Compare commits


No commits in common. "mistress" and "auto-updating" have entirely different histories.

377 changed files with 353 additions and 14183 deletions

View file

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pip._vendor import requests
from pip._vendor import tomli
import json
import glob
import os
mods = dict()
count = dict()
count["server"] = 0
count["client"] = 0
count["both"] = 0
cache = dict()
if os.path.isfile("cache/licenses.json"):
with open("cache/licenses.json", "r") as f:
cache = json.load(f)
for mod in glob.glob("pack/mods/*.toml"):
with open(mod, "r") as f:
data = tomli.load(f)
moddata = dict()
moddata["name"] = data["name"]
moddata["url"] = ""
moddata["side"] = data["side"]
license = dict()
if "modrinth" in data["update"]:
id = data["update"]["modrinth"]["mod-id"]
moddata["id"] = id
moddata["url"] = "" + id
moddata["site"] = "Modrinth"
if id in cache:
data = cache[id]
data = requests.get("" + id).json()["license"]
cache[id] = data
moddata["license"] = data
elif "curseforge" in data["update"]:
moddata["url"] = "" + str(data["update"]["curseforge"]["project-id"])
moddata["site"] = "CurseForge"
count[moddata["side"]] += 1
mods[moddata["name"]] = moddata
with open("wiki/", "w") as f:
f.write("## Total Count\r\n")
f.write("<td>" + str(count["server"] + count["client"] + count["both"]) + "</td>")
f.write("<td>" + str(count["both"]) + "</td>")
f.write("<td>" + str(count["client"]) + "</td>")
f.write("<td>" + str(count["server"]) + "</td>")
f.write("## Individual Mods\r\n")
for mod in mods:
data = mods[mod]
f.write("<td>" + mod + "</td>")
f.write("<td>" + data["side"] + "</td>")
if data["url"] != "":
f.write("<td><a href=\"" + data["url"] + "\">" + data["site"] + "</a></td>")
with open("wiki/", "w") as f:
for mod in mods:
data = mods[mod]
f.write("## " + mod + "\r\n")
if data["site"] == "CurseForge":
f.write("CurseForge API does not provide license information, see mod page for details.")
elif "license" in data:
license = data["license"]
if license["name"] == "":
if license["id"] == "LicenseRef-Custom":
license["name"] = "Custom"
license["name"] = license["id"][11:].replace("-", " ")
if license["url"] != None:
f.write("<a href=\"" + license["url"] + "\">" + license["name"] + "</a>")
with open("cache/licenses.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(cache, f)

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
on: [push]
name: "Update wiki"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Clone modpack"
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: "root/posspack"
path: "pack"
- name: "Clone wiki"
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: "root/"
path: "wiki"
ref: "main"
- name: Restore cached licenses
id: cache-licenses-restore
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
path: cache
key: licenses
- name: "Update modlist"
run: python pack/.forgejo/scripts/
- name: Save cached licenses
id: cache-licenses-save
uses: actions/cache/save@v4
path: cache
key: ${{ steps.cache-licenses-restore.outputs.cache-primary-key }}
- name: "Commit changes"
run: |
cd wiki
git add .
git config --global 'PossPack Wiki Updater'
git config --global ''
git commit -am "Automated wiki update"
git push

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#The default difficulty selected for newly created worlds.
defaultDifficulty = "NORMAL"
#Set to true if the difficulty for new world's should be locked to the specific default. This cannot be unlocked by players without external tools! Probably a bad idea. I don't recommend. Why am I adding this option?
lockDifficulty = false

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"debugMode": false,
"parseChestLoot": true,
"parseBlockLoot": true,
"parseMobLoot": true,
"parseGameplayLoot": true,
"chestLootCompact": true,
"chestLootAlwaysStackSame": false,
"mobLootIncludeDirectDrops": true,
"parseArchaeologyLoot": true

