This commit is contained in:
Ashley Graves 2023-10-31 16:05:57 +01:00
commit a1893e1d21
253 changed files with 146536 additions and 0 deletions

config/Adorn.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// How items will be grouped in Adorn's creative tab
"groupItems": "BY_MATERIAL",
// Client-side settings
"client": {
// If true, floating tooltips are shown above trading stations.
"showTradingStationTooltips": true,
// If true, Adorn items will also be shown in matching vanilla item tabs.
"showItemsInStandardGroups": true,
// The fluid unit to show fluid amounts in. Options: [litres, droplets]
"displayedFluidUnit": "litres"
// Default values for game rules in new worlds
"gameRuleDefaults": {
// If true, sleeping on sofas can skip the night.
"skipNightOnSofas": true,
// If true, kitchen sinks are infinite sources for infinite fluids.
"infiniteKitchenSinks": true,
// If true, broken trading stations drop a locked version with their contents inside.
"dropLockedTradingStations": true
// Mod compatibility toggles (enabled: true, disabled: false)
"compat": {
"byg": true,
"traverse": true,
"terrestria": true,
"cinderscapes": true,
"blockus": true,
"promenade": true,
"woods_and_mires": true,
"towelette": true,
"biomemakeover": true,
"techreborn": true

config/DistantHorizons.toml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
# Should Distant Horizon's config button appear in the options screen next to fov slider?
optionsButton = true
# What method should be used to upload geometry to the GPU?
# AUTO: Picks the best option based on the GPU you have.
# BUFFER_STORAGE: Default if OpenGL 4.5 is supported.
# Fast rendering, no stuttering.
# SUB_DATA: Backup option for NVIDIA.
# Fast rendering but may stutter when uploading.
# BUFFER_MAPPING: Slow rendering but won't stutter when uploading.
# Generally the best option for integrated GPUs.
# Default option for AMD/Intel if OpenGL 4.5 isn't supported.
# May end up storing buffers in System memory.
# Fast rendering if in GPU memory, slow if in system memory,
# but won't stutter when uploading.
# DATA: Fast rendering but will stutter when uploading.
# Backup option for AMD/Intel.
# Fast rendering but may stutter when uploading.
# If you don't see any difference when changing these settings,
# or the world looks corrupted: restart your game.
gpuUploadMethod = "AUTO"
# If true geometry data will be uploaded on a DH controlled thread, reducing FPS stuttering.
# If false uploading will be done on Minecraft's main rendering thread.
# Setting this to false may reduce crashes or corrupted geometry on systems with an AMD GPU when Sodium is installed.
gpuUploadAsync = true
# How long should a buffer wait per Megabyte of data uploaded?
# Helpful resource for frame times:
# Longer times may reduce stuttering but will make LODs
# transition and load slower. Change this to [0] for no timeout.
# Before changing this config, try changing the "GPU Upload method" first.
gpuUploadPerMegabyteInMilliseconds = 0
# Determines how long must pass between LOD chunk updates before another.
# update can occur
# Increasing this value will reduce CPU load but may may cause
# LODs to become outdated more frequently or for longer.
minTimeBetweenChunkUpdatesInSeconds = 1
# If DH should use the nightly (provided by Gitlab), or stable (provided by Modrinth) build
updateBranch = "NIGHTLY"
# Automatically check for updates on game launch?
enableAutoUpdater = true
# Should Distant Horizons silently, automatically download and install new versions?
enableSilentUpdates = true
# How many threads should be used when building LODs?
# These threads run when terrain is generated, when
# certain graphics settings are changed, and when moving around the world.
# Multi-threading Note:
# If the total thread count in Distant Horizon's config is more threads than your CPU has cores,
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate.
# This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain.
numberOfLodBuilderThreads = 1
# Should only be disabled if deadlock occurs and LODs refuse to update.
# This will cause CPU usage to drastically increase for the Lod Builder threads.
# Note that if deadlock did occur restarting MC may be necessary to stop the locked threads.
enableLodBuilderThreadLimiting = true
# If this value is less than 1.0, it will be treated as a percentage
# of time each thread can run before going idle.
# This can be used to reduce CPU usage if the thread count
# is already set to 1 for the given option, or more finely
# tune CPU performance.
runTimeRatioForWorldGenerationThreads = 0.25
# If this value is less than 1.0, it will be treated as a percentage
# of time each thread can run before going idle.
# This can be used to reduce CPU usage if the thread count
# is already set to 1 for the given option, or more finely
# tune CPU performance.
runTimeRatioForLodBuilderThreads = 0.1
# If this value is less than 1.0, it will be treated as a percentage
# of time each thread can run before going idle.
# This can be used to reduce CPU usage if the thread count
# is already set to 1 for the given option, or more finely
# tune CPU performance.
runTimeRatioForFileHandlerThreads = 0.25
# How many threads should be used when reading in LOD data from disk?
# Increasing this number will cause LODs to load in faster,
# but may cause lag when loading a new world or when
# quickly flying through existing LODs.
# Multi-threading Note:
# If the total thread count in Distant Horizon's config is more threads than your CPU has cores,
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate.
# This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain.
numberOfFileHandlerThreads = 1
# How many threads should be used when generating LOD
# chunks outside the normal render distance?
# If you experience stuttering when generating distant LODs,
# decrease this number.
# If you want to increase LOD
# generation speed, increase this number.
# Multi-threading Note:
# If the total thread count in Distant Horizon's config is more threads than your CPU has cores,
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate.
# This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain.
numberOfWorldGenerationThreads = 1
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the renderer OpenGL process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log performance about the world generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
logWorldGenPerformance = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_FILE"
# If enabled, the mod will log information about file sub-dimension operations.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about file read/write operations.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about network operations.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the renderer buffer process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the LOD generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the world generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the world generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled this will disable (most) vanilla Minecraft rendering.
# NOTE: Do not report any issues when this mode is on!
# This setting is only for fun and debugging.
# Mod compatibility is not guaranteed.
lodOnlyMode = false
# Stops vertex colors from being passed.
# Useful for debugging shaders
enableWhiteWorld = false
# What renderer is active?
# DEFAULT: Default lod renderer
# DEBUG: Debug testing renderer
# DISABLED: Disable rendering
rendererMode = "DEFAULT"
# If enabled the LODs will render as wireframe.
renderWireframe = false
# If true the F8 key can be used to cycle through the different debug modes.
# and the F6 key can be used to enable and disable LOD rendering.
enableDebugKeybindings = false
# Should specialized colors/rendering modes be used?
# OFF: Fake chunks will be drawn with their normal colors.
# SHOW_DETAIL: Fake chunks color will be based on their detail level.
# SHOW_GENMODE: Fake chunks color will be based on their distant generation mode.
# SHOW_OVERLAPPING_QUADS: Fake chunks will be drawn with total white, but overlapping quads will be drawn with red.
# but overlapping quads will be drawn with red, drawn as a wireframe.
debugRendering = "OFF"
# Render LOD section status?
showRenderSectionStatus = false
# Render queued world gen tasks?
showWorldGenQueue = false
# Render render data file status?
showRenderDataFileStatus = false
# If enabled, various wireframes for debugging internal functions will be drawn.
# NOTE: There WILL be performance hit!
# Additionally, only stuff that's loaded after you enable this
# will render their debug wireframes.
enableRendering = false
# Render full data file sampling progress?
showFullDataFileSampling = false
# Render full data file status?
showFullDataFileStatus = false
# Requires a reboot to change.
overrideVanillaGLLogger = true
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# Defines the OpenGL context type Distant Horizon's will create.
# Generally this should be left as [CORE] unless there is an issue with your GPU driver.
# Possible values: [CORE],[COMPAT],[ANY]
glProfileMode = "CORE"
# Defines how OpenGL errors are handled.
# May incorrectly catch OpenGL errors thrown by other mods.
# IGNORE: Do nothing.
# LOG: write an error to the log.
# LOG_THROW: write to the log and throw an exception.
# Warning: this should only be enabled when debugging the LOD renderer
# as it may break Minecraft's renderer when an exception is thrown.
glErrorHandlingMode = "LOG"
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# If true Distant Horizon's OpenGL contexts will be created with legacy OpenGL methods disabled.
# Distant Horizons doesn't use any legacy OpenGL methods so normally this should be disabled.
enableGlForwardCompatibilityMode = true
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# Note: setting to an invalid version may also cause the game to crash.
# Leaving this value at causes DH to try all supported GL versions.
# Defines the requested OpenGL context major version Distant Horizons will create.
# Possible values (DH requires 3.2 or higher at minimum):
# 4.6, 4.5, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
# 3.3, 3.2
glContextMajorVersion = 0
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# If true Distant Horizon's OpenGL contexts will be created with debugging enabled.
# This allows for enhanced debugging but may throw warnings for other mods or active overlay software.
enableGlDebugContext = true
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# Note: setting to an invalid version may also cause the game to crash.
# Defines the requested OpenGL context major version Distant Horizons will create.
# Possible values (DH requires 3.2 or higher at minimum):
# 4.6, 4.5, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
# 3.3, 3.2
glContextMinorVersion = 0
shortTest = "69"
mapTest = "{}"
byteTest = "8"
longTest = "42069"
listTest = ["option 1", "option 2", "option 3"]
boolTest = false
doubleTest = 420.69
floatTest = "0.42069"
linkableTest = 420
intTest = 69420
stringTest = "Test input box"
# Determines how many points in space are sampled for the occlusion test.
# Higher numbers will improve quality and reduce banding, but will increase GPU load.
sampleCount = 6
# Determines how dark the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect will be.
strength = 0.2
# The radius, measured in pixels, that blurring is calculated for the SSAO.
# Higher numbers will reduce banding at the cost of GPU performance.
blurRadius = 2
# Increasing the value can reduce banding at the cost of reducing the strength of the effect.
bias = 0.02
# Determines how dark the occlusion shadows can be.
# 0 = totally black at the corners
# 1 = no shadow
minLight = 0.25
# Determines the radius Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is applied, measured in blocks.
radius = 4.0
# Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
enabled = false
# What the value should vanilla Minecraft's texture LodBias be?
# If set to 0 the mod wont overwrite vanilla's default (which so happens to also be 0)
lodBias = 0.0
# Determines how far Distant Horizon's near clip plane will render.
# Higher values will prevent LODs from rendering behind vanilla blocks at a higher distance,
# but may cause holes to appear in the LODs.
# Holes are most likely at the left and right edges of the screen
# when flying through unloaded terrain.
# Increasing the vanilla render distance increases the effectiveness of these options.
overdrawPrevention = "MEDIUM"
# Buggy experimental option that will attempt to match up
# Distant Horizons' and Minecraft's near/far clip planes,
# reducing overdraw.
# Only functional on Fabric.
# Works best with an overdraw prevention setting of MEDIUM or higher
# and cave culling is disabled.
seamlessOverdraw = false
# How bright LOD colors are.
# 0 = black
# 1 = normal
# 2 = near white
brightnessMultiplier = 1.0
# If enabled caves will be culled
# NOTE: This feature is under development and
# it is VERY experimental! Please don't report
# any issues related to this feature.
# Additional Info: Currently this cull all faces
# with skylight value of 0 in dimensions that
# does not have a ceiling.
enableCaveCulling = true
# At what Y value should cave culling start?
caveCullingHeight = 40
# How should LODs be shaded?
# MINECRAFT: Uses the same side shading as vanilla Minecraft blocks.
# OLD_LIGHTING: Simulates Minecraft's block shading for LODs.
# Can be used to force LOD shading when using some shaders.
# NONE: All LOD sides will be rendered with the same brightness.
lodShading = "MINECRAFT"
# How saturated LOD colors are.
# 0 = black and white
# 1 = normal
# 2 = very saturated
saturationMultiplier = 1.0
# This is the earth size ratio when applying the curvature shader effect.
# Note: Enabling this feature may cause rendering bugs.
# 0 = flat/disabled
# 1 = 1 to 1 (6,371,000 blocks)
# 100 = 1 to 100 (63,710 blocks)
# 10000 = 1 to 10000 (637.1 blocks)
# Note: Due to current limitations, the min value is 50
# and the max value is 5000. Any values outside this range
# will be set to 0 (disabled).
earthCurveRatio = 0
# What is the maximum detail LODs should be drawn at?
# Higher settings will increase memory and GPU usage.
# CHUNK: render 1 LOD for each Chunk.
# HALF_CHUNK: render 4 LODs for each Chunk.
# FOUR_BLOCKS: render 16 LODs for each Chunk.
# TWO_BLOCKS: render 64 LODs for each Chunk.
# BLOCK: render 256 LODs for each Chunk (width of one block).
# Lowest Quality: CHUNK
# Highest Quality: BLOCK
maxHorizontalResolution = "BLOCK"
# The radius of the mod's render distance. (measured in chunks)
lodChunkRenderDistanceRadius = 32
# Should the blocks underneath avoided blocks gain the color of the avoided block?
# True: a red flower will tint the grass below it red.
# False: skipped blocks will not change color of surface below them.
tintWithAvoidedBlocks = true
# This indicates how quickly LODs decrease in quality the further away they are.
# Higher settings will render higher quality fake chunks farther away,
# but will increase memory and GPU usage.
horizontalQuality = "LOW"
# How should LOD transparency be handled.
# COMPLETE: LODs will render transparent.
# FAKE: LODs will be opaque, but shaded to match the blocks underneath.
# DISABLED: LODs will be opaque.
transparency = "DISABLED"
# This indicates how well LODs will represent
# overhangs, caves, floating islands, etc.
# Higher options will make the world more accurate, butwill increase memory and GPU usage.
# Lowest Quality: HEIGHT_MAP
# Highest Quality: EXTREME
verticalQuality = "LOW"
# What blocks shouldn't be rendered as LODs?
# NONE: Represent all blocks in the LODs
# NON_COLLIDING: Only represent solid blocks in the LODs (tall grass, torches, etc. won't count for a LOD's height)
blocksToIgnore = "NON_COLLIDING"
# When should fog be drawn?
# USE_OPTIFINE_SETTING: Use whatever Fog setting Optifine is using.
# If Optifine isn't installed this defaults to FOG_ENABLED.
# FOG_ENABLED: Never draw fog on the LODs
# FOG_DISABLED: Always draw fast fog on the LODs
# Disabling fog will improve GPU performance.
drawMode = "FOG_ENABLED"
# At what distance should Fog be drawn on the LODs?
distance = "FAR"
# What color should fog use?
# USE_WORLD_FOG_COLOR: Use the world's fog color.
# USE_SKY_COLOR: Use the sky's color.
# Should Minecraft's fog be disabled?
# Note: Other mods may conflict with this setting.
disableVanillaFog = true
# What is the maximum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
farFogMax = 1.0
# At what distance should the far fog start?
# 0.0: Fog starts at the player's position.
# 1.0: Fog starts at the closest edge of the vanilla render distance.
# 1.414: Fog starts at the corner of the vanilla render distance.
farFogStart = 0.0
# What is the minimum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
farFogMin = 0.0
# How should the fog thickness should be calculated?
# LINEAR: Linear based on distance (will ignore 'density')
# EXPONENTIAL: 1/(e^(distance*density))
# EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED: 1/(e^((distance*density)^2)
# Used in conjunction with the Fog Falloff.
farFogDensity = 2.5
# Where should the far fog end?
# 0.0: Fog ends at player's position.
# 1.0: Fog ends at the closest edge of the vanilla render distance.
# 1.414: Fog ends at the corner of the vanilla render distance.
farFogEnd = 1.0
# What is the minimum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
heightFogMin = 0.0
# Where should the height fog start?
# ABOVE_CAMERA: Height fog starts at the camera and goes towards the sky
# BELOW_CAMERA: Height fog starts at the camera and goes towards the void
# ABOVE_AND_BELOW_CAMERA: Height fog starts from the camera to goes towards both the sky and void
# ABOVE_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height and goes towards the sky
# BELOW_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height and goes towards the void
# ABOVE_AND_BELOW_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height and goes towards both the sky and void
# If the height fog is calculated around a set height, what is that height position?
heightFogBaseHeight = 70.0
# What is the maximum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
heightFogMax = 1.0
# How should the height fog thickness should be calculated?
# LINEAR: Linear based on height (will ignore 'density')
# EXPONENTIAL: 1/(e^(height*density))
# EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED: 1/(e^((height*density)^2)
heightFogFalloff = "EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED"
# What is the height fog's density?
heightFogDensity = 2.5
# How should height effect the fog thickness?
# Note: height fog is combined with the other fog settings.
# BASIC: No special height fog effect. Fog is calculated based on camera distance
# IGNORE_HEIGHT: Ignore height completely. Fog is only calculated with horizontal distance
# ADDITION: heightFog + farFog
# MAX: max(heightFog, farFog)
# MULTIPLY: heightFog * farFog
# INVERSE_MULTIPLY: 1 - (1-heightFog) * (1-farFog)
# LIMITED_ADDITION: farFog + max(farFog, heightFog)
# MULTIPLY_ADDITION: farFog + farFog * heightFog
# INVERSE_MULTIPLY_ADDITION: farFog + 1 - (1-heightFog) * (1-farFog)
# AVERAGE: farFog*0.5 + heightFog*0.5
# Note: height fog settings are ignored if 'BASIC' or 'IGNORE_HEIGHT' are selected.
heightFogMixMode = "BASIC"
# Should the start of the height fog be offset?
# 0.0: Fog start with no offset.
# 1.0: Fog start with offset of the entire world's height. (Includes depth)
heightFogStart = 0.0
# Should the end of the height fog be offset?
# 0.0: Fog end with no offset.
# 1.0: Fog end with offset of the entire world's height. (Include depth)
heightFogEnd = 1.0
# Defines how far should the noise texture render before it fades away. (in blocks)
# Set to 0 to disable noise from fading away
noiseDropoff = 1024
# How many steps of noise should be applied to LODs?
noiseSteps = 4
# Should a noise texture be applied to LODs?
# This is done to simulate textures and make the LODs appear more detailed.
noiseEnabled = true
# How intense should the noise should be?
noiseIntensity = 5.0
# How detailed should LODs be generated outside the vanilla render distance?
# Only create LOD data for already generated chunks.
# Generate the world surface,
# this does NOT include trees,
# or structures.
# Generate everything except structures.
# WARNING: This may cause world generator bugs or instability when paired with certain world generator mods.
distantGeneratorMode = "SURFACE"
# How long should a world generator thread run for before timing out?
# Note: If you are experiencing timeout errors it is better to lower your CPU usage first
# via the thread config before changing this value.
worldGenerationTimeoutLengthInSeconds = 60
# Should Distant Horizons slowly generate LODs
# outside the vanilla render distance?
# Note: when on a server, distant generation isn't supported
# and will always be disabled.
enableDistantGeneration = true
# AKA: Multiverse support.
# When matching levels (dimensions) of the same type (overworld, nether, etc.) the
# loaded chunks must be at least this percent the same
# in order to be considered the same world.
# Note: If you use portals to enter a dimension at two
# different locations the system will think the dimension
# it is two different levels.
# 1.0 (100%) the chunks must be identical.
# 0.5 (50%) the chunks must be half the same.
# 0.0 (0%) disables multi-dimension support,
# only one world will be used per dimension.
# If multiverse support is needed start with a value of 0.2
# and tweak the sensitivity from there.Lower values mean the matching is less strict.
# Higher values mean the matching is more strict.
multiverseSimilarityRequiredPercent = 0.0
# How should multiplayer save folders should be named?
# NAME_ONLY: Example: "Minecraft Server"
# NAME_IP: Example: "Minecraft Server IP"
# NAME_IP_PORT: Example: "Minecraft Server IP"NAME_IP_PORT_MC_VERSION: Example: "Minecraft Server IP GameVersion 1.16.5"
serverFolderNameMode = "NAME_ONLY"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"earth_sword": {
"earthSword": {
"comment": "Enable Earth Sword [true / false]",
"value": true
"air_sword": {
"airSword": {
"comment": "Enable Air Sword [true / false]",
"value": true
"water_sword": {
"waterSword": {
"comment": "Enable Water Sword [true / false]",
"value": true
"god_sword": {
"godSword": {
"comment": "Enable God Sword [true / false]",
"value": true
"fire_sword": {
"fireSword": {
"comment": "Enable Fire Sword [true / false]",
"value": true
"swords": {
"maxSword": {
"comment": "Type of sword for recipe: 0 for diamond, 1 for netherite [0-1, default: 0]",
"value": 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"earth_sword_level_effects": {
"level_damage_boost_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Damage Boost Effect",
"value": 5
"level_damage_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Damage Resistance Effect",
"value": 5
"level_absorption_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Absoprtion Effect",
"value": 5
"water_sword_effects": {
"water_breathing_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Water Breathing Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"conduit_power_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Conduit Power Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"dolphin_grace_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Dolphin Grace Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_level_effects": {
"fusion_sword_level_regeneration_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Regeneration Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_health_boost_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Health Boost Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_movement_speed_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Movement Speed Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_dolphin_grace_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Dolphin Grace Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_slow_falling_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Slow Falling Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_conduit_power_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Conduit Power Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_absorption_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Absoprtion Effect",
"value": 3
"fusion_sword_level_damage_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Damage Resistance Effect",
"value": 3
"fusion_sword_level_fire_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Fire Resistance Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_jump_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Jump Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_water_breathing_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Water Breathing Effect",
"value": 5
"fusion_sword_level_damage_boost_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Damage Boost Effect",
"value": 3
"fusion_sword_effects": {
"fusion_sword_regeneration_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Regeneration Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_damage_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Damage Resistance Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_dolphin_grace_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Dolphin Grace Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_conduit_power_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Conduit Power Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_jump_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Jump Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_fire_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Fire Resistance Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_health_boost_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Health Boost Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_slow_falling_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Slow Falling Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_damage_boost_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Damage Boost Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_water_breathing_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Water Breathing Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_movement_speed_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Movement Speed Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fusion_sword_absorption_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Absoprtion Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fire_sword_effects": {
"fire_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Fire Resistance Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"fire_sword_level_effects": {
"level_fire_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Fire Resistance Effect",
"value": 5
"earth_sword_effects": {
"damage_resistance_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Damage Resistance Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"damage_boost_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Damage Boost Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"absorption_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Absoprtion Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"air_sword_level_effects": {
"level_movement_speed_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Movement Speed Effect",
"value": 3
"level_jump_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Jump Effect",
"value": 5
"level_slow_falling_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Slow Falling Effect",
"value": 5
"water_sword_level_effects": {
"level_dolphin_grace_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Dolphin Grace Effect",
"value": 5
"level_water_breathing_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Water Breathing Effect",
"value": 5
"level_conduit_power_effect": {
"comment": "Level of Conduit Power Effect",
"value": 5
"air_sword_effects": {
"jump_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Jump Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"slow_falling_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Slow Falling Effect [true / false]",
"value": true
"movement_speed_effect": {
"comment": "Enable Movement Speed Effect [true / false]",
"value": true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"defaultSigningMode": "PROMPT",
"enableMod": true,
"showNCRButton": true,
"showReloadButton": true,
"verifiedIconEnabled": true,
"showServerSafety": true,
"hideInsecureMessageIndicators": true,
"hideModifiedMessageIndicators": true,
"hideSystemMessageIndicators": true,
"hideWarningToast": true,
"hideSigningRequestMessage": false,
"alwaysHideReportButton": false,
"skipRealmsWarning": false,
"disableTelemetry": true,
"removeTelemetryButton": true,
"demandOnServer": false,
"verifiedIconOffsetX": 0,
"verifiedIconOffsetY": 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"demandOnClientMessage": "You do not have No Chat Reports, and this server is configured to require it on client!",
"demandOnClient": false,
"convertToGameMessage": true,
"addQueryData": true,
"enableDebugLog": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"skipWarning": false,
"enableEncryption": false,
"encryptPublic": true,
"showEncryptionButton": true,
"showEncryptionIndicators": true,
"encryptionKey": "blfrngArk3chG6wzncOZ5A\u003d\u003d",
"encryptionPassphrase": "",
"algorithmName": "AES/CFB8+Base64",
"encryptableCommands": [

