2023-10-31 16:05:57 +01:00

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# Should Distant Horizon's config button appear in the options screen next to fov slider?
optionsButton = true
# What method should be used to upload geometry to the GPU?
# AUTO: Picks the best option based on the GPU you have.
# BUFFER_STORAGE: Default if OpenGL 4.5 is supported.
# Fast rendering, no stuttering.
# SUB_DATA: Backup option for NVIDIA.
# Fast rendering but may stutter when uploading.
# BUFFER_MAPPING: Slow rendering but won't stutter when uploading.
# Generally the best option for integrated GPUs.
# Default option for AMD/Intel if OpenGL 4.5 isn't supported.
# May end up storing buffers in System memory.
# Fast rendering if in GPU memory, slow if in system memory,
# but won't stutter when uploading.
# DATA: Fast rendering but will stutter when uploading.
# Backup option for AMD/Intel.
# Fast rendering but may stutter when uploading.
# If you don't see any difference when changing these settings,
# or the world looks corrupted: restart your game.
gpuUploadMethod = "AUTO"
# If true geometry data will be uploaded on a DH controlled thread, reducing FPS stuttering.
# If false uploading will be done on Minecraft's main rendering thread.
# Setting this to false may reduce crashes or corrupted geometry on systems with an AMD GPU when Sodium is installed.
gpuUploadAsync = true
# How long should a buffer wait per Megabyte of data uploaded?
# Helpful resource for frame times:
# Longer times may reduce stuttering but will make LODs
# transition and load slower. Change this to [0] for no timeout.
# Before changing this config, try changing the "GPU Upload method" first.
gpuUploadPerMegabyteInMilliseconds = 0
# Determines how long must pass between LOD chunk updates before another.
# update can occur
# Increasing this value will reduce CPU load but may may cause
# LODs to become outdated more frequently or for longer.
minTimeBetweenChunkUpdatesInSeconds = 1
# If DH should use the nightly (provided by Gitlab), or stable (provided by Modrinth) build
updateBranch = "NIGHTLY"
# Automatically check for updates on game launch?
enableAutoUpdater = true
# Should Distant Horizons silently, automatically download and install new versions?
enableSilentUpdates = true
# How many threads should be used when building LODs?
# These threads run when terrain is generated, when
# certain graphics settings are changed, and when moving around the world.
# Multi-threading Note:
# If the total thread count in Distant Horizon's config is more threads than your CPU has cores,
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate.
# This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain.
numberOfLodBuilderThreads = 1
# Should only be disabled if deadlock occurs and LODs refuse to update.
# This will cause CPU usage to drastically increase for the Lod Builder threads.
# Note that if deadlock did occur restarting MC may be necessary to stop the locked threads.
enableLodBuilderThreadLimiting = true
# If this value is less than 1.0, it will be treated as a percentage
# of time each thread can run before going idle.
# This can be used to reduce CPU usage if the thread count
# is already set to 1 for the given option, or more finely
# tune CPU performance.
runTimeRatioForWorldGenerationThreads = 0.25
# If this value is less than 1.0, it will be treated as a percentage
# of time each thread can run before going idle.
# This can be used to reduce CPU usage if the thread count
# is already set to 1 for the given option, or more finely
# tune CPU performance.
runTimeRatioForLodBuilderThreads = 0.1
# If this value is less than 1.0, it will be treated as a percentage
# of time each thread can run before going idle.
# This can be used to reduce CPU usage if the thread count
# is already set to 1 for the given option, or more finely
# tune CPU performance.
runTimeRatioForFileHandlerThreads = 0.25
# How many threads should be used when reading in LOD data from disk?
# Increasing this number will cause LODs to load in faster,
# but may cause lag when loading a new world or when
# quickly flying through existing LODs.
# Multi-threading Note:
# If the total thread count in Distant Horizon's config is more threads than your CPU has cores,
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate.