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
"client": {
"disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI": true,
"enableFacadesInJEI_comment": "Show facades in JEI ingredient list",
"enableFacadesInJEI": true,
"enableFacadeRecipesInJEI_comment": "Show facade recipes in JEI for supported blocks",
"enableFacadeRecipesInJEI": true,
"enableEffects": true,
"useTerminalUseLargeFont": false,
"useColoredCraftingStatus": true,
"PowerUnit_comment": "Power unit shown in AE UIs",
"PowerUnit": "ae",
"showDebugGuiOverlays_comment": "Show debugging GUI overlays",
"showDebugGuiOverlays": false,
"showPlacementPreview_comment": "Show a preview of part and facade placement",
"showPlacementPreview": true,
"notifyForFinishedCraftingJobs_comment": "Show toast when long-running crafting jobs finish.",
"notifyForFinishedCraftingJobs": true,
"clearGridOnClose_comment": "Automatically clear the crafting/encoding grid when closing the terminal",
"clearGridOnClose": false,
"terminalMargin_comment": "The vertical margin to apply when sizing terminals. Used to make room for centered item mod search bars",
"terminalMargin": 25
"terminals": {
"terminalStyle": "small",
"pinAutoCraftedItems_comment": "Pin items that the player auto-crafts to the top of the terminal",
"pinAutoCraftedItems": true
"search": {
"searchModNameInTooltips_comment": "Should the mod name be included when searching in tooltips.",
"searchModNameInTooltips": false,
"useExternalSearch_comment": "Replaces AEs own search with the search of REI or JEI",
"useExternalSearch": false,
"clearExternalSearchOnOpen_comment": "When using useExternalSearch, clears the search when the terminal opens",
"clearExternalSearchOnOpen": true,
"syncWithExternalSearch_comment": "When REI/JEI is installed, automatically set the AE or REI/JEI search text when either is changed while the terminal is open",
"syncWithExternalSearch": true,
"rememberLastSearch_comment": "Remembers the last search term and restores it when the terminal opens",
"rememberLastSearch": true,
"autoFocusSearch_comment": "Automatically focuses the search field when the terminal opens",
"autoFocusSearch": false
"tooltips": {
"showCellUpgrades_comment": "Show installed upgrades in the tooltips of storage cells, color applicators and matter cannons",
"showCellUpgrades": true,
"showCellContent_comment": "Show a preview of the content in the tooltips of storage cells, color applicators and matter cannons",
"showCellContent": true,
"maxCellContentShown_comment": "The maximum number of content entries to show in the tooltip of storage cells, color applicators and matter cannons",
"maxCellContentShown": 5,
"enableGuideHotkey_comment": "Enables the \u0027hold key to show guide\u0027 functionality in tooltips",
"enableGuideHotkey": true