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"signingModes": {}

config/NoChatReports/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# No Chat Reports
You can find updated documentation of configuration files on the wiki:

config/RPG-HUD Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@

config/adaptive-tooltips.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
wrapText: "SCREEN_WIDTH",
overwriteVanillaWrapping: false,
prioritizeTooltipTop: true,
bedrockCentering: true,
bestCorner: false,
alwaysBestCorner: false,
preventVanillaClamping: true,
onlyRepositionHoverTooltips: true,
useYACLTooltipPositioner: false,
scrollKeyCode: 342,
horizontalScrollKeyCode: 341,
smoothScrolling: true,
scrollDirection: "REVERSE",
verticalScrollSensitivity: 10,
horizontalScrollSensitivity: 10,
tooltipTransparency: 1.0,
removeFirstLinePadding: true

config/appleskin.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip while holding SHIFT
"showFoodValuesInTooltip": true,
// If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip automatically (without needing to hold SHIFT)
"showFoodValuesInTooltipAlways": true,
// If true, shows your current saturation level overlayed on the hunger bar
"showSaturationHudOverlay": true,
// If true, shows the hunger (and saturation if showSaturationHudOverlay is true) that would be restored by food you are currently holding
"showFoodValuesHudOverlay": true,
// If true, enables the hunger/saturation/health overlays for food in your off-hand
"showFoodValuesHudOverlayWhenOffhand": true,
// If true, shows your food exhaustion as a progress bar behind the hunger bar
"showFoodExhaustionHudUnderlay": true,
// If true, shows estimated health restored by food on the health bar
"showFoodHealthHudOverlay": true,
// If true, shows your hunger, saturation, and exhaustion level in Debug Screen
"showFoodDebugInfo": true,
// If true, health/hunger overlay will shake to match Minecraft's icon animations
"showVanillaAnimationsOverlay": true,
// Alpha value of the flashing icons at their most visible point (1.0 = fully opaque, 0.0 = fully transparent)
"maxHudOverlayFlashAlpha": 0.6499999761581421

config/automaticdoors.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// The time in ms the door should stay open.
// min: 0, max: 10000
"doorOpenTime": 2500,
// When enabled, iron doors will also be opened automatically.
"shouldOpenIronDoors": true,
// When enabled, doors won't be opened automatically when the player is sneaking.
"preventOpeningOnSneak": true

config/axesareweapons.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"enableLooting": true,
"enableKnockback": false,
"enableFireAspect": false,
"enableModded": false,
"enableForEnchantingTable": true,
"enableDamageInEnchantingTable": true,
"allowSilkTouchWithLooting": true,
"fastCobWebBreaking": false,
"pickaxesAreWeapons": false,
"shovelsAreWeapons": false,
"hoesAreWeapons": false,
"rangedWeaponsAreWeapons": false,
"enableLootingForRangedWeapons": false,
"weaponIds": []

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"isHoldToAttackEnabled": true,
"isMiningWithWeaponsEnabled": true,
"isSwingThruGrassEnabled": true,
"isAttackInsteadOfMineWhenEnemiesCloseEnabled": true,
"isHighlightCrosshairEnabled": true,
"hudHighlightColor": 16711680,
"isShowingArmsInFirstPerson": false,
"isShowingOtherHandFirstPerson": true,
"isSweepingParticleEnabled": true,
"isTooltipAttackRangeEnabled": true,
"weaponSwingSoundVolume": 100,
"isDebugOBBEnabled": true,
"swingThruGrassBlacklist": "farmersdelight",
"mineWithWeaponBlacklist": ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
"schema_version": 1,
"blacklist_item_id_regex": "pickaxe",
"fallback_compatibility": [
"item_id_regex": "claymore|great_sword|greatsword",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:claymore"
"item_id_regex": "great_hammer|greathammer|war_hammer|warhammer|maul",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:hammer"
"item_id_regex": "double_axe|doubleaxe|war_axe|waraxe|great_axe|greataxe",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:double_axe"
"item_id_regex": "scythe",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:scythe"
"item_id_regex": "halberd",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:halberd"
"item_id_regex": "glaive",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:glaive"
"item_id_regex": "spear",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:spear"
"item_id_regex": "lance",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:lance"
"item_id_regex": "anchor",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:anchor"
"item_id_regex": "battlestaff|battle_staff",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:battlestaff"
"item_id_regex": "claw",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:claw"
"item_id_regex": "fist|gauntlet",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:fist"
"item_id_regex": "trident|impaled",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:trident"
"item_id_regex": "katana",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:katana"
"item_id_regex": "rapier",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:rapier"
"item_id_regex": "sickle",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:sickle"
"item_id_regex": "soul_knife",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:soul_knife"
"item_id_regex": "dagger|knife",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:dagger"
"item_id_regex": "staff|wand|sceptre|stave|rod",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:wand"
"item_id_regex": "mace|hammer|flail",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:mace"
"item_id_regex": "axe",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:axe"
"item_id_regex": "coral_blade",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:coral_blade"
"item_id_regex": "twin_blade|twinblade",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:twin_blade"
"item_id_regex": "cutlass|scimitar|machete",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:cutlass"
"item_id_regex": "sword|blade",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:sword"
"ranged_weapons": [
"item_id_regex": "two_handed_crossbow",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:crossbow_two_handed_heavy"
"item_id_regex": "two_handed_bow",
"weapon_attributes": "bettercombat:bow_two_handed_heavy"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/* Upswing (aka windup) is the first phase of the attack (between clicking and performing the damage).
Typical duration of upswing is `weapon cooldown * 0.5`. (Weapon specific upswing values can be defined in weapon attributes)
This config allows you to change upswing duration.
Example values:
- `0.5` (default, fast paced attack initiation) upswing typically lasts 25% of the attack cooldown
- `1.0` (classic setting, realistic attack initiation) upswing typically lasts 50% of the attack cooldown
"upswing_multiplier": 0.5,
// Bypass damage receive throttling of LivingEntity from player attacks.
"allow_fast_attacks": true,
// Allows client-side target search and server-side attack request execution against currently mounted entity of the player
"allow_attacking_mount": false,
// The minimum number of ticks between two attacks
"attack_interval_cap": 2,
/* Blacklist for entities that are acting as vehicle but should not be treated as protected mounts.
Classical example is an alexsmobs:crocodile attempting a death spin.
(Note all hostile mobs hittable by default, this config is to fix faulty mobs)
"hostile_player_vehicles": [
// Allows vanilla sweeping mechanic to work and Sweeping Edge enchantment
"allow_vanilla_sweeping": false,
// Allows new sweeping mechanic (by Better Combat) to work, including Sweeping Edge enchantment
"allow_reworked_sweeping": true,
/* The more additional targets a weapon swing hits, the weaker it will get.
Entities struck (+1) in a swing more than this, won't get weakened any further.
"reworked_sweeping_extra_target_count": 4,
/* Determines how weak the attack becomes when striking `reworked_sweeping_extra_target_count + 1` targets.
Example values:
- `0.5` -50% damage
"reworked_sweeping_maximum_damage_penalty": 0.5,
/* The maximum level Sweeping Edge enchantment applied to the attackers weapon will restore this amount of penalty.
Example values:
- `0.5` restores 50% damage penalty when 3 levels are applied, so 16.66% when 1 level is applied
"reworked_sweeping_enchant_restores": 0.5,
"reworked_sweeping_plays_sound": true,
"reworked_sweeping_emits_particles": true,
"reworked_sweeping_sound_and_particles_only_for_swords": true,
// Allows client-side target search to ignore obstacles. WARNING! Setting this to `false` significantly increases the load on clients.
"allow_attacking_thru_walls": false,
// Applies movement speed multiplier while attacking. (Min: 0, Max: 1). Use `0` for a full stop while attacking. Use `1` for no movement speed penalty
"movement_speed_while_attacking": 0.5,
// Determines if applying the movement speed multiplier while attacking is done smoothly or instantly
"movement_speed_applied_smoothly": true,
// Determines whether or not to apply movement speed reduction while attacking mounted
"movement_speed_effected_while_mounting": false,
// Attacks faster than a vanilla sword will do smaller knockback, proportionally.
"knockback_reduced_for_fast_attacks": true,
// Combo is reset after idling `combo_reset_rate * weapon_cooldown`
"combo_reset_rate": 3.0,
// Multiplier for `attack_range`, during target lookup on both sides. Large sized entities may be colliding with weapon hitbox, but center of entities can have bigger distance than `attack_range`
"target_search_range_multiplier": 2.0,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_attack_speed_multiplier": 1.2000000476837158,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_main_hand_damage_multiplier": 1.0,
// Total multiplier, (examples: +30% = 1.3, -30% = 0.7)
"dual_wielding_off_hand_damage_multiplier": 1.0,
/* Relations determine when players' undirected weapon swings (cleaves) will hurt another entity (target).
- `FRIENDLY` - The target can never be damaged by the player.
- `NEUTRAL` - The target can be damaged only if the player is directly looking at it.
- `HOSTILE` - The target can be damaged if located within the weapon swing area.
(NOTE: Vanilla sweeping can still hit targets, if not disabled via `allow_sweeping`)
The various relation related configs are being checked in the following order:
- `player_relations`
- `player_relation_to_passives`
- `player_relation_to_hostiles`
- `player_relation_to_other`
(The first relation to be found for the target will be applied.)
"player_relations": {
"minecraft:player": "NEUTRAL",
"minecraft:villager": "NEUTRAL",
"minecraft:iron_golem": "NEUTRAL",
"guardvillagers:guard": "NEUTRAL"
// Relation to unspecified entities those are instance of PassiveEntity(Yarn)
"player_relation_to_passives": "HOSTILE",
// Relation to unspecified entities those are instance of HostileEntity(Yarn)
"player_relation_to_hostiles": "HOSTILE",
// Fallback relation
"player_relation_to_other": "HOSTILE",
// Try to guess and apply a preset for items without weapon attributes data file
"fallback_compatibility_enabled": true,
// Allow printing the content of weapon attributes registry
"weapon_registry_logging": false