# This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain.
numberOfFileHandlerThreads = 1
# How many threads should be used when generating LOD
# chunks outside the normal render distance?
# If you experience stuttering when generating distant LODs,
# decrease this number.
# If you want to increase LOD
# generation speed, increase this number.
# Multi-threading Note:
# If the total thread count in Distant Horizon's config is more threads than your CPU has cores,
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate.
# This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain.
numberOfWorldGenerationThreads = 1
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the renderer OpenGL process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log performance about the world generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
logWorldGenPerformance = "LOG_WARNING_TO_CHAT_AND_FILE"
# If enabled, the mod will log information about file sub-dimension operations.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about file read/write operations.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about network operations.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the renderer buffer process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the LOD generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the world generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled, the mod will log information about the world generation process.
# This can be useful for debugging.
# If enabled this will disable (most) vanilla Minecraft rendering.
# NOTE: Do not report any issues when this mode is on!
# This setting is only for fun and debugging.
# Mod compatibility is not guaranteed.
lodOnlyMode = false
# Stops vertex colors from being passed.
# Useful for debugging shaders
enableWhiteWorld = false
# What renderer is active?
# DEFAULT: Default lod renderer
# DEBUG: Debug testing renderer
# DISABLED: Disable rendering
rendererMode = "DEFAULT"
# If enabled the LODs will render as wireframe.
renderWireframe = false
# If true the F8 key can be used to cycle through the different debug modes.
# and the F6 key can be used to enable and disable LOD rendering.
enableDebugKeybindings = false
# Should specialized colors/rendering modes be used?
# OFF: Fake chunks will be drawn with their normal colors.
# SHOW_DETAIL: Fake chunks color will be based on their detail level.
# SHOW_GENMODE: Fake chunks color will be based on their distant generation mode.
# SHOW_OVERLAPPING_QUADS: Fake chunks will be drawn with total white, but overlapping quads will be drawn with red.
# but overlapping quads will be drawn with red, drawn as a wireframe.
debugRendering = "OFF"
# Render LOD section status?
showRenderSectionStatus = false
# Render queued world gen tasks?
showWorldGenQueue = false
# Render render data file status?
showRenderDataFileStatus = false
# If enabled, various wireframes for debugging internal functions will be drawn.
# NOTE: There WILL be performance hit!
# Additionally, only stuff that's loaded after you enable this
# will render their debug wireframes.
enableRendering = false
# Render full data file sampling progress?
showFullDataFileSampling = false
# Render full data file status?
showFullDataFileStatus = false
# Requires a reboot to change.
overrideVanillaGLLogger = true
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# Defines the OpenGL context type Distant Horizon's will create.
# Generally this should be left as [CORE] unless there is an issue with your GPU driver.
# Possible values: [CORE],[COMPAT],[ANY]
glProfileMode = "CORE"
# Defines how OpenGL errors are handled.
# May incorrectly catch OpenGL errors thrown by other mods.
# IGNORE: Do nothing.
# LOG: write an error to the log.
# LOG_THROW: write to the log and throw an exception.
# Warning: this should only be enabled when debugging the LOD renderer
# as it may break Minecraft's renderer when an exception is thrown.
glErrorHandlingMode = "LOG"
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# If true Distant Horizon's OpenGL contexts will be created with legacy OpenGL methods disabled.
# Distant Horizons doesn't use any legacy OpenGL methods so normally this should be disabled.
enableGlForwardCompatibilityMode = true
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# Note: setting to an invalid version may also cause the game to crash.
# Leaving this value at causes DH to try all supported GL versions.
# Defines the requested OpenGL context major version Distant Horizons will create.
# Possible values (DH requires 3.2 or higher at minimum):
# 4.6, 4.5, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
# 3.3, 3.2
glContextMajorVersion = 0
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# If true Distant Horizon's OpenGL contexts will be created with debugging enabled.