View file

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"general": {
"unsupportedDeveloperTools": false,
"matterCannonBlockDamage_comment": "Enables the ability of the Matter Cannon to break blocks.",
"matterCannonBlockDamage": true,
"tinyTntBlockDamage_comment": "Enables the ability of Tiny TNT to break blocks.",
"tinyTntBlockDamage": true,
"channels_comment": "Changes the channel capacity that cables provide in AE2.",
"channels": "default",
"pathfindingStepsPerTick_comment": "The number of pathfinding steps that are taken per tick and per grid that is booting. Lower numbers will mean booting takes longer, but less work is done per tick.",
"pathfindingStepsPerTick": 4,
"spatialAnchorEnableRandomTicks_comment": "Whether Spatial Anchors should force random chunk ticks and entity spawning.",
"spatialAnchorEnableRandomTicks": true
"automation": {
"formationPlaneEntityLimit": 128
"facades": {
"allowBlockEntities_comment": "Unsupported: Allows whitelisting block entities as facades. Could work, have render issues, or corrupt your world. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.",
"allowBlockEntities": false
"craftingCPU": {
"craftingCalculationTimePerTick": 5,
"craftingSimulatedExtraction_comment": "When true: simulate extraction of all the network\u0027s contents when starting a crafting job calculation. When false: use the cached available content list (same as terminals). Enabling might work a bit better, but it will significantly reduce performance.",
"craftingSimulatedExtraction": false
"crafting": {
"disassemblyCrafting_comment": "Enable shift-clicking with the crafting units in hand to disassemble them.",
"disassemblyCrafting": true,
"growthAccelerator_comment": "Number of ticks between two crystal growth accelerator ticks",
"growthAccelerator": 10
"spatialio": {
"spatialPowerMultiplier": 1250.0,
"spatialPowerExponent": 1.35
"logging": {
"blockUpdateLog": false,
"packetLog": false,
"craftingLog": false,
"debugLog": false,
"gridLog": false,
"chunkLoggerTrace_comment": "Enable stack trace logging for the chunk loading debug command",
"chunkLoggerTrace": false
"battery": {
"chargerChargeRate_comment": "The chargers charging rate factor, which is applied to the charged items charge rate. 2 means it charges everything twice as fast. 0.5 half as fast.",
"chargerChargeRate": 1.0,
"wirelessTerminal": 1600000,
"chargedStaff": 8000,
"entropyManipulator": 200000,
"portableCell": 20000,
"colorApplicator": 20000,
"matterCannon": 200000
"worldGen": {
"spawnPressesInMeteorites": true,
"spawnFlawlessOnly": false
"wireless": {
"wirelessBaseCost": 8.0,
"wirelessCostMultiplier": 1.0,
"wirelessBaseRange": 16.0,
"wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier": 1.0,
"wirelessBoosterExp": 1.5,
"wirelessHighWirelessCount": 64.0,
"wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier": 1.0
"PortableCells": {
"allowDisassembly_comment": "Allow disassembly of portable cells into the recipe ingredients using shift+right-click",
"allowDisassembly": true
"PowerRatios": {
"ForgeEnergy": 0.5,
"UsageMultiplier": 1.0,
"GridEnergyStoragePerNode_comment": "How much energy can the internal grid buffer storage per node attached to the grid.",
"GridEnergyStoragePerNode": 25.0,
"CrystalResonanceGeneratorRate_comment": "How much energy a crystal resonance generator generates per tick.",
"CrystalResonanceGeneratorRate": 20.0
"Condenser": {
"MatterBalls": 256,
"Singularity": 256000
"tickRates": {
"_comment": " Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.",
"InterfaceMin": 5,
"InterfaceMax": 120,
"ImportBusMin": 5,
"ImportBusMax": 40,
"ExportBusMin": 5,
"ExportBusMax": 60,
"AnnihilationPlaneMin": 2,
"AnnihilationPlaneMax": 120,
"METunnelMin": 5,
"METunnelMax": 20,
"InscriberMin": 1,
"InscriberMax": 20,
"ChargerMin": 10,
"ChargerMax": 10,
"IOPortMin": 1,
"IOPortMax": 5,
"VibrationChamberMin": 10,
"VibrationChamberMax": 40,
"StorageBusMin": 5,
"StorageBusMax": 60,
"ItemTunnelMin": 5,
"ItemTunnelMax": 60,
"LightTunnelMin": 5,
"LightTunnelMax": 60
"vibrationChamber": {
"_comment": "Settings for the Vibration Chamber",
"baseEnergyPerFuelTick_comment": "AE energy produced per fuel burn tick (reminder: coal \u003d 1600, block of coal \u003d 16000, lava bucket \u003d 20000 burn ticks)",
"baseEnergyPerFuelTick": 5.0,
"minEnergyPerGameTick_comment": "Minimum amount of AE/t the vibration chamber can slow down to when energy is being wasted.",
"minEnergyPerGameTick": 4,
"baseMaxEnergyPerGameTick_comment": "Maximum amount of AE/t the vibration chamber can speed up to when generated energy is being fully consumed.",
"baseMaxEnergyPerGameTick": 40

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#whether to cave maps are visible when held by players from the third-person perspective.
cave_maps_visible_in_third_person = true
#whether to shake the screen from tremorsaurus stomping, nuclear explosions, etc.
screen_shaking = true
#true if some block models, like uranium ore or abyssmarine bricks render as fullbright. May increase load time, no gameplay performance impact.
emissive_block_models = true
#whether to make the screen flash white during nuclear explosions.
nuclear_bomb_flash = true
#true if some biomes, such as primordial caves, have ambient light that makes the biome easier to see in.
biome_ambient_light = true
#true if some biomes, such as toxic caves, apply a color to ambient light. May conflict with shaders.
biome_ambient_light_coloring = true
#true if some biomes, such as primordial caves, have an always well-lit sky when in them. May conflict with shaders.
biome_sky_overrides = true
#true if some biomes, such as abyssal chasm, have an thicker water fog to them. May conflict with shaders.
biome_sky_fog_overrides = true
#true if ambersol block renders with rays of light emerging from it.
ambersol_shines = true
#true if irradiated effect makes mobs glow. May conflict with shaders.
radiation_glow_effect = true
#determines how far to the left the subterranodon flight indicator renders on the screen when mounted. Negative numbers will render it on the right.
#Range: -12000 ~ 12000
subterranodon_indicator_x = 22
#determines how far from bottom the subterranodon flight indicator renders on the screen when mounted.
#Range: -12000 ~ 12000
subterranodon_indicator_y = 6
#whether nuclear explosions briefly muffle other sounds.
nuclear_bomb_muffles_sounds = true