config/borderlessmining.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"enableBorderlessFullscreen": true,
"addToVanillaVideoSettings": true,
"enableMacOS": false,
"customWindowDimensions": {
"enabled": false,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"useMonitorCoordinates": true
"forceWindowMonitor": -1

config/c2me.toml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
version = 3
# (Default:
# max(
# 1,
# min(
# if( is_windows,
# (cpus / 1.6 - 2),
# (cpus / 1.2 - 2)
# ),
# if( is_j9vm,
# ( ( mem_gb - (if(is_client, 0.6, 0.2)) ) / 0.5 ),
# ( ( mem_gb - (if(is_client, 1.2, 0.6)) ) / 1.2 )
# )
# ) - if(is_client, 2, 0)
# )
# )
# The expression for the default value of global executor parallelism.
# This is used when the parallelism isn't overridden.
# Available variables: is_windows, is_j9vm, is_client, cpus, mem_gb
defaultGlobalExecutorParallelismExpression = "default"
# (Default: 3) Configures the parallelism of global executor
globalExecutorParallelism = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use async chunk loading & unloading
async = "default"
# (Default: -1) Defines which chunk compression should be used
# -1 for Vanilla default
# 1 for GZip (RFC1952) (Vanilla compatible)
# 2 for Zlib (RFC1950) (Vanilla default) (Vanilla compatible)
# 3 for Uncompressed (Fastest, but higher disk usage) (Vanilla compatible)
# Original chunk data will still readable after modifying this option
# as this option only affects newly stored chunks
# Invalid values will fall back to vanilla default
chunkStreamVersion = "default"
# This replaces the way your chunks are saved.
# Please keep regular backups of your world if you are using this feature,
# and report any world issues you encounter with this feature to our GitHub.
# Whether to use the fast reduced allocation chunk serializer
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
# Set to false for the following reasons:
# Incompatible with architectury@10.0.8 (*) (defined in c2me)
gcFreeChunkSerializer = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use the optimized implementation of IO system
replaceImpl = "default"
# (Default: 8192) Soft limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheSoftLimit = "default"
# (Default: 32678) Hard limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheLimit = "default"
# (Default: true)
# Whether to disable the shutdown hook of log4j2 on dedicated servers.
# Enabling this also makes the JVM exit when the dedicated server is considered fully shut down.
# This option have no effect on client-side.
# We has historically been doing this, and this config option allows you to disable this behavior.
disableLoggingShutdownHook = "default"
# (Default: true) Enforces safe world random access.
# This feature detects unsafe off-thread world random access, helping to find the causes
# of mysterious "Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads" crash.
# The default behavior is to fail hard when such bad things happens.
# Disabling this option will replace this behavior with a warning.
# It is generally not recommended to disable this settings unless you know what you are doing
enforceSafeWorldRandomAccess = "default"
# (Default: 100000) The task interval of mid-tick chunk tasks in nanoseconds (-1 to disable)
# Mid-tick chunk tasks is to execute chunk tasks during server tick loop
# to speed up chunk loading and generation
# This helps chunks loading and generating under high MSPT but may raise
# MSPT when chunks are loading or generating
# It is generally not recommended to adjust this value unless you know
# what you are doing
# Incompatible with Dimensional Threading (dimthread)
midTickChunkTasksInterval = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to let async chunk request no longer block server thread
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAsyncChunkRequest = "default"
# (Default: ENHANCED) Defines how auto save should be handled
# VANILLA: Use vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every tick during ticking)
# ENHANCED: Use C2ME enhanced auto-save (auto-save performed when the server have spare time after ticking)
# PERIODIC: Use pre-1.18 vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every 6000 ticks during ticking)
# Please preserve quotes so this config don't break
mode = "default"
# (Default: 20000) Defines the delay in milliseconds between performing auto-save for a chunk
# This is only used when mode is set to ENHANCED
delay = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use compatibility mode to send chunks
# This may fix some mod compatibility issues
compatibilityMode = "default"
# (Default: 4) No-tick view distance max concurrent chunk loads
# Lower this for a better latency and higher this for a faster loading
maxConcurrentChunkLoads = "default"
# (Default: false) Whether to ensure correct chunks within normal render distance
# This will send chunks twice increasing network load
ensureChunkCorrectness = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable no-tick view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to allow feature generation (world decorations like trees, ores and etc.) run in parallel
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
allowThreadedFeatures = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to allow reducing lock radius
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
reduceLockRadius = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable async and parallel scheduling
# This will reduce server thread load
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
asyncScheduling = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable this feature
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to modify maximum view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: 74) Max render distance allowed in game options
maxViewDistance = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable aquifer optimizations to accelerate overworld worldgen
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAquifer = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable End Biome Cache to accelerate The End worldgen
# This is no longer included in lithium-fabric
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
useEndBiomeCache = "default"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# If set to false, warnings will not get logged when a component fails to be resolved (typically due to mods being removed)
# Default value: true
log-deserialization-warnings = true
# Internal value, do not edit or your changes may be arbitrarily reset
config-version = 1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# This is Carpet TCTC Addition for 1.20.2's default configuration file
# Settings specified here will be used when a world doesn't have a config file, but they will be completely ignored once the world has one.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# This is Carpet Mod's default configuration file
# Settings specified here will be used when a world doesn't have a config file, but they will be completely ignored once the world has one.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# This is MagicLib for 1.20.2's default configuration file
# Settings specified here will be used when a world doesn't have a config file, but they will be completely ignored once the world has one.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"minecraftVersion": "1.20.2",
"yarnVersion": "1.20.2+build.4"

config/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
config-version = 1
fade-time = 2.56
mod-enabled = true
animation-curve = 1
fade-type = 0
fade-enabled = true
animation-enabled = true
animation-offset = 64.0
show-mod-button-in-settings = true
animate-near-player = true
update-notifier-enabled = true
animation-time = 2.56

config/collective.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// When enabled, transfer the held items and armour from replaced entities by any of the Entity Spawn mods which depend on Collective.
"transferItemsBetweenReplacedEntities": true,
// The amount of times Collective loops through possible mob drops to get them all procedurally. Drops are only generated when a dependent mod uses them. Lowering this can increase world load time but decrease accuracy.
// min: 1, max: 500
"loopsAmountUsedToGetAllEntityDrops": 100,
// The delay of the is-there-a-block-around-check around entities in ms. Used in mods which depends on a specific blockstate in the world. Increasing this number can increase TPS if needed.
// min: 0, max: 3600000
"findABlockCheckAroundEntitiesDelayMs": 30000,
// Please check out for more information on why this feature exists.
"enableAntiRepostingCheck": true,
// Enables pets for Patrons. Will be added in a future release.
"enablePatronPets": true

config/combatroll/client.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"playCooldownSound": true,
"playCooldownFlash": true,
"playRollSound": true,
"hudArrowColor": 5540067,
"hudBackgroundOpacity": 75,
"showWhenFull": true,
"showHUDInCreative": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"longfooted": {
"enabled": true,
"max_level": 5,
"min_cost": 12,
"step_cost": 12,
"bonus_per_level": 1.0
"acrobat": {
"enabled": true,
"max_level": 10,
"min_cost": 15,
"step_cost": 14,
"bonus_per_level": 0.1
"multi_roll": {
"enabled": true,
"max_level": 4,
"min_cost": 15,
"step_cost": 17,
"bonus_per_level": 1.0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"rollWidget": {
"origin": "BOTTOM",
"offset": {
"field_1343": 100.0,
"field_1342": -12.0

config/combatroll/server.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// The duration of the roll ability, expressed as a number of ticks, during which the player cannot use item/attack/jump etc...
"roll_duration": 8,
// Allows Vanilla Minecraft auto jump feature to work while rolling
"allow_auto_jump_while_rolling": true,
// Allows jumping while rolling. WARNING! Setting this to `true` breaks roll distance attribute and enchantment
"allow_jump_while_rolling": false,
// Allows combat roll while the player has its weapon on cooldown
"allow_rolling_while_weapon_cooldown": false,
// Allows combat roll while the player is in the air. WARNING! Setting this to `true` breaks roll distance attribute and enchantment
"allow_rolling_while_airborn": false,
// The amount of exhaust (hunger) to be added to the player on every roll
"exhaust_on_roll": 0.10000000149011612,
// The amount of food level above which players can do a roll
"food_level_required": 6.0,
// The cooldown duration of the combat roll ability expressed in seconds
"roll_cooldown": 4.0,
// Default roll distance attribute is `3`. Settings this to `1` will make it `4`. Warning! Attribute based scaling does not effect this.
"additional_roll_distance": 0.0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#Connected Doors config file
#Mon Oct 30 19:51:34 CET 2023

config/continuity.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"connected_textures": true,
"emissive_textures": true,
"custom_block_layers": true,
"use_manual_culling": true