# This allows for enhanced debugging but may throw warnings for other mods or active overlay software.
enableGlDebugContext = true
# Can be changed if you experience crashing when loading into a world.
# Note: setting to an invalid version may also cause the game to crash.
# Defines the requested OpenGL context major version Distant Horizons will create.
# Possible values (DH requires 3.2 or higher at minimum):
# 4.6, 4.5, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
# 3.3, 3.2
glContextMinorVersion = 0
shortTest = "69"
mapTest = "{}"
byteTest = "8"
longTest = "42069"
listTest = ["option 1", "option 2", "option 3"]
boolTest = false
doubleTest = 420.69
floatTest = "0.42069"
linkableTest = 420
intTest = 69420
stringTest = "Test input box"
# Determines how many points in space are sampled for the occlusion test.
# Higher numbers will improve quality and reduce banding, but will increase GPU load.
sampleCount = 6
# Determines how dark the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect will be.
strength = 0.2
# The radius, measured in pixels, that blurring is calculated for the SSAO.
# Higher numbers will reduce banding at the cost of GPU performance.
blurRadius = 2
# Increasing the value can reduce banding at the cost of reducing the strength of the effect.
bias = 0.02
# Determines how dark the occlusion shadows can be.
# 0 = totally black at the corners
# 1 = no shadow
minLight = 0.25
# Determines the radius Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is applied, measured in blocks.
radius = 4.0
# Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
enabled = false
# What the value should vanilla Minecraft's texture LodBias be?
# If set to 0 the mod wont overwrite vanilla's default (which so happens to also be 0)
lodBias = 0.0
# Determines how far Distant Horizon's near clip plane will render.
# Higher values will prevent LODs from rendering behind vanilla blocks at a higher distance,
# but may cause holes to appear in the LODs.
# Holes are most likely at the left and right edges of the screen
# when flying through unloaded terrain.
# Increasing the vanilla render distance increases the effectiveness of these options.
overdrawPrevention = "MEDIUM"
# Buggy experimental option that will attempt to match up
# Distant Horizons' and Minecraft's near/far clip planes,
# reducing overdraw.
# Only functional on Fabric.
# Works best with an overdraw prevention setting of MEDIUM or higher
# and cave culling is disabled.
seamlessOverdraw = false
# How bright LOD colors are.
# 0 = black
# 1 = normal
# 2 = near white
brightnessMultiplier = 1.0
# If enabled caves will be culled
# NOTE: This feature is under development and
# it is VERY experimental! Please don't report
# any issues related to this feature.
# Additional Info: Currently this cull all faces
# with skylight value of 0 in dimensions that
# does not have a ceiling.
enableCaveCulling = true
# At what Y value should cave culling start?
caveCullingHeight = 40
# How should LODs be shaded?
# MINECRAFT: Uses the same side shading as vanilla Minecraft blocks.
# OLD_LIGHTING: Simulates Minecraft's block shading for LODs.
# Can be used to force LOD shading when using some shaders.
# NONE: All LOD sides will be rendered with the same brightness.
lodShading = "MINECRAFT"