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
#Average radius (in blocks) of an Alex's Caves cave biome.
#Range: 10.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
cave_biome_mean_width = 300.0
#Average separation (in blocks) between each Alex's Caves cave biome.
#Range: > 50
cave_biome_mean_separation = 900
#How irregularly shaped Alex's Caves cave biomes can generate. 0 = all biomes nearly circular. 1 = biomes completely squiggly in shape.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
cave_biome_width_randomness = 0.15
#Average spacing in between Alex's Caves cave biomes. 0 = all biomes nearly perfectly equidistant. 1 = biomes completely randomly spread out, sometimes next to eachother.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
cave_biome_spacing_randomness = 0.45
#Whether to warn users when a server starts if an incompatible generation mod is detected.
warn_generation_incompatibility = true
#Cave Creatures (All dinosaurs, raycats, etc) spawn at this frequency. Their cap is calculated by multiplying this number with the default mob cap for surface animals.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
cave_creature_spawn_count_modifier = 1.75
#How many cpu cores big mobs(tremorzilla, atlatitan, grottoceratops etc) should utilize when pathing. Bigger number = less impact on TPS
#Range: 1 ~ 100
pathfinding_threads = 5
#The maximum explosion resistance that a block can have to be destroyed by an atlatitan stomp. Set to zero to disable all atlatitan block breaking.
#Range: > 0
atlatitan_max_block_explosion_resistance = 10
#How long (in game ticks) it takes for a nucleeper to explode.
#Range: > 20
nucleeper_fuse_time = 300
#True if the Tremorzilla beam breaks even more blocks.
devastating_tremorzilla_beam = true
#Whether the Watcher can take control of the camera.
watcher_possession = true
#How long (in game ticks) between watcher possession attempts.
#Range: 20 ~ 24000
watcher_possession_cooldown = 300
#True if players wearing boots can walk on any scarlet neodymium surface.
walking_on_magnets = true
#How long (in game ticks) it usually takes for an amber monolith to spawn an animal.
#Range: > 1000
amber_monolith_mean_time = 32000
#True if the Nuclear Furnace only uses 'Blasting' recipes, false to use all smelting recipes.
nuclear_furnace_blasting_only = true
#True if the Nuclear Furnace should only use recipes using the `alexscaves:nuclear_furnace` recipe type, false to use regular behavior.
nuclear_furnace_custom_type = false
#True if one Cave Codex is all that is needed to unlock every Cave Compendium entry.
only_one_research_needed = false
#How many attempts to find a biome a cave map engages in when used. Increase this to increase the search radius, or decrease it to make them faster.
#Range: > 64
cave_map_search_attempts = 128000
#How wide each search attempt scans for a biome. Increasing this generally makes cave biome maps faster - at the cost of losing fidelity(may skip biomes smaller than this in block width).
#Range: 4 ~ 256
cave_map_search_width = 64
#The maximum explosion resistance that a block can have to be destroyed by a nuclear explosion. Set to zero to disable all nuclear explosion block breaking.
#Range: > 0
nuke_max_block_explosion_resistance = 1000
#Whether some block items are dropped by nuclear explosions. False if all destroyed blocks do not drop items.
nuke_spawn_item_drops = true
#The scale of nuclear bomb destruction. multiply this by 16 to get the radius of a nuclear bomb explosion.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
nuclear_explosion_size_modifier = 3.0
#Whether the Totem of Possession can be applied to players.
totem_of_possession_works_on_players = true
#The amount of time (in ticks) it takes to charge up the Cloak of Darkness ability.
#Range: > 20
darkness_cloak_charge_time = 1000
#The amount of time (in ticks) that players can fly with the Cloak of Darkness ability.
#Range: > 20
darkness_cloak_fly_time = 200
#percent chance of bastion having a cave tablet for magnetic caves in its loot table:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
magnetic_tablet_loot_chance = 0.45
#percent chance of suspicious sand having a cave tablet for primordial caves in its loot table:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
primordial_tablet_loot_chance = 0.15
#percent chance of jungle temple having a cave tablet for toxic caves in its loot table:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
toxic_tablet_loot_chance = 0.5
#percent chance of underwater ruins having a cave tablet for abyssal chasm in its loot table:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
abyssal_tablet_loot_chance = 0.4
#percent chance of mansion having a cave tablet for forlorn hollows in its loot table:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
forlorn_tablet_loot_chance = 0.75
#percent chance of abandoned mineshaft chests having a map to a nearby underground mineshaft in their loot table:
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
cabin_map_loot_chance = 0.15
#Whether the Cartographer Villagers can sell maps to Underground Cabins.
cartographers_sell_cabin_maps = true
#Whether the Wandering Traders can sell maps to Underground Cabins.
wandering_traders_sell_cabin_maps = true
#Whether the Enchantments added by AC appear in vanilla loot tables.
enchantments_in_loot = false

