do not log (store) it at all. This is a very unusual practice, but we feel it is an important step to protect your privacy.

It is unusual for a reason. most server software auto-stores this information, so you have to go out of your way not to store it. At PokeTube, no cookies are used by default.

Information Collected

TL;DR: we use stats to see how much poketube users watched a video. this process does not collect any of your personal information. (Read the full policy for more information)

We use a tool called Matomo to collect "information." you migth see requests to t.poketube.fun while watching a video. we use clear gifs to collect "infomration." This Migth Look as an tracking technique,but its not. it allows us to see how much poketube users watched this video,we dont collect your ip or any of your personal information while making this. we promise.

Since piwik collects alot of information from you by default (See:https://matomo.org/tracking-personal-data-with-matomo/) in our istance of piwik,we dont collect information at all. every information collection method is closed on our istance. if you want a proof of that,you can always contact us.

Your ip adress is not collected,at all. but since matomo requires you to collect ip adress information,we made it so it does not collect any (and we mean any) information thats tied w/ you.

This is of course not the kind of behavior that you would expect from a privacy concerned website (using clear gifs to collect "anonymous" stats). but we promise that we are not tracking you or collecting any information from you. fingers crossed.


Tools we use

We use ReturnYoutubeDislike's api to get dislike information. your ip adress is not collected.
We use LightTube's api to get ;
- Video information
- Recomended videos
- Channel information
No personal informaation is collected by the tools we use.


I (Ashley) am the founder of Poketube and personally wrote this privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please submit feedback on github.