#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import sys import anyio import aiohttp import platform import pendulum import aiosqlite import contextlib from utils import shield from pleroma import Pleroma from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from functools import partial from third_party.utils import extract_post_content USER_AGENT = ( 'pleroma-ebooks; ' f'{aiohttp.__version__}; ' f'{platform.python_implementation()}/{platform.python_version()}' ) UTC = pendulum.timezone('UTC') JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json' ACTIVITYPUB_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/activity+json' class PostFetcher: def __init__(self, *, config): self.config = config self.erroneous_accounts = [] async def __aenter__(self): stack = contextlib.AsyncExitStack() self._fedi = await stack.enter_async_context( Pleroma(api_base_url=self.config['site'], access_token=self.config['access_token']), ) self._http = await stack.enter_async_context( aiohttp.ClientSession( headers={ 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': ', '.join([JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, ACTIVITYPUB_CONTENT_TYPE]), }, trust_env=True, raise_for_status=True, ), ) self._db = await stack.enter_async_context(aiosqlite.connect(self.config['db_path'])) self._db.row_factory = aiosqlite.Row self._ctx_stack = stack return self async def __aexit__(self, *excinfo): return await self._ctx_stack.__aexit__(*excinfo) async def fetch_all(self): await self._fedi.verify_credentials() self._completed_accounts = {} async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: for acc in await self._fedi.following(): tg.start_soon(self._do_account, acc) async def _do_account(self, acc): async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: self._completed_accounts[acc['fqn']] = done_ev = anyio.Event() tx, rx = anyio.create_memory_object_stream() async with rx, tx: tg.start_soon(self._process_pages, rx, acc) tg.start_soon(self._fetch_account, tx, acc) await done_ev.wait() # processing is complete, so halt fetching. # processing may complete before fetching if we get caught up on new posts. tg.cancel_scope.cancel() async def _process_pages(self, stream, account): done_ev = self._completed_accounts[account['fqn']] try: async for activity in stream: try: await self._insert_activity(activity) except aiosqlite.IntegrityError as exc: # LOL sqlite error handling is so bad if exc.args[0].startswith('UNIQUE constraint failed: '): # this means we've encountered an item we already have saved break self.erroneous_accounts.append(account['fqn']) raise finally: print('Saving posts from', account['fqn'], 'to the DB') await self._db.commit() done_ev.set() async def _insert_activity(self, activity): if activity['type'] != 'Create': # this isn't a post but something else (like, boost, reaction, etc) return obj = activity['object'] content = extract_post_content(obj['content']) await self._db.execute( """ INSERT INTO posts (post_id, summary, content, published_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( obj['id'], obj['summary'], extract_post_content(obj['content']), pendulum.parse(obj['published']).astimezone(pendulum.timezone('UTC')).timestamp(), ), ) # TODO figure out why i put shield here lol @shield async def _fetch_account(self, tx, account): done_ev = self._completed_accounts[account['fqn']] try: outbox = await self.fetch_outbox(account['fqn']) except Exception as exc: import traceback traceback.print_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__) done_ev.set() self.erroneous_accounts.append(account['fqn']) return print(f'Fetching posts for {account["acct"]}...') next_page_url = outbox['first'] while True: print(f'Fetching {next_page_url}... ') async with self._http.get(next_page_url) as resp: page = await resp.json() for activity in page['orderedItems']: try: await tx.send(activity) except anyio.BrokenResourceError: # already closed means we're already done return # show progress #print('.', end='', flush=True) if not (next_page_url := page.get('next')): #done_ev.set() break done_ev.set() async def fetch_outbox(self, handle): """finger handle, a fully-qualified ActivityPub actor name, returning their outbox URL""" # it's fucking incredible how overengineered ActivityPub is btw print('Fingering ', handle, '...', sep='') username, at, instance = handle.lstrip('@').partition('@') assert at == '@' # i was planning on doing /.well-known/host-meta to find the webfinger URL, but # 1) honk does not support host-meta # 2) WebFinger is always located at the same location anyway profile_url = await self._finger_actor(username, instance) try: async with self._http.get(profile_url) as resp: profile = await resp.json() except aiohttp.ContentTypeError: # we didn't get JSON, so just guess the outbox URL outbox_url = profile_url + '/outbox' else: outbox_url = profile['outbox'] async with self._http.get(outbox_url) as resp: outbox = await resp.json() assert outbox['type'] == 'OrderedCollection' return outbox async def _finger_actor(self, username, instance): # despite HTTP being a direct violation of the WebFinger spec, assume e.g. Tor instances do not support # HTTPS-over-onion finger_url = f'http://{instance}/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{username}@{instance}' async with self._http.get(finger_url) as resp: finger_result = await resp.json() return (profile_url := self._parse_webfinger_result(username, instance, finger_result)) def _parse_webfinger_result(self, username, instance, finger_result): """given webfinger data, return profile URL for handle""" def check_content_type(type, ct): return ct == type or ct.startswith(type+';') check_ap = partial(check_content_type, ACTIVITYPUB_CONTENT_TYPE) try: # note: the server might decide to return multiple links # so we need to decide how to prefer one. # i'd put "and yarl.URL(template).host == instance" here, # but some instances have no subdomain for the handle yet use a subdomain for the canonical URL. # Additionally, an instance could theoretically serve profile pages over I2P and the clearnet, # for example. return (profile_url := next( link['href'] for link in finger_result['links'] if link['rel'] == 'self' and check_ap(link['type']) )) except StopIteration: # this should never happen either raise RuntimeError(f'fatal: while fingering {username}@{instance}, failed to find a profile URL') async def amain(): import json5 as json import third_party.utils as utils args = utils.arg_parser_factory(description='Fetch posts from all followed accounts').parse_args() config = utils.load_config(args.cfg) async with PostFetcher(config=config) as fetcher: await fetcher.fetch_all() if (accs := fetcher.erroneous_accounts): print( 'Exiting unsuccessfully due to previous errors in these accounts:', ', '.join(accs), file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) def main(): try: anyio.run(amain) except KeyboardInterrupt: # suppress the lengthy traceback sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()