config/controlify.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
"last_seen_version": "1.7.0-beta.2+1.20",
"current_controller": "a0fa1320-0d14-3d2e-b1c5-7c5209756763",
"controllers": {
"6d2f30fe-7632-36e4-b2f1-cbd735bcec1c": {
"config": {
"left_stick_deadzone": 0.11529417,
"right_stick_deadzone": 0.11529417,
"gyro_look_sensitivity": 0.0,
"relative_gyro_mode": false,
"gyro_requires_button": true,
"flick_stick": false,
"invert_gyro_x": false,
"invert_gyro_y": false,
"gyro_calibration": {
"x": 0.0021327871,
"y": -0.0021213852,
"z": -0.0042391936
"theme": "DEFAULT",
"horizontal_look_sensitivity": 1.0,
"vertical_look_sensitivity": 0.9,
"button_activation_threshold": 0.5,
"virtual_mouse_sensitivity": 1.0,
"auto_jump": true,
"toggle_sprint": true,
"toggle_sneak": true,
"disable_fly_drifting": true,
"custom_name": null,
"show_ingame_guide": true,
"ingame_guide_bottom": false,
"show_screen_guide": true,
"chat_keyboard_height": 0.0,
"reduce_aiming_sensitivity": true,
"allow_vibrations": true,
"vibration_strengths": {
"controlify:master": 1.0,
"controlify:damage": 1.0,
"controlify:block_destroy": 1.0,
"controlify:use_item": 1.0,
"controlify:item_break": 1.0,
"controlify:gui": 1.0,
"controlify:explosion": 1.0,
"controlify:misc": 1.0,
"controlify:global_event": 1.0
"deadzones_calibrated": true,
"delayed_calibration": false,
"mixed_input": false,
"radial_actions": [
"dont_show_controller_submission": false
"bindings": {
"controlify:walk_forward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_up"
"controlify:walk_backward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_down"
"controlify:strafe_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_left"
"controlify:strafe_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_right"
"controlify:look_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_up"
"controlify:look_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_down"
"controlify:look_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_left"
"controlify:look_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_right"
"controlify:gamepad_gyro_button": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:jump": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:sprint": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_press"
"controlify:sneak": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_press"
"controlify:attack": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_bumper"
"controlify:use": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_bumper"
"controlify:drop": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_down"
"controlify:drop_stack": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:next_slot": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_right"
"controlify:prev_slot": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_left"
"controlify:pause": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "start"
"controlify:inventory": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:change_perspective": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "back"
"controlify:swap_hands": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:open_chat": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_up"
"controlify:gui_press": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:gui_back": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "b_button"
"controlify:gui_next_tab": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_bumper"
"controlify:gui_prev_tab": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_bumper"
"controlify:gui_abstract_action_1": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:gui_abstract_action_2": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:inv_select": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:inv_quick_move": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:inv_take_half": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:pick_block": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:pick_block_nbt": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:toggle_hud_visibility": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:show_player_list": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:take_screenshot": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:radial_menu": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "guide"
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"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_up"
"controlify:radial_axis_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_down"
"controlify:radial_axis_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_left"
"controlify:radial_axis_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_right"
"controlify:vmouse_move_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_up"
"controlify:vmouse_move_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_down"
"controlify:vmouse_move_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_left"
"controlify:vmouse_move_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_right"
"controlify:vmouse_lclick": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:vmouse_rclick": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:vmouse_shift_click": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
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"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_up"
"controlify:vmouse_scroll_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_down"
"controlify:vmouse_shift": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_press"
"controlify:vmouse_toggle": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "back"
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"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_up"
"controlify:gui_navi_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_down"
"controlify:gui_navi_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_left"
"controlify:gui_navi_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_right"
"controlify:cycle_opt_forward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_right"
"controlify:cycle_opt_backward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_left"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.raised.hud.down": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.raised.hud.reset": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.raised.hud.up": {
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"": {
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"": {
"type": "empty"
"": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:bedrockify.key.settings": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.zoom_in": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.zoom_out": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.minimap_type": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.minimap_preset": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.create_waypoint": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_create_waypoint": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_chat_position": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.map_toggle_alt": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_waypoints": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.minimap_toggle_alt": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.south": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.east": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.west": {
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"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.disable_buttons": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.modmenu.open_menu": {
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"a0fa1320-0d14-3d2e-b1c5-7c5209756763": {
"config": {
"left_stick_deadzone": 0.10745098,
"right_stick_deadzone": 0.10745098,
"gyro_look_sensitivity": 1.0000001,
"relative_gyro_mode": false,
"gyro_requires_button": true,
"flick_stick": false,
"invert_gyro_x": false,
"invert_gyro_y": false,
"gyro_calibration": {
"x": -0.010345477,
"y": -0.056775264,
"z": 0.0095691765
"theme": "DEFAULT",
"horizontal_look_sensitivity": 1.0,
"vertical_look_sensitivity": 0.9,
"button_activation_threshold": 0.5,
"virtual_mouse_sensitivity": 1.0,
"auto_jump": false,
"toggle_sprint": true,
"toggle_sneak": true,
"disable_fly_drifting": true,
"custom_name": null,
"show_ingame_guide": false,
"ingame_guide_bottom": false,
"show_screen_guide": true,
"chat_keyboard_height": 0.0,
"reduce_aiming_sensitivity": true,
"allow_vibrations": true,
"vibration_strengths": {
"controlify:master": 2.0,
"controlify:damage": 1.0,
"controlify:block_destroy": 2.0,
"controlify:use_item": 1.0,
"controlify:item_break": 1.0,
"controlify:gui": 1.0,
"controlify:explosion": 1.999999,
"controlify:misc": 0.99999994,
"controlify:global_event": 2.0
"deadzones_calibrated": true,
"delayed_calibration": false,
"mixed_input": true,
"radial_actions": [
"dont_show_controller_submission": false
"bindings": {
"controlify:walk_forward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_up"
"controlify:walk_backward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_down"
"controlify:strafe_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_left"
"controlify:strafe_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_right"
"controlify:look_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_up"
"controlify:look_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_down"
"controlify:look_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_left"
"controlify:look_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_right"
"controlify:gamepad_gyro_button": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:jump": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:sprint": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:sneak": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_press"
"controlify:attack": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_trigger"
"controlify:use": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_trigger"
"controlify:drop": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_up"
"controlify:drop_stack": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:next_slot": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_bumper"
"controlify:prev_slot": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_bumper"
"controlify:pause": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "start"
"controlify:inventory": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:change_perspective": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "back"
"controlify:swap_hands": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:open_chat": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:gui_press": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:gui_back": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "b_button"
"controlify:gui_next_tab": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_bumper"
"controlify:gui_prev_tab": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_bumper"
"controlify:gui_abstract_action_1": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:gui_abstract_action_2": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:inv_select": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:inv_quick_move": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:inv_take_half": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:pick_block": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_left"
"controlify:pick_block_nbt": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:toggle_hud_visibility": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:show_player_list": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:take_screenshot": {
"type": "empty"
"controlify:radial_menu": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "dpad_right"
"controlify:radial_axis_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_up"
"controlify:radial_axis_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_down"
"controlify:radial_axis_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_left"
"controlify:radial_axis_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_right"
"controlify:vmouse_move_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_up"
"controlify:vmouse_move_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_down"
"controlify:vmouse_move_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_left"
"controlify:vmouse_move_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_right"
"controlify:vmouse_lclick": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "a_button"
"controlify:vmouse_rclick": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "x_button"
"controlify:vmouse_shift_click": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "y_button"
"controlify:vmouse_scroll_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_up"
"controlify:vmouse_scroll_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_down"
"controlify:vmouse_shift": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_press"
"controlify:vmouse_toggle": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "back"
"controlify:gui_navi_up": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_up"
"controlify:gui_navi_down": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_down"
"controlify:gui_navi_left": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_left"
"controlify:gui_navi_right": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_right"
"controlify:cycle_opt_forward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_right"
"controlify:cycle_opt_backward": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "right_stick_left"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.immersivemc.backpack": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.immersivemc.config": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.immersivemc.ranged_grab": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.entityculling.toggle": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.modmenu.open_menu": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:bedrockify.key.settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.zoom": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.third_person_cam_1": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.third_person_cam_2": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.third_person_distance": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.detach_camera": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.hide_player": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.zoom_animation": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.cinematic_camera_settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.third_person_camera_1_settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.third_person_camera_2_settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.third_person_settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.zoom_settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.camerautils.zoom_animation_settings": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.jade.config": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.jade.show_overlay": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.jade.toggle_liquid": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.jade.narrate": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.jade.show_details_alternative": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.apoli.usability_hint.show_powers": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.proviorigins.tertiary_active": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.proviorigins.quaternary_active": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:keybinds.combatroll.roll": {
"type": "gamepad",
"bind": "left_stick_press"
"": {
"type": "empty"
"": {
"type": "empty"
"": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.preventer.overridekey": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.preventer.configkey": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:keybinds.bettercombat.feint": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:keybinds.bettercombat.toggle_mine_with_weapons": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.zoom_in": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.zoom_out": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.minimap_type": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.minimap_preset": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.create_waypoint": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.toggle_waypoints": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_create_waypoint": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_chat_position": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.map_toggle_alt": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_waypoints": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.minimap_toggle_alt": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen_options": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.north": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.south": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.east": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.west": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.journeymap.fullscreen.disable_buttons": {
"type": "empty"
"fabric-key-binding-api-v1:key.presencefootsteps.settings": {
"type": "empty"
"compound_joysticks": [],
"global": {
"virtual_mouse_screens": [
"keyboard_movement": false,
"out_of_focus_input": false,
"load_vibration_natives": true,
"vibration_onboarded": true,
"reach_around": "SINGLEPLAYER_ONLY",
"allow_server_rumble": true,
"ui_sounds": true,
"notify_low_battery": true,
"delegate_setup": false,
"ingame_button_guide_scale": 1.0

config/crowdin.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#Change this to no to prevent mod translation downloads

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// Function as whitelist instead
"isWhitelist": false,
// Block IDs to blacklist from being mined
"blacklistedBlocks": []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Mod enabled or disabled
"enabled": true,
// Activation key
"keybinding": "key.keyboard.grave.accent",
// Inverts the keybinding activation
"invertActivation": false,
// Sneak to excavate(can work serverside only)
"sneakToExcavate": false,
// Should mine diagonally, excludes shape excavating
"mineDiag": true,
// Maximum number of blocks to mine
"maxMinedBlocks": 40,
// Maximum distance from start to mine
"maxMineDistance": 10,
// Automatically pick up drops
"autoPickup": true,
// Tool required to excavate
"requiresTool": false,
// Stop before tool breaks
"dontBreakTool": true,
// Stop excavating when tool breaks
"stopOnToolBreak": true,
// Should tool take durability
"toolDurability": true,
// Should player get exhaustion
"playerExhaustion": true,
// Multiply exhaustion when excavating
"exhaustionMultiplier": 1.0,
// Other items to be considered tools ie: "minecraft:stick"
"tools": []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Should shape excavating be enabled
"enableShapes": false,
// Should shape excavating include different blocks
"includeDifBlocks": false,
// Shape activation key
"shapeKey": "key.keyboard.unknown",
// Shape type cycle key, sneak to reverse cycle
"cycleKey": "key.keyboard.unknown",
// Currently selected shape
"selectedShape": "LAYER"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// Enable block custom grouping
"customGrouping": false,
// BlockID to be considered the same block when excavating (IDs separated by commas)
"groups": []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#Allows doors to be waterlogged. Enable to allow waterlogging, disable for compatibility with certain mods. | default: true
#Allows fence gates to be waterlogged. Enable to allow waterlogging, disable for compatibility with certain mods. | default: true

config/dynamiccrosshair.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
"dynamicCrosshair": "Advanced",
"disableDebugCrosshair": false,
"thirdPersonCrosshair": false,
"hideWithScreen": true,
"hideWithMap": true,
"fixCenteredCrosshair": false,
"crosshairConfig": {
"onBlock": true,
"onInteractableBlock": true,
"onEntity": true,
"holdingTool": "Always",
"displayCorrectTool": true,
"holdingMeleeWeapon": true,
"meleeWeaponOnEntity": false,
"meleeWeaponOnBreakableBlock": false,
"holdingRangedWeapon": "IfInteractable",
"holdingThrowable": "IfInteractable",
"holdingShield": true,
"holdingBlock": "IfInteractable",
"holdingUsableItem": "IfInteractable",
"forceHoldingSpyglass": false
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"dynamicCrosshairStyle": true,
"crosshairStyle": {
"regular": {
"style": "Cross",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"onBlock": {
"style": "Cross",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"onEntity": {
"style": "DiagonalCross",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"holdingTool": {
"style": "Square",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"holdingMeleeWeapon": {
"style": "Cross",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"holdingRangedWeapon": {
"style": "DiagonalCross",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"holdingThrowable": {
"style": "Circle",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"holdingBlock": {
"style": "Diamond",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"crosshairModifiers": {
"modInteractable": {
"style": "Brackets",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"isModifier": true
"modUsableItem": {
"style": "RoundBrackets",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"isModifier": true
"modShield": {
"style": "BracketsBottom",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"isModifier": true
"modCorrectTool": {
"style": "Dot",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"isModifier": true
"modIncorrectTool": {
"style": "DiagonalCross",
"color": {
"crosshairColor": "Unchanged",
"customColor": -5588020,
"forceColor": false
"isModifier": true
"enableTweaks": true,
"additionalTools": [],
"additionalMeleeWeapons": [],
"additionalRangedWeapons": [],
"additionalThrowables": [],
"additionalUsableItems": [],
"additionalInteractableBlocks": []

config/emi.css Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
/** EMI Config */
#general {
* Whether EMI is enabled and visible.
enabled: true;
* Whether cheating in items is enabled.
cheat-mode: true;
* How much EMI should use tooltips and popups to show controls and information.
help-level: verbose;
* Whether normal search queries should include the tooltip.
search-tooltip-by-default: true;
* Whether normal search queries should include the mod name.
search-mod-name-by-default: false;
* Whether normal search queries should include the stack's tags.
search-tags-by-default: false;
#ui {
* Which action should be performed when clicking the recipe book.
recipe-book-action: toggle-craftables;
* Where to display status effects in the inventory.
effect-location: top;
* Whether to display a gray overlay when hovering over a stack.
show-hover-overlay: true;
* Whether to add mod name to tooltips
append-mod-id: true;
* Whether to add mod name to item tooltips, in case another mod provides behavior
append-item-mod-id: true;
* Prevents recipes being quick crafted from shifting around under the cursor.
miscraft-prevention: true;
* The unit to display fluids as.
fluid-unit: liters;
* Whether to use the batched render system. Batching is faster, but may have
* incompatibilities with shaders or other mods.
use-batched-renderer: true;
* Whether to have the search bar in the center of the screen, instead of to the
* side.
center-search-bar: true;
* Which sidebar type to switch to when searching.
search-sidebar-focus: index;
* Which sidebar type to focus when the search is empty.
empty-search-sidebar-focus: none;
* The amount of vertical margin to give in the recipe screen.
vertical-margin: 20;
* The minimum width of the recipe screen in pixels. Controls how many tabs there
* can be, and where the page switching buttons go. The default is 176, the width
* of most screens.
minimum-recipe-screen-width: 176;
* Where to show workstations in the recipe screen
workstation-location: bottom;
* Display cost per batch when hovering a recipe output
show-cost-per-batch: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to set as default.
recipe-default-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to show the recipe tree.
recipe-tree-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to fill the ingredients in a handler.
recipe-fill-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to take a screenshot of the recipe.
recipe-screenshot-button: false;
* The GUI scale at which recipe screenshots are saved. Use 0 to use the current
* GUI scale.
recipe-screenshot-scale: 0;
* The pages in the left sidebar
left-sidebar-pages: favorites;
* The subpanels in the left sidebar
left-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the left sidebar to
left-sidebar-size: 12, 100;
* How much space to maintain between the left sidebar and obstructions, in pixels
left-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the left sidebar
left-sidebar-align: left, top;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the left sidebar
left-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the left sidebar
left-sidebar-theme: transparent;
* The pages in the right sidebar
right-sidebar-pages: index, craftables;
* The subpanels in the right sidebar
right-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the right sidebar to
right-sidebar-size: 12, 100;
* How much space to maintain between the right sidebar and obstructions, in pixels
right-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the right sidebar
right-sidebar-align: right, top;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the right sidebar
right-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the right sidebar
right-sidebar-theme: transparent;
* The pages in the top sidebar
top-sidebar-pages: none;
* The subpanels in the top sidebar
top-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the top sidebar to
top-sidebar-size: 9, 9;
* How much space to maintain between the top sidebar and obstructions, in pixels
top-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the top sidebar
top-sidebar-align: center, center;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the top sidebar
top-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the top sidebar
top-sidebar-theme: transparent;
* The pages in the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-pages: none;
* The subpanels in the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the bottom sidebar to
bottom-sidebar-size: 9, 9;
* How much space to maintain between the bottom sidebar and obstructions, in
* pixels
bottom-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-align: center, center;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-theme: transparent;
#binds {
* Toggle the visibility of EMI.
toggle-visibility: "ctrl key.keyboard.o";
* Focuse the search bar.
focus-search: "ctrl key.keyboard.f";
* Clears the search bar.
clear-search: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Display the recipes for creating a stack.
view-recipes: "key.keyboard.r";
view-recipes: "key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipes that can be created using a stack.
view-uses: "key.keyboard.u";
view-uses: "key.mouse.right";
* Favorite the item to display on the side of the screen opposite of recipies for
* quick access.
favorite: "key.keyboard.a";
* Set the default recipe for a given stack in the output of a recipe to that
* recipe.
default-stack: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipe tree for a given stack.
view-stack-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Display the recipe tree.
view-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Return to the previous page in EMI.
back: "key.keyboard.backspace";
* Return to the next page in EMI after going back.
forward: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result.
craft-one: "key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible.
craft-all: "shift key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result and put in inventory if possible.
craft-one-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible and put in inventory if
* possible.
craft-all-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result and put in cursor if possible.
craft-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipe that will be used to craft on a stack with no recipe context.
show-craft: "key.keyboard.left.shift";
* Cheat in one of an item into the inventory.
cheat-one-to-inventory: "ctrl key.mouse.right";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the inventory.
cheat-stack-to-inventory: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Cheat in one of an item into the cursor.
cheat-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.middle";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the cursor.
cheat-stack-to-cursor: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Delete the stack in the cursor when hovering the index
delete-cursor-stack: "key.mouse.left";
* In edit mode, hide the hovered stack
hide-stack: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* In edit mode, hide stacks with the hovered stack's id
hide-stack-by-id: "ctrl shift key.mouse.left";
#dev {
* Whether development functions should be enabled. Not recommended for general
* play.
dev-mode: false;
* Whether editing the index is enabled
edit-mode: false;
* Whether to log untranslated tags as warnings.
log-untranslated-tags: false;
* Whether to log ingredients that don't have a representative tag as warnings.
log-non-tag-ingredients: false;
* Whether hovering the output of a recipe should show the recipe's EMI ID.
show-recipe-ids: false;
* Whether stacks in the index should display a highlight if they have a recipe
* default.
highlight-defaulted: false;
* Whether to display exclusion areas
highlight-exclusion-areas: false;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"logModelCreationData": false,
"renderModeChoice": "NORMAL",
"vanillaModelHologramRenderMode": "Off",
"attemptRevertingEntityModelsAlteredByAnotherMod": true,
"logUnknownOrModdedEntityModels": "NONE",
"attemptPhysicsModPatch_2": "CUSTOM"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"illegalPathSupportMode": "None",
"enableCustomTextures": true,
"enableCustomBlockEntities": true,
"textureUpdateFrequency_V2": "Fast",
"restrictBiome": true,
"restrictHeight": true,
"restrictBlock": true,
"restrictWeather": true,
"restrictDayTime": true,
"restrictMoonPhase": true,
"enableEmissiveTextures": true,
"enableEmissiveBlockEntities": true,
"emissiveRenderMode": "DULL",
"specialEmissiveShield": true,
"alwaysCheckVanillaEmissiveSuffix": true,
"skinFeaturesEnabled": true,
"skinFeaturesEnableTransparency": true,
"skinFeaturesEnableFullTransparency": false,
"tryETFTransparencyForAllSkins": false,
"enableEnemyTeamPlayersSkinFeatures": true,
"enableBlinking": true,
"blinkFrequency": 150,
"blinkLength": 1,
"enableTridents": true,
"enableElytra": true,
"elytraThicknessFix": false,
"advanced_IncreaseCacheSizeModifier": 1.0,
"debugLoggingMode": "None",
"removePixelsUnderEmissiveElytra": true,
"removePixelsUnderEmissiveArmour": true,
"removePixelsUnderEmissivePlayers": true,
"removePixelsUnderEmissiveMobs": true,
"removePixelsUnderEmissiveBlockEntity": true,
"dontPatchPBRTextures": true,
"dontPatchAnimatedTextures": true,
"ignoredConfigs2": [],
"hideConfigButton": false,
"disableVanillaDirectoryVariantTextures": false,
"use3DSkinLayerPatch": true,
"enableFullBodyWardenTextures": true

