{ // Whether a schematic that's located in './config/starterstructure/schematics/...' should be generated. "shouldGenerateStructure": true, // Usually player spawn points are in a randomized area. With this enabled, players will always spawn at the set coordinates (at the nearest air pocket). "forceExactSpawn": true, // Prevents structures from being placed on top of trees. Any leaf and log blocks will be ignored during placement. "ignoreTreesDuringStructurePlacement": true, // Some schematic files might contain jigsaw or structure blocks. These are by default ignored during structure generation. "generationIgnoreJigsawAndStructureBlocks": true, // Whether the blocks from the generated structure should be protected from breaking/griefing. "protectStructureBlocks": true, // Whether entities spawned inside the generated structure should be protected from damage. "protectSpawnedEntities": true, // If enabled, players that are in creative mode will be able to break and place the structure blocks. "playersInCreativeModeIgnoreProtection": true, // If enabled, players that are in creative mode will be able to damage protected entities which spawned in structures. "playersInCreativeModeIgnoreEntityProtection": false, // If spawned entities inside the generated structure should not be allowed to move away from the block they spawned on. Disabled by default. "preventSpawnedEntityMovement": false, // If entities from (structure block) schematic files should be spawned when found. These are entities not created with signs. "spawnNonSignEntitiesFromSupportedSchematics": true, // If the generatedStructurePosition config options should be used. "shouldUseStructurePosition": false, // The exact x position for the generated structure. Used when shouldUseStructurePosition is enabled. // min: -1E7, max: 1E7 "generatedStructureXPosition": 0, // The exact y position for the generated structure. Used when shouldUseStructurePosition is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "generatedStructureYPosition": 0, // The exact z position for the generated structure. Used when shouldUseStructurePosition is enabled. // min: -1E7, max: 1E7 "generatedStructureZPosition": 0, // If the generatedStructureOffset config options should be used. "shouldUseStructureOffset": false, // The x offset for the generated structure. Used when shouldUseStructureOffset is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "generatedStructureXOffset": 0, // The y offset for the generated structure. Can for example be set to -1 if you notice a building always spawns one block too high. Used when shouldUseStructureOffset is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "generatedStructureYOffset": 0, // The z offset for the generated structure. Used when shouldUseStructureOffset is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "generatedStructureZOffset": 0, // If the spawnCoordinate config options should be used. "shouldUseSpawnCoordinates": false, // The new X coordinate of the spawn when shouldUseSpawnCoordinates is enabled. // min: -1E7, max: 1E7 "spawnXCoordinate": 0, // The new Y coordinate of the spawn when shouldUseSpawnCoordinates is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "spawnYCoordinate": 0, // The new Z coordinate of the spawn when shouldUseSpawnCoordinates is enabled. // min: -1E7, max: 1E7 "spawnZCoordinate": 0, // If the spawnCoordOffset config options should be used. "shouldUseSpawnCoordOffsets": false, // The X coordinate offset of the spawn when shouldUseSpawnCoordOffsets is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "spawnXCoordOffset": 0, // The Y coordinate offset of the spawn when shouldUseSpawnCoordOffsets is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "spawnYCoordOffset": 0, // The Z coordinate offset of the spawn when shouldUseSpawnCoordOffsets is enabled. // min: -1000, max: 1000 "spawnZCoordOffset": 0 }