# How saturated LOD colors are.
# 0 = black and white
# 1 = normal
# 2 = very saturated
saturationMultiplier = 1.0
# This is the earth size ratio when applying the curvature shader effect.
# Note: Enabling this feature may cause rendering bugs.
# 0 = flat/disabled
# 1 = 1 to 1 (6,371,000 blocks)
# 100 = 1 to 100 (63,710 blocks)
# 10000 = 1 to 10000 (637.1 blocks)
# Note: Due to current limitations, the min value is 50
# and the max value is 5000. Any values outside this range
# will be set to 0 (disabled).
earthCurveRatio = 0
# What is the maximum detail LODs should be drawn at?
# Higher settings will increase memory and GPU usage.
# CHUNK: render 1 LOD for each Chunk.
# HALF_CHUNK: render 4 LODs for each Chunk.
# FOUR_BLOCKS: render 16 LODs for each Chunk.
# TWO_BLOCKS: render 64 LODs for each Chunk.
# BLOCK: render 256 LODs for each Chunk (width of one block).
# Lowest Quality: CHUNK
# Highest Quality: BLOCK
maxHorizontalResolution = "BLOCK"
# The radius of the mod's render distance. (measured in chunks)
lodChunkRenderDistanceRadius = 32
# Should the blocks underneath avoided blocks gain the color of the avoided block?
# True: a red flower will tint the grass below it red.
# False: skipped blocks will not change color of surface below them.
tintWithAvoidedBlocks = true
# This indicates how quickly LODs decrease in quality the further away they are.
# Higher settings will render higher quality fake chunks farther away,
# but will increase memory and GPU usage.
horizontalQuality = "LOW"
# How should LOD transparency be handled.
# COMPLETE: LODs will render transparent.
# FAKE: LODs will be opaque, but shaded to match the blocks underneath.
# DISABLED: LODs will be opaque.
transparency = "DISABLED"
# This indicates how well LODs will represent
# overhangs, caves, floating islands, etc.
# Higher options will make the world more accurate, butwill increase memory and GPU usage.
# Lowest Quality: HEIGHT_MAP
# Highest Quality: EXTREME
verticalQuality = "LOW"
# What blocks shouldn't be rendered as LODs?
# NONE: Represent all blocks in the LODs
# NON_COLLIDING: Only represent solid blocks in the LODs (tall grass, torches, etc. won't count for a LOD's height)
blocksToIgnore = "NON_COLLIDING"
# When should fog be drawn?
# USE_OPTIFINE_SETTING: Use whatever Fog setting Optifine is using.
# If Optifine isn't installed this defaults to FOG_ENABLED.
# FOG_ENABLED: Never draw fog on the LODs
# FOG_DISABLED: Always draw fast fog on the LODs
# Disabling fog will improve GPU performance.
drawMode = "FOG_ENABLED"
# At what distance should Fog be drawn on the LODs?
distance = "FAR"