config/entityculling.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"configVersion": 5,
"renderNametagsThroughWalls": true,
"blockEntityWhitelist": [
"entityWhitelist": [
"tracingDistance": 128,
"debugMode": false,
"sleepDelay": 10,
"hitboxLimit": 50,
"skipMarkerArmorStands": true,
"tickCulling": true,
"tickCullingWhitelist": [
"disableF3": false,
"skipEntityCulling": false,
"skipBlockEntityCulling": false

config/epicknights/armor.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"enableKnightArmor": true,
"enableJoustingArmor": true,
"enableGothicArmor": true,
"enableMaximilianArmor": true,
"enableChainmailArmor": true,
"enablePlatemailArmor": true,
"enableHalfarmor": true,
"enableCrusaderArmor": true,
"enableBrigandineArmor": true,
"enableGambesonArmor": true,
"enableCeremonialArmor": true,
"enableShishak": true,
"enableNormanHelmet": true,
"enableRustedHalfarmorArmor": true,
"enableRustedChainmailArmor": true,
"enableRustedKettlehat": true,
"enableRustedNormanHelmet": true,
"enableRustedCrusaderArmor": true,
"enableXIVCenturyKnightArmor": true,
"enableWingedHussarArmor": true,
"enableCuirassierArmor": true,
"enableKastenbrustArmor": true,
"enableLamellarArmor": true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// If true, monsters will be equipped with some armor and weapons of the mod. This is an boolean. Default value is true.
"equipMonsters": true,
// If true, monsters will be equipped with some armor and weapons only if game the game difficulty set to hard. This is an boolean. Default value is true.
"equipMonstersOnlyIfHard": true,
// Affects the chance that monsters will be equipped by default. This is an float. Default value is 0.5, Maximum value is 1.0.
"equipChance": 0.5,
// If false, equipment will not be overriden. This is an float. Default value is false.
"overrideEquipment": false,
// If true, crafting recipes with the surcoat is available not only for the armor of this mod. Default value is true.
"enableSurcoatRecipeForAllArmor": true,
// If Epic Fight or Better Combat is installed, it will be used as true. If true, all the weapons have the same reach distance. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false.
"disableAttackReach": false,
// If true, lance will not collide with mobs when you're riding a horse. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false.
"disableLanceCollision": false,
// If true, all the weapons don't penetrate armor. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false.
"disableArmorPiercing": false,
// If true, all the weapons don't have any debuff as long as you hold something with both hands. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false.
"disableTwoHanded": false,
// If true, you can't block with the weapons from the mod. It's recommended to set to true to avoid conflicts with some combat mods. Default value is false.
"disableWeaponBlocking": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Specify mob IDs, dimensions and the items that mobs will have with some chance, all separated by a space
"equipments": [
"minecraft:zombie minecraft:overworld magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_helmet magistuarmory:rustednorman_helmet magistuarmory:rustedkettlehat magistuarmory:rustedbarbute magistuarmory:rustedgreathelm magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedhalfarmor_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_leggings magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_boots magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_boots magistuarmory:rusted_bastardsword magistuarmory:rusted_bastardsword magistuarmory:rusted_heavymace magistuarmory:corruptedroundshield",
"minecraft:skeleton minecraft:overworld magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_helmet magistuarmory:rustednorman_helmet magistuarmory:rustedkettlehat magistuarmory:rustedbarbute magistuarmory:rustedgreathelm magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedhalfarmor_chestplate magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_leggings magistuarmory:rustedchainmail_boots magistuarmory:corruptedroundshield magistuarmory:rustedcrusader_boots magistuarmory:rusted_bastardsword minecraft:bow",
"minecraft:piglin_brute minecraft:zombified_piglin minecraft:golden_helmet minecraft:golden_chestplate minecraft:golden_leggings minecraft:golden_boots magistuarmory:brigandine_chestplate magistuarmory:gambeson_boots magistuarmory:gold_bastardsword magistuarmory:gold_guisarme magistuarmory:gold_shortsword magistuarmory:gold_lochaberaxe magistuarmory:gold_buckler magistuarmory:gold_target",
"minecraft:wither_skeleton 0.3 magistuarmory:sallet magistuarmory:maximilian_helmet magistuarmory:gothic_chestplate magistuarmory:maximilian_chestplate magistuarmory:gothic_leggings magistuarmory:maximilian_leggings magistuarmory:gothic_boots magistuarmory:maximilian_helmet magistuarmory:steel_zweihander magistuarmory:steel_flamebladedsword magistuarmory:steel_lucernhammer"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"enableHeaterShield": true,
"enableTarget": true,
"enableBuckler": true,
"enableRondache": true,
"enableTartsche": true,
"enableEllipticalShield": true,
"enableRoundShield": true,
"enablePavese": true,
"enableKiteShield": true,
"enableCorruptedRoundShield": true

config/epicknights/weapons.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
"stiletto": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 2.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.600000023841858,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"shortSword": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 2.5,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.7000000476837158,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"katzbalger": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 3.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.649999976158142,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"pike": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 3.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0700000524520874,
"bonusAttackReach": 3.0
"ranseur": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 3.0999999046325684,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0700000524520874,
"bonusAttackReach": 2.0
"ahlspiess": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 4.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.2799999713897705,
"bonusAttackReach": 1.2000000476837158
"giantLance": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 2.5,
"baseAttackSpeed": 0.8399999737739563,
"bonusAttackReach": 2.0
"bastardSword": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 4.25,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.399999976158142,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"estoc": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 4.099999904632568,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.399999976158142,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.5
"claymore": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 5.400000095367432,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.2200000286102295,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"zweihander": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 6.5,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.1200000047683716,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.5
"flameBladedSword": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 6.400000095367432,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.1200000047683716,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.5
"lochaberAxe": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 7.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"bonusAttackReach": 1.0
"concaveEdgedHalberd": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 8.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 0.8999999761581421,
"bonusAttackReach": 2.0
"heavyMace": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 4.5,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.149999976158142,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"heavyWarHammer": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 5.199999809265137,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0499999523162842,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"lucerneHammer": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 4.800000190734863,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.100000023841858,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"morningstar": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 5.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.25,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"flail": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 6.199999809265137,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.100000023841858,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"guisarme": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 3.1500000953674316,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0199999809265137,
"bonusAttackReach": 1.899999976158142
"blacksmithHammer": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 5.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"barbedClub": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 5.599999904632568,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"pitchfork": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 2.799999952316284,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"bonusAttackReach": 1.0
"nobleSword": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 4.25,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.5099999904632568,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"rustedBastardSword": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 2.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.5099999904632568,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"rustedHeavyMace": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 2.0,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.5099999904632568,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"club": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 11.300000190734863,
"baseAttackSpeed": 0.800000011920929,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0
"messerSword": {
"enabled": true,
"baseAttackDamage": 3.799999952316284,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.559999942779541,
"bonusAttackReach": 0.0

config/exordium.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"configVersion": 3,
"enableSignBuffering": true,
"targetFPSNameTags": 60,
"enableNametagScreenBuffering": false,
"pollRate": 60,
"chatSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 20,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"debugScreenSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 10,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"hotbarSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 20,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"experienceSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 5,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"healthSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 20,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"scoreboardSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 5,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"tablistSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 20,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"vignetteSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"maxFps": 5,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false
"crosshairSettings": {
"enabled": false,
"maxFps": 20,
"forceBlend": false,
"forceUpdates": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#Indigo properties file
#Tue Oct 31 12:38:05 CET 2023

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Replace the blockstate neighbor table
replaceNeighborLookup = true
# Do not store the properties of a state explicitly and read themfrom the replace neighbor table instead. Requires replaceNeighborLookup to be enabled
replacePropertyMap = true
# Cache the predicate instances used in multipart models
cacheMultipartPredicates = true
# Avoid creation of new strings when creating ModelResourceLocations
modelResourceLocations = true
# Do not create a new MultipartBakedModel instance for each block state using the same multipartmodel. Requires cacheMultipartPredicates to be enabled
multipartDeduplication = true
# Deduplicate cached data for blockstates, most importantly collision and render shapes
blockstateCacheDeduplication = true
# Deduplicate vertex data of baked quads in the basic model implementations
bakedQuadDeduplication = true
# Use smaller data structures for "simple" models, especially models with few side-specific faces
modelSides = true
# Replace objects used to detect multi-threaded access to chunks by a much smaller field. This option is disabled by default due to very rare and very hard-to-reproduce crashes, use at your own risk!
useSmallThreadingDetector = false
# Use a slightly more compact, but also slightly slower representation for block states
compactFastMap = false
# Populate the neighbor table used by vanilla. Enabling this slightly increases memory usage, but can help with issues in the rare case where mods access it directly.
populateNeighborTable = false

config/forgeconfigapiport.toml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#When single config values need to be corrected (think like the config value is a number 1-10, but the user enters an incompatible input like '5.0', in that case only this single value needs fixing not the whole file),
#Forge restores the built-in default value for that option, but ignores a value that is set in a possibly present default config in 'defaultconfigs'.
#This option fixes this behavior and checks for a value in a default config from 'defaultconfigs' before falling back to the built-in default.
correctConfigValuesFromDefaultConfig = true
#Path to load default configs from, intended for setting global server configs for newly created worlds, but also works when recreating client and common configs.
defaultConfigsPath = "defaultconfigs"
#Config loading from a file config appears to occasionally fail and throw a Not enough data available.
#This workaround catches the exception, and recreates a fresh file to try config loading for again. If loading fails for the new file the original exception is thrown.
#To make sure any required changes through configs stay intact through such recreations, placed your changed configs in the 'defaultconfigs' directory.
recreateConfigsWhenParsingFails = true
#Prevent server config files from being saved inside the current world directory. Instead, save them to the global config directory in .minecraft/config/.
#This option effectively disables per world server configs, but helps a lot with avoiding user confusion.
forceGlobalServerConfigs = true

config/forgero_settings.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"disabledResources": [
"disabledPacks": [],
"disableVanillaRecipes": false,
"enableCustomRecipeDeletion": true,
"disableVanillaLoot": false,
"disableVanillaTools": false,
"convertVanillaRecipesToForgeroTools": false,
"convertVanillaToolLoot": false,
"enableUnbreakableTools": false,
"enableRepairKits": true,
"resourceLogging": true,
"logDisabledPackages": false,
"baseSoulLevelRequirement": 1000,
"useEntityAttributes": true,
"hideRarity": true,
"exportGeneratedTextures": false,
"showAttributeDifference": true,
"enableRecipesForAllSchematics": false,
"weightReducesAttackSpeed": true,
"WeightIncreasesHungerCenterPoint": 50,
"WeightIncreasesHungerScaler": 10,
"WeightIncreasesHungerBaseChance": 0.01,
"weightIncreasesHunger": false,
"minimumAttackSpeed": 0.5,
"buildModelsAsync": true

config/fwaystones/config.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"worldgen": {
"generate_in_villages": true,
"unbreakable_generated_waystones": false,
"min_per_village": 1,
"max_per_village": 1,
"village_waystone_weight": 2
"teleportation_cost": {
"cost_type": "NONE",
"cost_item": "minecraft:ender_pearl",
"base_cost": 1,
"cost_per_block_distance": 0.0,
"cost_multiplier_between_dimensions": 1.0
"discover_with_item": "none",
"take_amount_from_discover_item": 0,
"consume_infinite_knowledge_scroll_on_use": false,
"consume_local_void_on_use": true,
"free_local_void_teleport": true,
"store_waystone_data_on_sneak_break": true,
"discover_waystone_on_map_use": false,
"can_owners_redeem_payments": false,
"waystone_block_hardness": 4.0,
"waystone_block_required_mining_level": 1,
"permission_level_for_breaking_waystones": "ANYONE",
"global_mode_toggle_permission_levels": "OWNER",
"teleportation_cooldown": {
"cooldown_ticks_when_hurt": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_abyss_watcher": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_pocket_wormhole": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_local_void": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_void_totem": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_waystone": 0
"disable_teleportation_from_dimensions": [],
"disable_teleportation_to_dimensions": [],
"ignore_dimension_blacklists_if_same_dimension": true,
"add_waystone_structure_piece": {
"minecraft:village/desert/houses": "desert_village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/savanna/houses": "village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/plains/houses": "village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/taiga/houses": "village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/snowy/houses": "village_waystone"

config/gamecontrollerdatabase.txt Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

config/immediatelyfast.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"REGULAR_INFO": "----- Regular config values below -----",
"font_atlas_resizing": true,
"map_atlas_generation": true,
"hud_batching": true,
"fast_text_lookup": true,
"fast_buffer_upload": true,
"fast_buffer_upload_size_mb": 256,
"fast_buffer_upload_explicit_flush": true,
"COSMETIC_INFO": "----- Cosmetic only config values below (Does not optimize anything) -----",
"dont_add_info_into_debug_hud": false,
"EXPERIMENTAL_INFO": "----- Experimental config values below (Rendering glitches may occur) -----",
"experimental_disable_error_checking": false,
"experimental_disable_resource_pack_conflict_handling": false,
"experimental_sign_text_buffering": false,
"DEBUG_INFO": "----- Debug only config values below (Do not touch) -----",
"debug_only_and_not_recommended_disable_universal_batching": false,
"debug_only_and_not_recommended_disable_mod_conflict_handling": false,
"debug_only_and_not_recommended_disable_hardware_conflict_handling": false,
"debug_only_print_additional_error_information": false