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
"disabled_completely": false,
"distance_from_spawn": 400,
"alexscaves_rarity_offset": 3,
"continentalness": [
"temperature": [
"depth": [
"dimensions": [

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
"disabled_completely": false,
"distance_from_spawn": 650,
"alexscaves_rarity_offset": 4,
"continentalness": [
"depth": [
"dimensions": [

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
"disabled_completely": false,
"distance_from_spawn": 400,
"alexscaves_rarity_offset": 0,
"continentalness": [
"depth": [
"dimensions": [

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
"disabled_completely": false,
"distance_from_spawn": 450,
"alexscaves_rarity_offset": 1,
"continentalness": [
"depth": [
"dimensions": [

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
"disabled_completely": false,
"distance_from_spawn": 650,
"alexscaves_rarity_offset": 2,
"continentalness": [
"depth": [
"dimensions": [

View file

@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
"attributes": {
"forge:step_height_addition": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": -512,
"value": -512
"max": {
"default": 512,
"value": 512
"l2damagetracker:explosion_damage": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1000,
"value": 1000
"minecraft:generic.follow_range": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 2048,
"value": 2048
"forge:nametag_distance": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 64,
"value": 64
"forge:entity_gravity": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": -8,
"value": -8
"max": {
"default": 8,
"value": 8
"forge:block_reach": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"l2damagetracker:crit_rate": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1,
"value": 1
"minecraft:generic.attack_speed": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"minecraft:generic.attack_damage": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 2048,
"value": 1000000
"minecraft:generic.luck": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": -1024,
"value": -1024
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"forge:step_height": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": -512,
"value": -512
"max": {
"default": 512,
"value": 512
"minecraft:generic.armor": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 30,
"value": 1000000
"l2damagetracker:damage_absorption": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 10000,
"value": 10000
"forge:entity_reach": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"vampirism:dbno_duration": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 2147483647,
"value": 2147483647
"minecraft:generic.flying_speed": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"vampirism:sundamage": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1000,
"value": 1000
"estrogen:boob_growing_start_time": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": -1,
"value": -1
"max": {
"default": 9007199254740992,
"value": 9007199254740992
"minecraft:generic.movement_speed": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"estrogen:boob_initial_size": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1,
"value": 1
"l2damagetracker:magic_damage": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1000,
"value": 1000
"minecraft:generic.max_health": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 1,
"value": 1
"max": {
"default": 1000000,
"value": 1000000
"l2damagetracker:fire_damage": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1000,
"value": 1000
"estrogen:dash_level": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 10,
"value": 10
"minecraft:zombie.spawn_reinforcements": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1,
"value": 1
"minecraft:horse.jump_strength": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 2,
"value": 2
"l2damagetracker:crit_damage": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1000,
"value": 1000
"minecraft:generic.attack_knockback": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 5,
"value": 1000000
"forge:swim_speed": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1024,
"value": 1024
"minecraft:generic.knockback_resistance": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1,
"value": 1
"minecraft:generic.armor_toughness": {
"enabled": true,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 20,
"value": 1000000
"vampirism:blood_exhaustion": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 10,
"value": 10
"l2damagetracker:bow_strength": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 1000,
"value": 1000
"l2damagetracker:damage_reduction": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": -10000,
"value": -10000
"max": {
"default": 10000,
"value": 10000
"vampirism:neonatal_duration": {
"enabled": false,
"min": {
"default": 0,
"value": 0
"max": {
"default": 2147483647,
"value": 2147483647

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#This is an example boolean property
exampleBoolean = true
#Range: > -2147483648
exampleInt = 42
exampleString = "Hello World"
exampleMultilineString = "Hello World"
#Allowed Values: Hello, World
exampleEnum = "Hello"
exampleStringList = ["Hello", "World"]
exampleIntList = [12, 24]
exampleEnumList = ["Hello", "World"]
#This is an example category
#This is an example string inside a category
innerField = "I am inside"
#Range: -3.4028234663852886E38 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
exampleFloat = 42.84000015258789

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#True if citadel tracks entity properties(freezing, stone mobs, etc) on server. Turn this to false to solve some server lag, may break some stuff.
"Track Entities" = true
#True to skip warnings about using datapacks.
"Skip Datapack Warnings" = true
#Multiplies the count of entities spawned by this number. 0 = no entites added on chunk gen, 2 = twice as many entities added on chunk gen. Useful for many mods that add a lot of creatures, namely animals, to the spawn lists.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0
chunkGenSpawnModifier = 1.0
#True to if april fools content can display on april fools.
"April Fools Content" = true

