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2023-10-31 16:05:57 +01:00
/* Upswing (aka windup) is the first phase of the attack (between clicking and performing the damage).
Typical duration of upswing is `weapon cooldown * 0.5`. (Weapon specific upswing values can be defined in weapon attributes)
This config allows you to change upswing duration.
Example values:
- `0.5` (default, fast paced attack initiation) upswing typically lasts 25% of the attack cooldown
- `1.0` (classic setting, realistic attack initiation) upswing typically lasts 50% of the attack cooldown
"upswing_multiplier": 0.5,
// Bypass damage receive throttling of LivingEntity from player attacks.
"allow_fast_attacks": true,
// Allows client-side target search and server-side attack request execution against currently mounted entity of the player
"allow_attacking_mount": false,
// The minimum number of ticks between two attacks
"attack_interval_cap": 2,
/* Blacklist for entities that are acting as vehicle but should not be treated as protected mounts.
Classical example is an alexsmobs:crocodile attempting a death spin.
(Note all hostile mobs hittable by default, this config is to fix faulty mobs)
"hostile_player_vehicles": [
// Allows vanilla sweeping mechanic to work and Sweeping Edge enchantment
"allow_vanilla_sweeping": false,
// Allows new sweeping mechanic (by Better Combat) to work, including Sweeping Edge enchantment
"allow_reworked_sweeping": true,
/* The more additional targets a weapon swing hits, the weaker it will get.
Entities struck (+1) in a swing more than this, won't get weakened any further.
"reworked_sweeping_extra_target_count": 4,
/* Determines how weak the attack becomes when striking `reworked_sweeping_extra_target_count + 1` targets.
Example values:
- `0.5` -50% damage
"reworked_sweeping_maximum_damage_penalty": 0.5,
/* The maximum level Sweeping Edge enchantment applied to the attackers weapon will restore this amount of penalty.
Example values:
- `0.5` restores 50% damage penalty when 3 levels are applied, so 16.66% when 1 level is applied
"reworked_sweeping_enchant_restores": 0.5,
"reworked_sweeping_plays_sound": true,
"reworked_sweeping_emits_particles": true,
"reworked_sweeping_sound_and_particles_only_for_swords": true,
// Allows client-side target search to ignore obstacles. WARNING! Setting this to `false` significantly increases the load on clients.
"allow_attacking_thru_walls": false,
// Applies movement speed multiplier while attacking. (Min: 0, Max: 1). Use `0` for a full stop while attacking. Use `1` for no movement speed penalty
"movement_speed_while_attacking": 0.5,
// Determines if applying the movement speed multiplier while attacking is done smoothly or instantly
"movement_speed_applied_smoothly": true,
// Determines whether or not to apply movement speed reduction while attacking mounted
"movement_speed_effected_while_mounting": false,
// Attacks faster than a vanilla sword will do smaller knockback, proportionally.
"knockback_reduced_for_fast_attacks": true,
// Combo is reset after idling `combo_reset_rate * weapon_cooldown`
"combo_reset_rate": 3.0,
// Multiplier for `attack_range`, during target lookup on both sides. Large sized entities may be colliding with weapon hitbox, but center of entities can have bigger distance than `attack_range`
"target_search_range_multiplier": 2.0,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_attack_speed_multiplier": 1.2000000476837158,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_main_hand_damage_multiplier": 1.0,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_off_hand_damage_multiplier": 1.0,
/* Relations determine when players' undirected weapon swings (cleaves) will hurt another entity (target).
- `FRIENDLY` - The target can never be damaged by the player.
- `NEUTRAL` - The target can be damaged only if the player is directly looking at it.
- `HOSTILE` - The target can be damaged if located within the weapon swing area.
(NOTE: Vanilla sweeping can still hit targets, if not disabled via `allow_sweeping`)
The various relation related configs are being checked in the following order:
- `player_relations`
- `player_relation_to_passives`
- `player_relation_to_hostiles`
- `player_relation_to_other`
(The first relation to be found for the target will be applied.)
"player_relations": {
"minecraft:player": "NEUTRAL",
"minecraft:villager": "NEUTRAL",
"minecraft:iron_golem": "NEUTRAL",
"guardvillagers:guard": "NEUTRAL"
// Relation to unspecified entities those are instance of PassiveEntity(Yarn)
"player_relation_to_passives": "HOSTILE",
// Relation to unspecified entities those are instance of HostileEntity(Yarn)
"player_relation_to_hostiles": "HOSTILE",
// Fallback relation
"player_relation_to_other": "HOSTILE",
// Try to guess and apply a preset for items without weapon attributes data file
"fallback_compatibility_enabled": true,
// Allow printing the content of weapon attributes registry
"weapon_registry_logging": false