config/immersive_mc.toml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#Whether immersives on anvils should be allowed
anvil_immersion = false
#Whether immersives on brewing stands should be allowed
brewing_immersion = false
#Whether immersives on all types of chests should be allowed. Unless users enable right_click_chest, this is VR only.
chest_immersion = false
#Whether immersives on crafting tables should be allowed
crafting_immersion = false
#Whether immersives on furnaces should be allowed
furnace_immersion = false
#Whether immersives on jukeboxes should be allowed (VR only)
jukebox_immersion = true
#Allow VR users to grab items at a distance.
ranged_grab = true
#Whether VR users can physically push buttons
button_immersion = true
#Whether immersives on Enchanting Tables should be allowed
enchant_table_immersion = false
#Whether VR users can hold items above a campfire to cook them
campfire_immersion = true
#Whether VR users can physically toggle levers
lever_immersion = true
#Allow VR players to use a bag to manage their inventory
bag_inventory = true
#Whether VR users can adjust the delay of repeaters using their hands
repeater_immersion = true
#Whether VR users can open/close doors and fence gates using their hands
door_immersion = true
#Whether VR users can pet animals they've tamed (or animals that are tamed for all once tamed, like horses)
can_pet = true
#Whether VR users can equip armor by placing the armor on them
armor_immersion = true
#Whether VR users can feed animals using both hands
feed_animals = true
#Whether immersives on Shulker Boxes should be allowed
shulker_box_immersion = false
#Whether VR players can pet any living entity instead of just pets that they're owners of. Requires 'can_pet' to be enabled!
can_pet_any_living = true
#Whether VR users can use a more immersive shield. They only need to hold a shield in the direction to block, no need to right click!
immersive_shield = true
#Range in blocks that VR players can pick up items using ranged grab. Set to -1 to use Minecraft's pick range.
#Range: -1 ~ 12
ranged_grab_range = 8
#Whether immersives on beacons should be allowed
beacon_immersion = false
#Whether immersives on barrels should be allowed
barrel_immersion = false
#Whether VR users can throw items based on the speed of their hand
use_throwing = true
#Whether VR throwing users can throw up to 5% beyond the velocity of non-VR users depending on how hard they throw
allow_throwing_beyond_max = true
#Whether immersives on hoppers should be allowed.
hopper_immersion = false
#Whether immersives for smithing tables should be allowed.
smithing_table_immersion = false
#Whether immersives for chiseled bookshelves should be allowed.
chiseled_bookshelf_immersion = true
#Whether immersives for written books should be allowed.
written_book_immersion = true
#Whether immersives for cauldrons should be allowed.
cauldron_immersion = true
#Allow users to crouch + right-click to bypass immersives.
crouch_bypass_immersion = true
#Do controller rumble for ImmersiveMC actions.
do_rumble = true
#Return items to oneself when walking away from immersives that items tend to not be stored in.
return_items = true
#Color for the bag as a base-10 RGB number.
#Range: 0 ~ 16777215
bag_color = 11901820
#Allows for right-clicking chests to use their immersive. Works outside of VR!
right_click_chest = false
#Makes the furnace immersive more centered instead of similar to the vanilla GUI
center_furnace = true
#Makes the brewing stand more centered instead of similar to the vanilla GUI
center_brewing = true
#Which bag type to display
#Range: 0 ~ 3
bag_mode = 0
#The mode for the placement guide
#Range: 0 ~ 2
placement_guide_mode = 0
#Integer representation for the mode to use when placing items using ImmersiveMC
#Range: 0 ~ 3
placement_mode = 0
#Whether the item output of a crafting table should spin
spin_crafting_output = true
#Allow right-clicking immersives in VR, like how NonVR users do.
right_click_in_vr = false
#Enables compatability for 3D resource packs like Classic 3D (16x)
resource_pack_3d_compat = false
#Color for the item guides that help with item placement (aqua by default).
#Range: 0 ~ 4294967295
item_guide_color = 855703551
#Color for the item guides that help with item placement when hovered over (green by default).
#Range: 0 ~ 4294967295
item_guide_selected_color = 855703296
#Color for the particles shown when grabbing items from range (aqua by default).
#Range: 0 ~ 4294967295
ranged_grab_color = 4278255615
#Disable vanilla GUIs when their respective immersive is enabled
disable_vanilla_interactions = false
#Reach behind bag mode.
#Range: 0 ~ 3
reach_behind_bag_mode = 0
#!!!!DON'T TOUCH!!!! Version number for this configuration file! Do not change! It is used by ImmersiveMC to track config updates so it can automatically update your configuration files when needed!
#Range: > 1
config_version = 2

config/immersive_portals.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
"check_the_wiki_for_more_information": "",
"maxPortalLayer": 5,
"lagAttackProof": true,
"compatibilityRenderMode": true,
"enableMirrorCreation": true,
"enableCrossPortalSound": true,
"pureMirror": false,
"renderYourselfInPortal": true,
"correctCrossPortalEntityRendering": true,
"reducedPortalRendering": true,
"netherPortalOverlay": false,
"enableNetherPortalEffect": true,
"enableClientPerformanceAdjustment": true,
"clientTolerantVersionMismatchWithServer": false,
"checkModInfoFromInternet": true,
"enableUpdateNotification": true,
"sharedBlockMeshBufferOptimization": true,
"enableClippingMechanism": true,
"visibilityPrediction": true,
"useDepthClampForPortalRendering": true,
"enableCrossPortalView": true,
"portalRenderLimit": 200,
"doCheckGlError": false,
"shaderpackWarning": true,
"portalWandCursorAlignment": 2,
"netherPortalMode": "normal",
"endPortalMode": "normal",
"enableWarning": true,
"lightVanillaNetherPortalWhenCrouching": false,
"enableServerPerformanceAdjustment": true,
"enableDatapackPortalGen": true,
"indirectLoadingRadiusCap": 8,
"regularPortalLengthLimit": 64,
"scaleLimit": 30,
"easeCreativePermission": true,
"easeCommandStickPermission": false,
"portalsChangeGravityByDefault": false,
"portalSearchingRange": 128,
"serverSideNormalChunkLoading": true,
"teleportationDebug": false,
"looseMovementCheck": false,
"chunkPacketDebug": false,
"enableImmPtlChunkLoading": true,
"serverTolerantVersionMismatchWithClient": false,
"serverRejectClientWithoutImmPtl": true,
"disabledWarnings": [
"dimStackPreset": {
"loop": false,
"gravityTransform": false,
"entries": [
"dimensionIdStr": "minecraft:the_end",
"scale": 1.0,
"flipped": false,
"horizontalRotation": 0.0,
"bedrockReplacementStr": "minecraft:obsidian",
"connectsPrevious": true,
"connectsNext": true
"dimensionIdStr": "minecraft:overworld",
"scale": 1.0,
"flipped": false,
"horizontalRotation": 0.0,
"bedrockReplacementStr": "minecraft:obsidian",
"connectsPrevious": true,
"connectsNext": true
"dimensionIdStr": "minecraft:the_nether",
"scale": 1.0,
"flipped": false,
"horizontalRotation": 0.0,
"bedrockReplacementStr": "minecraft:obsidian",
"connectsPrevious": true,
"connectsNext": true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#Indium properties file
#Tue Oct 31 12:38:05 CET 2023

config/infinitetrading.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// When enabled, the trades of the wandering trader will never lock up.
"wanderingTraderInfiniteTrades": true,
// When enabled, the trades of villagers will never lock up.
"villagerInfiniteTrades": true

config/infinitory.cfg Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Max Item Stack Size": 2147483647,
"Max Extra Inventory Slots": 2147483647,
"Items to Drop on Death (when keepInventory = false) (0 = Everything, 1 = Up to a stack of each item, 2 = Up to a stack of each item in your hotbar, offhand, and armor slots)": 0,
"3x3 Crafting Area": true

config/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#This file stores configuration options for Iris, such as the currently active shaderpack
#Mon Oct 30 15:46:14 CET 2023

config/ive_spoken.toml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
lastingTime = 5000
maxWidth = 180

config/jade/hide-blocks.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"__comment": "This is a blocklist for the target of Jade. You can add registry ids to the \"values\" list. Restart the game to apply changes.",
"values": [
"version": 1

config/jade/hide-entities.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"__comment": "This is a blocklist for the target of Jade. You can add registry ids to the \"values\" list. Restart the game to apply changes.",
"values": [
"version": 1

config/jade/jade.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"general": {
"hintOverlayToggle": true,
"hintNarratorToggle": true,
"previewOverlay": true,
"displayTooltip": true,
"displayBlocks": true,
"displayEntities": false,
"displayBosses": true,
"displayMode": "TOGGLE",
"hideFromDebug": true,
"hideFromTabList": true,
"enableTextToSpeech": false,
"ttsMode": "PRESS",
"fluidMode": "ANY",
"reachDistance": 0.0,
"debug": false,
"itemModNameTooltip": true,
"bossBarOverlapMode": "PUSH_DOWN"
"overlay": {
"activeTheme": "jade:waila",
"themesHash": -328442023,
"overlayPosX": 0.5,
"overlayPosY": 0.99,
"overlayScale": 1.0,
"overlayAnchorX": 0.5,
"overlayAnchorY": 0.0,
"overlaySquare": false,
"flipMainHand": false,
"autoScaleThreshold": 0.4,
"alpha": 0.7,
"iconMode": "TOP",
"animation": false,
"disappearingDelay": 0.0
"formatting": {
"itemModNameStyle": {
"italic": true,
"color": "blue"

config/jade/plugins.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"minecraft": {
"item_storage.show_name_amount": 5,
"furnace": true,
"harvest_tool.show_unbreakable": false,
"animal_owner": true,
"animal_owner.fetch_names": true,
"harvest_tool.effective_tool": true,
"item_storage.normal_amount": 9,
"item_storage": true,
"harvest_tool": true,
"armor_stand": true,
"fluid_storage.detailed": false,
"energy_storage": true,
"entity_armor.max_for_render": 40,
"breaking_progress": true,
"tnt_stability": true,
"item_storage.items_per_line": 9,
"item_frame": true,
"crop_progress": true,
"command_block": true,
"mob_growth": true,
"harvest_tool.new_line": false,
"entity_health.max_for_render": 40,
"entity_health.show_fractions": false,
"mob_spawner": true,
"redstone": true,
"fluid_storage": true,
"chicken_egg": true,
"jukebox": true,
"brewing_stand": true,
"energy_storage.detailed": false,
"note_block": true,
"beehive": true,
"item_storage.detailed_amount": 54,
"player_head": true,
"block_states": false,
"lectern": true,
"entity_armor": true,
"harvest_tool.creative": false,
"horse_stats": true,
"item_tooltip": true,
"entity_health": true,
"enchantment_power": true,
"zombie_villager": true,
"villager_profession": true,
"mob_breeding": true,
"entity_health.icons_per_line": 10,
"total_enchantment_power": true,
"potion_effects": true,
"painting": true,
"chiseled_bookshelf": true
"jade": {
"coordinates.rel": false,
"distance": false,
"block_face": false,
"coordinates": false,
"registry_name": "OFF",
"mod_name": true

config/jade/sort-order.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
"jade:object_name": null,
"jade:registry_name": null,
"jade:mod_name": null,
"jade:distance": null,
"jade:block_face": null,
"minecraft:brewing_stand": null,
"minecraft:beehive": null,
"minecraft:command_block": null,
"minecraft:jukebox": null,
"minecraft:lectern": null,
"minecraft:redstone": null,
"minecraft:furnace": null,
"minecraft:chiseled_bookshelf": null,
"minecraft:animal_owner": null,
"minecraft:potion_effects": null,
"minecraft:mob_growth": null,
"minecraft:mob_breeding": null,
"minecraft:chicken_egg": null,
"minecraft:zombie_villager": null,
"minecraft:block_states": null,
"minecraft:horse_stats": null,
"minecraft:item_frame": null,
"minecraft:tnt_stability": null,
"minecraft:note_block": null,
"minecraft:armor_stand": null,
"minecraft:painting": null,
"minecraft:harvest_tool": null,
"minecraft:enchantment_power": null,
"minecraft:total_enchantment_power": null,
"minecraft:player_head": null,
"minecraft:item_ber": null,
"minecraft:villager_profession": null,
"minecraft:item_tooltip": null,
"minecraft:falling_block": null,
"minecraft:entity_health": null,
"minecraft:entity_armor": null,
"minecraft:crop_progress": null,
"minecraft:mob_spawner": null,
"minecraft:item_display": null,
"minecraft:block_display": null,
"minecraft:item_storage": null,
"minecraft:fluid_storage": null,
"minecraft:energy_storage": null,
"minecraft:progress": null,
"jade:object_name": null,
"jade:registry_name": null,
"jade:mod_name": null,
"jade:distance": null,
"jade:block_face": null,
"minecraft:brewing_stand": null,
"minecraft:beehive": null,
"minecraft:command_block": null,
"minecraft:jukebox": null,
"minecraft:lectern": null,
"minecraft:redstone": null,
"minecraft:furnace": null,
"minecraft:chiseled_bookshelf": null,
"minecraft:animal_owner": null,
"minecraft:potion_effects": null,
"minecraft:mob_growth": null,
"minecraft:mob_breeding": null,
"minecraft:chicken_egg": null,
"minecraft:zombie_villager": null,
"minecraft:block_states": null,
"minecraft:horse_stats": null,
"minecraft:item_frame": null,
"minecraft:tnt_stability": null,
"minecraft:note_block": null,
"minecraft:armor_stand": null,
"minecraft:painting": null,
"minecraft:harvest_tool": null,
"minecraft:enchantment_power": null,
"minecraft:total_enchantment_power": null,
"minecraft:player_head": null,
"minecraft:item_ber": null,
"minecraft:villager_profession": null,
"minecraft:item_tooltip": null,
"minecraft:falling_block": null,
"minecraft:entity_health": null,
"minecraft:entity_armor": null,
"minecraft:crop_progress": null,
"minecraft:mob_spawner": null,
"minecraft:item_display": null,
"minecraft:block_display": null,
"minecraft:item_storage": null,
"minecraft:fluid_storage": null,
"minecraft:energy_storage": null,
"minecraft:progress": null

config/jade/usernamecache.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"117459cd-a223-448f-be6a-c3792f132c99": "utime"

config/journeymap-server.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

config/lambdynlights.toml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
# LambDynamicLights configuration.
# The dynamic lights mode
mode = "fancy"
# Light sources settings.
# Enables water-sensitive light sources check. This means that water-sensitive items will not light up when submerged in water.
water_sensitive_check = true
# Enable block entities light source.
block_entities = true
# Enable entities light source.
entities = true
# Enable first-person player light source.
self = true
# TNT lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
tnt = "off"
# Creeper lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
creeper = "simple"
panda = true
axolotl = true
bee = true
arrow = true
cow = true
pig = true
skeleton = true
bat = true
husk = true
hoglin = true
camel = true
rabbit = true
armor_stand = true
drowned = true
experience_orb = true
dolphin = true
item = true
turtle = true
shulker = true
wither_skeleton = true
salmon = true
wandering_trader = true
piglin_brute = true
item_frame = true
vindicator = true
horse = true
glow_squid = true
glow_item_frame = false
squid = true
parrot = true
creeper = true
enderman = true
chicken = true
trader_llama = true
donkey = true
chest_minecart = true
tropical_fish = true
fox = true
slime = true
pillager = true
iron_golem = true
zombified_piglin = true
piglin = true
cat = true
zombie = true
sheep = true
player = true
pufferfish = true
villager = true
wolf = true
fishing_bobber = true
zombie_villager = true
strider = true
painting = true
witch = true
cod = true
spider = true
nether_portal_new = true
loading_indicator = true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
watchForChanges: true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Valid: [Google, LibreTranslate, Noop]
translationService: "Google",
libreTranslateHost: ""

config/libjf-web-v1.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
serverIp: "",
port: 35535,
portOverride: -1,
maxConnections: 20,
enableFileHost: false

config/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# This is the configuration file for Lithium.
# This file exists for debugging purposes and should not be configured otherwise.
# Before configuring anything, take a backup of the worlds that will be opened.
# You can find information on editing this file and all the available options here:
# By default, this file will be empty except for this notice.