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#If enabled, players automatically attempt to use sleeping bags when placed.
autoUse = true
#If enabled, players cannot sleep again for a period of time after sleeping.
restrictSleeping = false
#If restrictSleeping is true, this value will determine the length of wait time (larger numbers sleep sooner).
#Range: 1.0 ~ 20.0
restMultiplier = 2.0
#The time of day that hammocks can be used.
hammockUse = "DAY"
#The time of day that sleeping bags can be used.
sleepingBagUse = "NIGHT"
#What percentage of players must sleep to skip the day.
#A percentage value of 0 will allow the day to be skipped by just 1 player, and a percentage value of 100 will require all players to sleep before skipping the day.
#A value of less than 0 will default to the playerSleepingPercentage game rule.
#Range: -1 ~ 100
daySleepingPercentage = -1
#The amount of time, in ticks, to add or remove from the new time after sleeping through a night.
#Range: -2000 ~ 2000
dayWakeTimeOffset = 0
#The amount of time, in ticks, to add or remove from the new time after sleeping through a day.
#Range: -2000 ~ 2000
nightWakeTimeOffset = 0
#If enabled, attempting to sleep in hammocks stops phantoms from spawning.
hammocksStopPhantoms = true
#If enabled, attempting to sleep in sleeping bags stops phantoms from spawning.
sleepingBagsStopPhantoms = true
#The percentage chance that a sleeping bag will break upon use.
#Range: 0 ~ 100
sleepingBagBreakChance = 0
#The value that will be multiplied by a player's luck then added to sleepingBagBreakChance.
#Range: -1.0 ~ 1.0
sleepingBagBreakChanceLuckMultiplier = 0.0
#The status effects to apply to players after using the sleeping bag.
#Format: effect;duration(secs);power
sleepingBagEffects = []

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#Upgrades settings
#Mechanical visor
#If Block Tracker should also check if actual tooltip is provided
block_tracker_advanced_check = false
#Tooltip mode
tooltip_mode = "CLASSIC"
#Block Tracker mode
block_tracker_mode = "ALL"

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#The renderer to use for monitors. Generally this should be kept at "best" - if
#monitors have performance issues, you may wish to experiment with alternative
#Allowed Values: BEST, TBO, VBO
monitor_renderer = "BEST"
#The maximum distance monitors will render at. This defaults to the standard tile
#entity limit, but may be extended if you wish to build larger monitors.
#Range: 16 ~ 1024
monitor_distance = 64
#The delay in seconds after which we'll notify about unhandled imports. Set to 0 to disable.
#Range: 0 ~ 60
upload_nag_delay = 5

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#These settings only affects client
#Whether or not to hide the button for opening CosmeticArmorInventory
CosArmorGuiButton_Hidden = false
#The horizontal pixel distance from the origin point of player inventory gui
#Range: > -2147483648
CosArmorGuiButton_Left = 65
#The vertical pixel distance from the origin point of player inventoy gui
#Range: > -2147483648
CosArmorGuiButton_Top = 67
#Whether or not to hide the button for toggling the mod temporarily on client side
CosArmorToggleButton_Hidden = false
#The horizontal pixel distance from the origin point of player inventory gui
#Range: > -2147483648
CosArmorToggleButton_Left = 59
#The vertical pixel distance from the origin point of player inventory gui
#Range: > -2147483648
CosArmorToggleButton_Top = 72
#Whether or not to hide the button for opening CosmeticArmorInventory in CreativeInventory
CosArmorCreativeGuiButton_Hidden = false
#The horizontal pixel distance from the origin point of creative inventory gui
#Range: > -2147483648
CosArmorCreativeGuiButton_Left = 95
#The vertical pixel distance from the origin point of creative inventoy gui
#Range: > -2147483648
CosArmorCreativeGuiButton_Top = 38

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#These settings affects both server and client
#Whether or not to keep items in cosmetic armor slots in the event of player death
CosArmorKeepThroughDeath = false
#Whether or not to disable the RecipeBook in the CosmeticArmorInventory
CosArmorDisableRecipeBook = false
#Whether or not to disable the coshat command
CosArmorDisableCosHatCommand = false

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#Client-only settings - If you're looking for general settings, look inside your worlds serverconfig folder!
#Configure your vision range when submerged in Create Dream n' Desire's custom fluids
#The vision range through honey will be multiplied by this factor
#Range: 0.125 ~ 128.0
sap = 1.0