# What color should fog use?
# USE_WORLD_FOG_COLOR: Use the world's fog color.
# USE_SKY_COLOR: Use the sky's color.
# Should Minecraft's fog be disabled?
# Note: Other mods may conflict with this setting.
disableVanillaFog = true
# What is the maximum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
farFogMax = 1.0
# At what distance should the far fog start?
# 0.0: Fog starts at the player's position.
# 1.0: Fog starts at the closest edge of the vanilla render distance.
# 1.414: Fog starts at the corner of the vanilla render distance.
farFogStart = 0.0
# What is the minimum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
farFogMin = 0.0
# How should the fog thickness should be calculated?
# LINEAR: Linear based on distance (will ignore 'density')
# EXPONENTIAL: 1/(e^(distance*density))
# EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED: 1/(e^((distance*density)^2)
# Used in conjunction with the Fog Falloff.
farFogDensity = 2.5
# Where should the far fog end?
# 0.0: Fog ends at player's position.
# 1.0: Fog ends at the closest edge of the vanilla render distance.
# 1.414: Fog ends at the corner of the vanilla render distance.
farFogEnd = 1.0
# What is the minimum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
heightFogMin = 0.0
# Where should the height fog start?
# ABOVE_CAMERA: Height fog starts at the camera and goes towards the sky
# BELOW_CAMERA: Height fog starts at the camera and goes towards the void
# ABOVE_AND_BELOW_CAMERA: Height fog starts from the camera to goes towards both the sky and void
# ABOVE_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height and goes towards the sky
# BELOW_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height and goes towards the void
# ABOVE_AND_BELOW_SET_HEIGHT: Height fog starts from a set height and goes towards both the sky and void
# If the height fog is calculated around a set height, what is that height position?
heightFogBaseHeight = 70.0
# What is the maximum fog thickness?
# 0.0: No fog.
# 1.0: Fully opaque fog.
heightFogMax = 1.0
# How should the height fog thickness should be calculated?
# LINEAR: Linear based on height (will ignore 'density')
# EXPONENTIAL: 1/(e^(height*density))
# EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED: 1/(e^((height*density)^2)
heightFogFalloff = "EXPONENTIAL_SQUARED"
# What is the height fog's density?
heightFogDensity = 2.5
# How should height effect the fog thickness?
# Note: height fog is combined with the other fog settings.
# BASIC: No special height fog effect. Fog is calculated based on camera distance
# IGNORE_HEIGHT: Ignore height completely. Fog is only calculated with horizontal distance
# ADDITION: heightFog + farFog
# MAX: max(heightFog, farFog)
# MULTIPLY: heightFog * farFog
# INVERSE_MULTIPLY: 1 - (1-heightFog) * (1-farFog)
# LIMITED_ADDITION: farFog + max(farFog, heightFog)
# MULTIPLY_ADDITION: farFog + farFog * heightFog
# INVERSE_MULTIPLY_ADDITION: farFog + 1 - (1-heightFog) * (1-farFog)
# AVERAGE: farFog*0.5 + heightFog*0.5
# Note: height fog settings are ignored if 'BASIC' or 'IGNORE_HEIGHT' are selected.
heightFogMixMode = "BASIC"
# Should the start of the height fog be offset?
# 0.0: Fog start with no offset.
# 1.0: Fog start with offset of the entire world's height. (Includes depth)
heightFogStart = 0.0
# Should the end of the height fog be offset?
# 0.0: Fog end with no offset.
# 1.0: Fog end with offset of the entire world's height. (Include depth)
heightFogEnd = 1.0
# Defines how far should the noise texture render before it fades away. (in blocks)
# Set to 0 to disable noise from fading away
noiseDropoff = 1024
# How many steps of noise should be applied to LODs?
noiseSteps = 4
# Should a noise texture be applied to LODs?
# This is done to simulate textures and make the LODs appear more detailed.
noiseEnabled = true
# How intense should the noise should be?
noiseIntensity = 5.0
# How detailed should LODs be generated outside the vanilla render distance?
# Only create LOD data for already generated chunks.
# Generate the world surface,
# this does NOT include trees,
# or structures.
# Generate everything except structures.
# WARNING: This may cause world generator bugs or instability when paired with certain world generator mods.
distantGeneratorMode = "SURFACE"
# How long should a world generator thread run for before timing out?
# Note: If you are experiencing timeout errors it is better to lower your CPU usage first
# via the thread config before changing this value.
worldGenerationTimeoutLengthInSeconds = 60
# Should Distant Horizons slowly generate LODs
# outside the vanilla render distance?
# Note: when on a server, distant generation isn't supported
# and will always be disabled.
enableDistantGeneration = true
# AKA: Multiverse support.
# When matching levels (dimensions) of the same type (overworld, nether, etc.) the
# loaded chunks must be at least this percent the same
# in order to be considered the same world.
# Note: If you use portals to enter a dimension at two
# different locations the system will think the dimension
# it is two different levels.
# 1.0 (100%) the chunks must be identical.
# 0.5 (50%) the chunks must be half the same.
# 0.0 (0%) disables multi-dimension support,
# only one world will be used per dimension.
# If multiverse support is needed start with a value of 0.2
# and tweak the sensitivity from there.Lower values mean the matching is less strict.
# Higher values mean the matching is more strict.
multiverseSimilarityRequiredPercent = 0.0
# How should multiplayer save folders should be named?
# NAME_ONLY: Example: "Minecraft Server"
# NAME_IP: Example: "Minecraft Server IP"
# NAME_IP_PORT: Example: "Minecraft Server IP"NAME_IP_PORT_MC_VERSION: Example: "Minecraft Server IP GameVersion 1.16.5"
serverFolderNameMode = "NAME_ONLY"