config/midnightcontrols.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
"configVersion": 2,
"controlsMode": "CONTROLLER",
"autoSwitchMode": true,
"debug": false,
"hudEnable": true,
"hudSide": "LEFT",
"moveChat": false,
"analogMovement": true,
"doubleTapToSprint": true,
"controllerToggleSneak": true,
"controllerToggleSprint": true,
"fastBlockPlacing": false,
"flyDrifting": true,
"verticalFlyDrifting": true,
"horizontalReacharound": false,
"verticalReacharound": false,
"shouldRenderReacharoundOutline": true,
"reacharoundOutlineColorHex": "#ffffff",
"reacharoundOutlineColorAlpha": 102,
"rightDeadZone": 0.25,
"leftDeadZone": 0.25,
"invertRightYAxis": false,
"invertRightXAxis": false,
"rotationSpeed": 35.0,
"yAxisRotationSpeed": 35.0,
"mouseSpeed": 25.0,
"joystickAsMouse": false,
"eyeTrackerAsMouse": false,
"eyeTrackerDeadzone": 0.05,
"unfocusedInput": false,
"virtualMouse": false,
"virtualMouseSkin": "DEFAULT_LIGHT",
"hideNormalMouse": false,
"controllerID": 0.0,
"secondControllerID": -1.0,
"controllerType": "DUALSHOCK",
"mouseScreens": [
"arrowScreens": [
"wasdScreens": [
"closeButtonScreens": [
"touchSpeed": 50.0,
"invertTouch": false,
"touchMode": "CROSSHAIR",
"touchBreakDelay": 120,
"touchTransparency": 75,
"touchOutlineColorHex": "#ffffff",
"touchOutlineColorAlpha": 150,
"leftTouchBinds": [
"rightTouchBinds": [
"controller.controls.slot_up": "-1",
"controller.controls.exit": "1",
"controller.controls.pick_block": "14",
"controller.controls.sprint": "9",
"controller.controls.slot_right": "-1",
"controller.controls.slot_left": "-1",
"controller.controls.attack": "105",
"controller.controls.hotbar_right": "-1",
"controller.controls.right": "100",
"controller.controls.use": "104",
"controller.controls.slot_down": "-1"
"maxAnalogValues": [
"maxAnalogValueLeftX": 1.0,
"maxAnalogValueLeftY": 1.0,
"maxAnalogValueRightX": 1.0,
"maxAnalogValueRightY": 1.0,
"triggerFix": false,
"excludedKeybindings": [
"enableHints": true,
"shortcutInControls": true,
"ringBindings": [],
"ignoredUnboundKeys": [
"controllerBindingProfiles": {}

config/midnightlib.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"config_screen_list": "MODMENU"

config/modmenu.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"sorting": "ascending",
"count_libraries": true,
"compact_list": false,
"count_children": true,
"mods_button_style": "classic",
"game_menu_button_style": "replace_bugs",
"count_hidden_mods": true,
"mod_count_location": "title_screen",
"hide_mod_links": false,
"show_libraries": false,
"hide_mod_license": false,
"hide_badges": false,
"hide_mod_credits": false,
"easter_eggs": true,
"modify_title_screen": true,
"modify_game_menu": true,
"hide_config_buttons": false,
"random_java_colors": false,
"translate_names": true,
"translate_descriptions": true,
"config_mode": false,
"disable_drag_and_drop": false,
"hidden_mods": [],
"hidden_configs": [],
"disable_update_checker": [],
"update_checker": true,
"button_update_badge": true,
"quick_configure": true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"charmsEnabled": {
"CharmFeatheredGraceEnabled": true,
"CharmBlazingEmbraceEnabled": true,
"CharmEarthsOrderEnabled": true,
"CharmGazeSerenityEnabled": true,
"CharmBotanicBlessingEnabled": true,
"CharmFleetingStridesEnabled": true,
"CharmNightsGuardianEnabled": true,
"CharmHighBoundsEnabled": true,
"CharmDrownedFreedomEnabled": true,
"CharmWeightlessFlowEnabled": true,
"CharmCollectorsGiftEnabled": true,
"CharmClimbersPathEnabled": true,
"CharmNaturesCallEnabled": true,
"CharmBartersPactEnabled": true,
"CharmBattleFuryEnabled": true,
"CharmEchoingWrathEnabled": true,
"CharmEnchantedWhispersEnabled": true,
"CharmArrowDanceEnabled": true,
"CharmMountainsStrengthEnabled": true,
"CharmSafeTerritoryEnabled": true,
"CharmQuietPresenceEnabled": true
"charmCombinationsEnabled": {
"CharmCombinationFeatheredGraceAndHighBoundsEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationBlazingEmbraceAndBattleFuryEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationEarthsOrderAndBlazingEmbraceEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationEarthsOrderAndDrownedFreedomEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationEarthsOrderAndWeightlessFlowEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationEarthsOrderAndBattleFuryEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationBotanicBlessingAndFeatheredGraceEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationFleetingStridesAndHighBoundsEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationFleetingStridesAndBattleFuryEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationWeightlessFlowAndFeatheredGraceEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationClimbersPathAndHighBoundsEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationEchoingWrathAndBlazingEmbraceEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationEchoingWrathAndBattleFuryEnabled": true,
"CharmCombinationQuietPresenceAndFeatheredGraceEnabled": true

config/neat-client.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Maximum distance in blocks at which health bars should render
"maxDistance": 24,
// Whether health bars should render when the HUD is disabled with F1
"renderInF1": false,
// How far above the mob health bars should render
"heightAbove": 0.6,
// Whether the gray background plate should be drawn
"drawBackground": true,
// Amount of extra padding space around the background plate
"backgroundPadding": 2,
// How tall the background plate should be
"backgroundHeight": 6,
// How tall the health bar should be
"barHeight": 4,
// How wide the health bar should be. If the entity has a long name, the bar will increase in size to match it.
"plateSize": 25,
// plateSize but for bosses
"plateSizeBoss": 50,
// Show mob attributes such as arthropod or undead
"showAttributes": true,
// Show armor points
"showArmor": true,
// Group armor points into diamond icons
"groupArmor": true,
// Color the bar differently depending on whether the entity is hostile or is a boss
"colorByType": false,
// Height of the text on the health bar
"hpTextHeight": 14,
// Whether the maximum health of the mob should be shown
"showMaxHP": true,
// Whether the current health of the mob should be shown
"showCurrentHP": true,
// Whether the percentage health of the mob should be shown
"showPercentage": true,
// Whether bars on players should be shown
"showOnPlayers": true,
// Whether bars on bosses should be shown
"showOnBosses": true,
// Only show bars for mobs you are targeting
"showOnlyFocused": false,
// Show bars for mobs that are at full health
"showFullHealth": true,
// Show extra debug info on the bar when F3 is enabled
"enableDebugInfo": true,
// Entity ID's that should not have bars rendered
"blacklist": [

config/notenoughanimations.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"configVersion": 9,
"animationSmoothingSpeed": 20.0,
"holdingItems": [
"enableAnimationSmoothing": true,
"enableInWorldMapRendering": true,
"enableOffhandHiding": true,
"enableRotationLocking": true,
"enableLadderAnimation": true,
"ladderAnimationAmplifier": 0.35,
"ladderAnimationArmHeight": 1.7,
"ladderAnimationArmSpeed": 2.0,
"enableRotateToLadder": true,
"enableEatDrinkAnimation": true,
"enableRowBoatAnimation": true,
"enableHorseAnimation": true,
"dontHoldItemsInBed": true,
"freezeArmsInBed": true,
"rotationLock": "NONE",
"showLastUsedSword": false,
"sheathSwords": [
"enableCrawlingAnimation": true,
"holdUpItemsMode": "CONFIG",
"holdUpItemOffset": 0.0,
"itemSwapAnimation": true,
"tweakElytraAnimation": true,
"petAnimation": true,
"fallingAnimation": false,
"freezingAnimation": true,
"huggingAnimation": false,
"narutoRunning": false,
"enableInWorldBookRendering": false,
"disableLegSmoothing": false,
"bowAnimation": "VANILLA"