View file

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
#Client-side config for Create Big Cannons.
showAutocannonPlumes = true
showDropMortarPlumes = true
showMortarStoneClouds = true
#How many particles are in a Fluid Blob of any size.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
fluidBlobParticleCount = 20
#How many digits are after the angle decimal point on a block armor info tooltip.
#Range: 0 ~ 4
blockArmorInfoPrecision = 2
#If true, some graphics will be changed to support shaders, such as those loaded with Iris/Oculus.
#NOTE: This may entail some visual downgrades. Affected graphics include:
#- Cannon smoke
#- Adaptive debris particles (splinters, leaves, glass shards)
useShaderCompatibleGraphics = false
#[in Meters per Second]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0
blastEffectDelaySpeed = 320.0
#Projectile Flyby Sounds
enableBigCannonProjectileFlybySounds = true
enableAutocannonProjectileFlybySounds = true
#Cannon Mount Goggle Tooltip
#How many digits are after the angle decimal point on a cannon mount goggle tooltip.
#Range: 0 ~ 4
anglePrecision = 2
#If true, the yaw angle on goggles ranges from +180 to -180º. If false, it ranges from 0 to +360º.
use180_180RangeForYaw = false
#Screen Shake
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0
cannonScreenShakeIntensity = 1.2999999523162842
#Range: 0.009999999776482582 ~ 2.0
cannonScreenShakeSpringiness = 0.07999999821186066
#Range: 0.009999999776482582 ~ 2.0
cannonScreenShakeDecay = 0.30000001192092896
#Big Cannon Blast
showBigCannonPlumes = true
showExtraSmoke = true
showExtraFlames = true
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
screenShakePowerMultiplier = 6.0
#[in Degrees]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 90.0
screenShakePowerLimit = 45.0
#Flak Clouds
showFlakClouds = true
showExtraFlames = true
showExtraShockwave = true
showExtraTrails = true
#Shrapnel Clouds
showShrapnelClouds = true
showExtraFlames = true
showExtraShockwave = true
#Fluid Shell Clouds
showFluidShellClouds = true
showExtraFlames = true
showExtraShockwave = true
#Projectile Splashes
showProjectileSplashes = true
#Projectile Impacts
showProjectileImpacts = true
blastSoundAirAbsorption = true
#Shell Explosions
showShellExplosionClouds = true
showExtraTrails = true
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
screenShakePowerMultiplier = 6.0
#[in Degrees]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 90.0
screenShakePowerLimit = 45.0
#Particle Wind Effect
#[in Meters per second]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
maximumWindSpeed = 1.25
#[in Degrees per tick]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 90.0
maximumWindBearingChangeSpeed = 8.0

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#The default difficulty selected for newly created worlds.
defaultDifficulty = "NORMAL"
#Set to true if the difficulty for new world's should be locked to the specific default. This cannot be unlocked by players without external tools! Probably a bad idea. I don't recommend. Why am I adding this option?
lockDifficulty = false

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#Dynamic light toggle
dynamic_light_toggle = false
#Light level an entity should emit when dynamic lights are on
#Example entry: minecraft:blaze=15
entity_lights = ["minecraft:blaze=10", "minecraft:magma_cube=8", "minecraft:spectral_arrow=8"]
#Light level an item should emit when held when dynamic lights are on
#Example entry: minecraft:stick=15
item_lights = ["hexerei:moon_dust=8", "minecraft:redstone_torch=10", "minecraft:soul_lantern=12", "minecraft:glow_ink_sac=10", "minecraft:verdant_froglight=15", "minecraft:blaze_rod=10", "minecraft:shroomlight=10", "minecraft:lantern=14", "minecraft:soul_torch=10", "minecraft:glow_berries=8", "minecraft:glowstone_dust=8", "minecraft:pearlescent_froglight=15", "minecraft:nether_star=14", "minecraft:glowstone=15", "minecraft:torch=14", "minecraft:ochre_froglight=15", "minecraft:lava_bucket=15"]
["List of Extra Fonts"]
#list of fonts that can be used, mainly for the book of shadows
font_list = ["minecraft:default", "hexerei:fancy", "hexerei:bloody", "hexerei:earth", "hexerei:seattle", "hexerei:medieval", "hexerei:augusta"]

