# LambDynamicLights configuration.
# The dynamic lights mode
mode = "fancy"

# Light sources settings.
	# Enables water-sensitive light sources check. This means that water-sensitive items will not light up when submerged in water.
	water_sensitive_check = true
	# Enable block entities light source.
	block_entities = true
	# Enable entities light source.
	entities = true
	# Enable first-person player light source.
	self = true
	# TNT lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
	tnt = "off"
	# Creeper lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
	creeper = "simple"



				chicken = true
				axolotl = true
				bee = true
				arrow = true
				donkey = true
				cow = true
				evoker_fangs = true
				fox = true
				chest_minecart = true
				tropical_fish = true
				slime = true
				pig = true
				pillager = true
				skeleton = true
				iron_golem = true
				bat = true
				husk = true
				area_effect_cloud = true
				rabbit = true
				zombie = true
				drowned = true
				sheep = true
				experience_orb = true
				player = true
				illusioner = true
				dolphin = true
				pufferfish = true
				item = true
				wolf = true
				vex = true
				salmon = true
				furnace_minecart = true
				item_frame = true
				vindicator = true
				horse = true
				minecart = true
				painting = true
				evoker = true
				cave_spider = true
				glow_squid = true
				witch = true
				cod = true
				glow_item_frame = false
				squid = true
				spider = true
				creeper = true
				lightning_bolt = true
				enderman = true

				cannon_carriage = true
				pitch_contraption = true
				flak_autocannon = true
				grapeshot = true
				bag_of_grapeshot = true

				stationary_contraption = true

				male_zombie_villager = true
				female_villager = true
				male_villager = true

				chairexecution = true