config/origins_server.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
"performVersionCheck": true,
"origins": {
"proviorigins:alraune": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/life_sap": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/life_sap_recharge": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/life_sap_reset_on_death": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/photosynthesis": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/summon_plant_aoe": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/summon_plant_pull": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/summon_plant_push": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/summon_plant_projectile": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/through_grass": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/hidden_passives": true,
"proviorigins:common/hearty": true,
"proviorigins:common/medium_taller": true,
"proviorigins:common/poor_strength": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"proviorigins:common/exhaust_more": true,
"proviorigins:common/dried_up": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/composter_death": true,
"proviorigins:common/double_fire_damage": true,
"proviorigins:alraune/plap_plap_give_pitcher_pod": true
"origins:arachnid": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:climbing": true,
"origins:master_of_webs": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
"origins:arthropod": true
"rpg_origins:archer": {
"enabled": true,
"rpg_origins:marksman": true,
"rpg_origins:untrained": true,
"rpg_origins:inexperienced": true,
"rpg_origins:resourceful": true,
"rpg_origins:quiver": true
"rain_world:artificer": {
"enabled": true,
"rain_world:craftexplosive": true,
"rain_world:message": true,
"rain_world:waterweak": true,
"rain_world:carnivore": true,
"rain_world:explosivejump": true,
"rain_world:smallsize": true
"origins:avian": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:slow_falling": true,
"origins:fresh_air": true,
"origins:like_air": true,
"origins:tailwind": true,
"origins:lay_eggs": true,
"origins:vegetarian": true
"rpg_origins:bard": {
"enabled": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/ponder": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/sing": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/feel": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/admire": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/call": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/dream": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/seek": true,
"rpg_origins:horn_effects/yearn": true,
"rpg_origins:musical_talent": true,
"rpg_origins:musical_past": true,
"rpg_origins:decoy": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true,
"rpg_origins:not_the_smartest": true,
"rpg_origins:charismatic": true,
"rpg_origins:charismatic_toggle": true
"origins:blazeborn": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:fire_immunity": true,
"origins:nether_spawn": true,
"origins:burning_wrath": true,
"origins:hotblooded": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"origins:flame_particles": true,
"origins:damage_from_snowballs": true,
"origins:damage_from_potions": true
"rpg_origins:brute": {
"enabled": true,
"rpg_origins:no_time_to_rest": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"origins:strong_arms": true,
"rpg_origins:select_targets_strong": true,
"origins:natural_armor": true,
"rpg_origins:select_targets_weak": true
"animal_origins:cat": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:quarter_block_tall": true,
"animal_origins:quarter_block_wide": true,
"animal_origins:carnivore": true,
"animal_origins:night_vision": true,
"animal_origins:three_hearts": true,
"animal_origins:stronger_burn": true,
"animal_origins:transparent_crouch": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"origins:launch_into_air": true
"rpg_origins:cleric": {
"enabled": true,
"rpg_origins:villagefriendly": true,
"rpg_origins:untrained": true,
"rpg_origins:brewer_jumpboost": true,
"rpg_origins:brewer_speed": true,
"rpg_origins:brewer_strength": true,
"rpg_origins:brewer_regeneration": true,
"rpg_origins:heal_pool": true,
"rpg_origins:forgivable": true,
"rpg_origins:pure": true,
"rpg_origins:pure_color": true,
"rpg_origins:pure_shake": true,
"rpg_origins:one_with_the_world": true
"dragon_origins:cookie": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:canibalism": true,
"dragon_origins:spillage": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"proviorigins:crystalliser": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:crystalliser/crystal_charging": true,
"proviorigins:crystalliser/shard_absorb": true,
"proviorigins:crystalliser/summon_follower": true,
"proviorigins:crystalliser/summoner_passives": true,
"proviorigins:crystalliser/explosion_resist": true,
"proviorigins:common/brittle": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_bows": true
"dragon_origins:cyborg": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:metal_skin": true,
"dragon_origins:water": true,
"dragon_origins:xtrajump": true,
"dragon_origins:fire_immunity": true,
"dragon_origins:no_armor": true,
"dragon_origins:fall_dam": true,
"dragon_origins:night_v": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone": {
"enabled": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/sun_bad": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/fire_damage": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/warm_up": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/heating": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/waterbad": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/wings": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/launch_away": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/wingflap": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/air_damage": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/fallbreak": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/strike": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/sturdy_legs": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/acid_tail": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/salivaheal": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/taller": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/fast_robo": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/robot_strength": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/metalic_arms": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/metalic_arms_break_speed": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/robot_armor": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/weird_hands": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/eyes": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/eat_meat": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/steal": true,
"murderdrones:disassembly_drone/core": true
"proviorigins:drake": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/true_flight": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/weak_natural_armour": true,
"origins:fire_immunity": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/chain_crafting": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"proviorigins:common/taller": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/ridable": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true,
"proviorigins:common/slow_swim": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/remove_dragon_head": true
"proviorigins:drakling": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/short_flight": true,
"origins:fire_immunity": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/chain_crafting": true,
"origins:light_armor": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true,
"proviorigins:common/slow_swim": true,
"origins:more_kinetic_damage": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/enderdragon_mandatory": true,
"proviorigins:drakling/dragon_evolution": true
"dragon_origins:druid": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:f_buf": true,
"dragon_origins:nether2": true,
"dragon_origins:hot_debuf": true,
"dragon_origins:vegie3": true,
"dragon_origins:roots": true,
"dragon_origins:roots2": true,
"dragon_origins:roots3": true,
"dragon_origins:heal2": true,
"dragon_origins:regen": true,
"dragon_origins:plant_v": true,
"dragon_origins:green2": true,
"dragon_origins:hunger": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"animal_origins:duck": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:featherweight": true,
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"animal_origins:vegetarian": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_tall": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_wide": true,
"animal_origins:seven_hearts": true,
"animal_origins:quack": true,
"animal_origins:quack_sound": true
"origins:elytrian": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:elytra": true,
"origins:launch_into_air": true,
"origins:aerial_combatant": true,
"origins:light_armor": true,
"origins:claustrophobia": true,
"origins:more_kinetic_damage": true
"origins:enderian": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:throw_ender_pearl": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"origins:pumpkin_hate": true,
"origins:extra_reach": true,
"origins:ender_particles": true,
"origins:damage_from_potions": true
"proviorigins:fae_moth": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:common/smaller": true,
"proviorigins:faemoth/faerie_dust": true,
"proviorigins:faemoth/faerie_dust_charging": true,
"proviorigins:faemoth/flutter": true,
"proviorigins:faemoth/crit_passive": true,
"proviorigins:faemoth/share_buffs": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"proviorigins:common/slow_fall": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
"proviorigins:common/poor_strength": true,
"proviorigins:common/double_fire_damage": true,
"origins:vegetarian": true,
"origins:arthropod": true
"origins:feline": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"origins:sprint_jump": true,
"origins:velvet_paws": true,
"origins:nine_lives": true,
"origins:weak_arms": true,
"origins:scare_creepers": true,
"origins:cat_vision": true
"animal_origins:gecko": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_tall": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_wide": true,
"animal_origins:transparent": true,
"animal_origins:seven_hearts": true
"animal_origins:giraffe": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:vegetarian": true,
"animal_origins:fifteen_hearts": true,
"animal_origins:two_block_tall": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"origins:light_armor": true
"rain_world:gourmand": {
"enabled": true,
"rain_world:slow": true,
"rain_world:strength": true,
"rain_world:regurgitate": true,
"rain_world:smallsize": true
"animal_origins:grasshopper": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:quarter_block_tall": true,
"animal_origins:quarter_block_wide": true,
"animal_origins:higher_motion": true,
"animal_origins:vegetarian": true,
"animal_origins:five_hearts": true
"dragon_origins:green_dragon_origin": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:good_neighboer": true,
"dragon_origins:green": true,
"dragon_origins:elytra": true,
"dragon_origins:white_teeth": true,
"dragon_origins:vegie": true,
"dragon_origins:food": true,
"dragon_origins:size": true,
"dragon_origins:emerald": true,
"dragon_origins:droar": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"proviorigins:homunculus": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:tailwind": true,
"proviorigins:common/more_experience": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_splash_potions": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_trades": true,
"proviorigins:common/angry_golems": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true
"origins:human": {
"enabled": true
"proviorigins:jelly": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/entity_detect": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/scoreboard_manager": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_game_events": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/spread_sculk": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/create_sensor": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/break_sculk_fast": true,
"proviorigins:common/double_jump": true,
"proviorigins:common/slow_fall": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/catalyse": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/buffs_on_sculk": true,
"proviorigins:jellysculk/debuffs_off_sculk": true,
"proviorigins:common/brittle": true,
"proviorigins:common/ignore_darkness_pulse": true
"rpg_origins:knight": {
"enabled": true,
"rpg_origins:durable": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true,
"rpg_origins:prepared": true,
"rpg_origins:trained": true
"dragon_origins:kraken": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:kraken/bigger_kraken": true,
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"dragon_origins:kraken/grapple": true,
"dragon_origins:kraken/grappledesc": true,
"dragon_origins:kraken/grappletp": true,
"origins:air_from_potions": true,
"origins:aqua_affinity": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"origins:water_vision": true,
"origins:conduit_power_on_land": true,
"origins:like_water": true,
"origins:water_breathing": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"proviorigins:kraken_of_decay": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:aquatic": true,
"origins:like_water": true,
"origins:swim_speed": true,
"origins:aqua_affinity": true,
"proviorigins:common/amphibious": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_passive_drain_and_gain": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_recharge_rate": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_recharge_resource": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_gain_on_kill": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_reset_on_death": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/soulsand_spreading": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/wither_hit": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/propulsion": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/soul_steal": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/tentacle_grapple": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/soul_consume": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/water_glow": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_low_value_penalty": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/deaths_vice_empty": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/water_sensitive": true,
"proviorigins:common/pescatarian": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/slow_on_land": true,
"proviorigins:decaykraken/drop_ink_on_death": true
"proviorigins:lily_of_the_void": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_lily": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_allium": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_azurebluet": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_blueorchid_dandelion": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_cornflower": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_oxeye": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_poppy": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_tulips": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_wither": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_chorus": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_cactus_rose_berry": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_glow": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_wood": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_sugarcane": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy_waterbreathing": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy__reset_on_death": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy__resource": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy__manual_reset": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/flower_copy__drain": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/void_growth": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/pollination": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/nether_air": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_potions": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_splash_potions": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_food": true,
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"proviorigins:voidlily/fix_regen": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
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"proviorigins:voidlily/composter_death": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/death_particles": true,
"proviorigins:common/ignore_corruption": true,
"proviorigins:voidlily/plap_plap_get_bonemealed": true
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"animal_origins:lizard_climb": true,
"animal_origins:vegetarian": true,
"animal_origins:heal_in_daylight": true
"dragon_origins:lorax": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:lorax/phase": true,
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"dragon_origins:lorax/size": true,
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"dragon_origins:lorax/marshmellow": true,
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"dragon_origins:advancement": true
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"rpg_origins:untrained": true,
"rpg_origins:fireball": true,
"rpg_origins:water_walk": true,
"rpg_origins:unwieldly": true
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"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:vegie2": true,
"dragon_origins:fairy_wings": true,
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"dragon_origins:size3": true,
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"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"dragon_origins:6hp": true,
"dragon_origins:no_swords": true,
"dragon_origins:iron_golem": true,
"dragon_origins:heal": true,
"dragon_origins:no_combat": true,
"dragon_origins:hot_debuf": true,
"dragon_origins:nether": true,
"dragon_origins:hunger": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"origins:merling": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:water_breathing": true,
"origins:water_vision": true,
"origins:aqua_affinity": true,
"origins:swim_speed": true,
"origins:like_water": true,
"origins:aquatic": true,
"origins:conduit_power_on_land": true,
"origins:air_from_potions": true
"dragon_origins:mimic": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:mimic/toggle": true,
"dragon_origins:mimic/toggle2": true,
"dragon_origins:mimic/display": true,
"origins:nine_lives": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"dragon_origins:mini": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:speed": true,
"dragon_origins:size2": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"origins:climbing": true,
"dragon_origins:haste": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"dragon_origins:less_hp": true,
"dragon_origins:speedswim": true,
"dragon_origins:speed_boost": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"dragon_origins:slow": true,
"dragon_origins:jump_boost": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"dragon_origins:necromancer": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:gloom2": true,
"dragon_origins:mysterous": true,
"dragon_origins:emume": true,
"dragon_origins:summon/sz_summon": true,
"dragon_origins:summon/a_summon": true,
"dragon_origins:summon/d_summon": true,
"dragon_origins:cloak": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"dragon_origins:panda": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:panda/food": true,
"dragon_origins:panda/food_dis": true,
"origins:vegetarian": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"origins:phantom": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:phantomize": true,
"origins:translucent": true,
"origins:phasing": true,
"origins:invisibility": true,
"origins:burn_in_daylight": true,
"origins:hunger_over_time": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
"origins:phantomize_overlay": true
"dragon_origins:pirate": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:pirate/hook": true,
"dragon_origins:pirate/eye_patch": true,
"dragon_origins:pirate/swim_speed": true,
"dragon_origins:pirate/home": true,
"dragon_origins:pirate/shiny": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"dragon_origins:red_dragon": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:fire_immunity": true,
"origins:nether_spawn": true,
"origins:burning_wrath": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"origins:hotblooded": true,
"dragon_origins:freeze": true,
"dragon_origins:size69": true,
"dragon_origins:wreckless": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"animal_origins:red_panda": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_tall": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_wide": true,
"animal_origins:night_vision": true,
"animal_origins:carnivore": true,
"animal_origins:red_panda_strong": true,
"origins:climbing": true
"rain_world:rivulet": {
"enabled": true,
"rain_world:speed": true,
"rain_world:swim_speed": true,
"rain_world:water_breathing": true,
"rain_world:lowhealth": true,
"rain_world:better_vision": true,
"rain_world:jumpheight": true,
"rain_world:quickhands": true,
"rain_world:fallheight": true,
"rain_world:smallsize": true
"rain_world:saint": {
"enabled": true,
"rain_world:fallprot": true,
"rain_world:extralowhealth": true,
"rain_world:levitate": true,
"origins:vegetarian": true,
"rain_world:smallsize": true
"dragon_origins:sand_larvae": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/air_swim": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/advancement": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/hp": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/size": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/bite": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/spit": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/sand_confidene": true,
"dragon_origins:sand/sand_larvae/desert": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"animal_origins:shark": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:fifteen_hearts": true,
"animal_origins:attack_damage": true,
"animal_origins:carnivore": true,
"origins:water_breathing": true
"animal_origins:sheep": {
"enabled": true,
"animal_origins:vegetarian": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_tall": true,
"animal_origins:half_block_wide": true,
"animal_origins:featherweight": true
"origins:shulk": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:shulker_inventory": true,
"origins:natural_armor": true,
"origins:strong_arms": true,
"origins:strong_arms_break_speed": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true
"rain_world:spearmaster": {
"enabled": true,
"rain_world:onlyeatspeared": true,
"rain_world:newspear": true,
"rain_world:smallsize": true,
"rain_world:highhealth": true
"proviorigins:splinter": {
"enabled": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/mana": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/concentration": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/reset_resources_on_death": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/resource_recharge": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/fragment": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/distortion": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/arcane_glow": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/swap": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/dodge_projectiles": true,
"proviorigins:common/brittle": true,
"proviorigins:common/no_crits": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"proviorigins:splinter/reset_resources": true
"dragon_origins:test": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:test/invis_temp": true,
"dragon_origins:test/heal": true,
"dragon_origins:test/lightning": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"rpg_origins:thief": {
"enabled": true,
"rpg_origins:speedy": true,
"rpg_origins:stealthy": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"rpg_origins:better_unnoticed": true,
"rpg_origins:uneasy_alliance": true,
"rpg_origins:thefty": true,
"rpg_origins:stealthy_damage": true,
"rpg_origins:weak": true
"dragon_origins:undead": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:zombie": true,
"dragon_origins:daylight": true,
"dragon_origins:hugs": true,
"dragon_origins:body": true,
"dragon_origins:body_": true,
"dragon_origins:undead": true,
"dragon_origins:unnerving": true,
"dragon_origins:attacker": true,
"dragon_origins:target": true,
"dragon_origins:join_team": true,
"dragon_origins:create_team": true,
"dragon_origins:summon": true,
"dragon_origins:shovel": true,
"dragon_origins:stone_sword": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"murderdrones:worker_drone": {
"enabled": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/eyes": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/telekinesis": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/fast_robo": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/fire_damage": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/shorter": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/longer_arms": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/metallic_arms": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/ore": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/robot_armor": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/waterbad": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/evolve": true,
"murderdrones:worker_drone/evolve2": true
"dragon_origins:yang": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yang/yintransform": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yang/cloud": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yang/posess": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yang/transparency1": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yang/dayweak": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yang/invis_temp": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"dragon_origins:yin": {
"enabled": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yin/yangtransform": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yin/heal": true,
"dragon_origins:test/lightning": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yin/transparency": true,
"dragon_origins:yinyang/yin/darkweak": true,
"dragon_origins:advancement": true
"murderdrones:zombie_drone": {
"enabled": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/sun_bad": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/fire_damage": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/heating": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/more_food": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/telekinesis": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/wings": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/wingflap": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/launch_away": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/air_damage": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/fallbreak": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/eat_meat": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/eyes": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/robot_armor": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/fast_robo": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/robot_strength": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/longer_arms": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/size": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/steal": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/waterbad": true,
"murderdrones:zombie_drone/evolve": true

config/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#PlayerAbilityLib configuration file
#If alwaysLogTamperWarnings is set to false, external update messages will be logged only once per game session
#Mon Oct 30 19:51:24 CET 2023

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

config/power_config.json5 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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"hudOffsetY": 0
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"showUsabilityHints": true,
"compactUsabilityHints": true
"executeCommand": {
"permissionLevel": 2,
"showOutput": false
"modifyPlayerSpawnPower": {
"radius": 6400,
"horizontalBlockCheckInterval": 64,
"verticalBlockCheckInterval": 64

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"enabled": false,
"displayCount": 0,
"displayRemaining": 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"volume": 70,
"clientPlayerVolume": 100,
"otherPlayerVolume": 100,
"runningVolumeIncrease": 0,
"wetSoundsVolume": 50,
"maxSteppingEntities": 50,
"stance": "UNKNOWN",
"multiplayer": true,
"global": true,
"targetEntities": "ALL"

config/preventer.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
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"noStrip": false,
"noStrip_msg": false,
"noPath": false,
"noPath_msg": false,
"noFarmland": false,
"noFarmland_msg": false,
"noCake": false,
"noCake_msg": false,
"noScraping": false,
"noScraping_msg": false,
"noDeWax": false,
"noDeWax_msg": false,
"noTrappedChestOpening": false,
"noTrappedChestOpening_msg": false,
"preventRocketUse": false,
"preventRocketUse_msg": false,
"rocketInOffhand": true,
"rocketInMainHand": false,
"preventBedUse": false,
"preventBedUse_msg": false,
"preventRenamedItemEating": false,
"preventRenamedItemEating_msg": false,
"preventNoteBlockEditing": false,
"preventNoteBlockEditing_msg": false,
"noGlowBerrieHarvest": false,
"noGlowBerrieHarvest_msg": false,
"noSweetBerrieHarvest": false,
"noSweetBerrieHarvest_msg": false,
"onlyMatureCropHarvest": false,
"onlyMatureCropHarvest_msg": false,
"preventStemBreaking": false,
"preventStemBreaking_msg": false,
"preventBuddingAmethystBreaking": false,
"preventBuddingAmethystBreaking_msg": false,
"preventItemFrameBreaking": false,
"preventItemFrameBreaking_msg": false,
"preventPaintingBreaking": false,
"preventPaintingBreaking_msg": false,
"preventGlassBreaking": false,
"preventGlassBreaking_msg": false,
"preventSuspiciousBlockBreaking": false,
"preventSuspiciousBlockBreaking_msg": false,
"enhancedSuspiciousBlockBreakingPrevention": false,
"preventEnderChestBreaking": false,
"preventEnderChestBreaking_msg": false,
"preventCoralPlace": false,
"preventCoralPlace_msg": false,
"preventWaterPlace": false,
"preventWaterPlace_msg": false,
"preventRenamedBlockPlacing": false,
"preventRenamedBlockPlacing_msg": false,
"preventLavaPlacing": false,
"preventLavaPlacing_msg": false,
"preventVillagerPunch": false,
"preventVillagerPunch_msg": false,
"noZombifiedPiglinPunch": false,
"noZombifiedPiglinPunch_msg": false,
"preventEndCrystalHitting": false,
"preventEndCrystalHitting_msg": false,
"preventGolemAttacking": false,
"preventGolemAttacking_msg": false,
"preventNamedMobAttacking": false,
"preventNamedMobAttacking_msg": false,
"preventTamedMobAttacking": false,
"preventTamedMobAttacking_msg": false,
"preventRareMobAttacking": false,
"preventRareMobAttacking_msg": false,
"preventHorseAttacking": false,
"preventHorseAttacking_msg": false,
"preventNeutralMobAttacking": false,
"preventNeutralMobAttacking_msg": false,
"lowDurabilityProtection": false,
"lowDurabilityProtection_msg": false,
"lowDurabilityProtectionRange": 5,
"preventToolDropping": false,
"preventToolDropping_msg": false,
"preventRenamedItemDropping": false,
"preventRenamedItemDropping_msg": false,
"hideShield": false,
"hideTotem": false

config/promenade/animals.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"capybaras_weight": 10,
"ducks_weight": 10

config/promenade/biomes.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"carnelian_treeway_weight": 20,
"sakura_groves_weight": 20,
"glacarian_taiga_weight": 10,
"dark_amaranth_forests_weight": 20

config/promenade/monsters.json Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"lush_creepers_weight": 15,
"sunken_skeletons_weight": 20

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"igneous_rock_patches": true,
"blueberry_bushes": true,
"palms": true

config/quilt-loader.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#Quilt-loader configuration:
#Sun Oct 15 03:35:25 CEST 2023

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more