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
["Herb Jar Settings"]
#Disabling allows jars to hold any item
jars_only_hold_herbs = true
["Sage Burning Plate Settings"]
#Range of the Sage Burning Plate, setting to 0 will disable completely
spawn_disable_range = 48
["Crow Pickpocket Cooldown"]
#time (in ticks) for crow being able to pickpocket again (base 1 minute 30 seconds)
crow_pickpocket_cooldown = 1800
["Broom Brush Durability"]
#broom brush durability
broom_brush_durability = 100
["Herb Enhanced Brush Durability"]
#Herb Enhanced brush durability
herb_enhanced_brush_durability = 200
["Moon Dust Brush Durability"]
#Moon Dust brush durability
moon_dust_brush_durability = 200
["Thruster Brush Durability"]
#thruster brush durability
thruster_brush_durability = 400
["Broom Waterproof Tip Durability"]
#Broom Waterproof Tip Durability
broom_waterproof_tip_durability = 800
["Broom Netherite Tip Durability"]
#Broom Netherite Tip Durability
broom_netherite_tip_durability = 200
["Sage Bundle Durability"]
#time (in ticks) for the sage bundle to burn out (default 3600 - 1 hour)
sage_bundle_durability = 3600
["Coffer Item Blacklist"]
#blacklists items from being placed inside of coffers
coffer_blacklist = ["minecraft:shulker_box", "minecraft:white_shulker_box", "minecraft:orange_shulker_box", "minecraft:magenta_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:yellow_shulker_box", "minecraft:lime_shulker_box", "minecraft:pink_shulker_box", "minecraft:gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:cyan_shulker_box", "minecraft:purple_shulker_box", "minecraft:blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:brown_shulker_box", "minecraft:green_shulker_box", "minecraft:red_shulker_box", "minecraft:black_shulker_box", "hexerei:coffer"]
["Biome Generation"]
#rarity of the willow swamp biome, 0 to disable
#Range: > 0
willow_swamp_rarity = 2

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
"defaultSigningMode": "PROMPT",
"enableMod": true,
"showNCRButton": true,
"showReloadButton": true,
"verifiedIconEnabled": true,
"showServerSafety": true,
"hideInsecureMessageIndicators": true,
"hideModifiedMessageIndicators": true,
"hideSystemMessageIndicators": true,
"hideWarningToast": true,
"hideSigningRequestMessage": false,
"alwaysHideReportButton": false,
"skipRealmsWarning": false,
"disableTelemetry": true,
"removeTelemetryButton": true,
"demandOnServer": false,
"verifiedIconOffsetX": 0,
"verifiedIconOffsetY": 0

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"demandOnClientMessage": "You do not have No Chat Reports, and this server is configured to require it on client!",
"demandOnClient": false,
"convertToGameMessage": true,
"addQueryData": true,
"enableDebugLog": false

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
"skipWarning": false,
"enableEncryption": false,
"encryptPublic": true,
"showEncryptionButton": true,
"showEncryptionIndicators": true,
"encryptionKey": "blfrngArk3chG6wzncOZ5A\u003d\u003d",
"encryptionPassphrase": "",
"algorithmName": "AES/CFB8+Base64",
"encryptableCommands": [

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# No Chat Reports
You can find updated documentation of configuration files on the wiki:

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#If true, shows the hunger (and saturation if showSaturationHudOverlay is true) that would be restored by food you are currently holding
showFoodValuesHudOverlay = true
#If true, shows your food exhaustion as a progress bar behind the hunger bars
showFoodExhaustionHudUnderlay = true
#Alpha value of the flashing icons at their most visible point (1.0 = fully opaque, 0.0 = fully transparent)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
maxHudOverlayFlashAlpha = 0.65
#If true, health/hunger overlay will shake to match Minecraft's icon animations
showVanillaAnimationsOverlay = true
#If true, adds a line that shows your hunger, saturation, and exhaustion level in the F3 debug overlay
showFoodStatsInDebugOverlay = true
#If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip while holding SHIFT
showFoodValuesInTooltip = true
#If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip automatically (without needing to hold SHIFT)
showFoodValuesInTooltipAlways = true
#If true, shows estimated health restored by food on the health bar
showFoodHealthHudOverlay = true
#If true, shows your current saturation level overlayed on the hunger bar
showSaturationHudOverlay = true
#If true, enables the hunger/saturation/health overlays for food in your off-hand
showFoodValuesHudOverlayWhenOffhand = true

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
defaultUncompletedIconColor = "#FFFFFF"
defaultUncompletedTitleColor = "#0489C1"
defaultCompletedIconColor = "#DBA213"
defaultCompletedTitleColor = "#DBA213"
doAdvancementsBackgroundFade = true
showDebugCoordinates = false
orderTabsAlphabetically = false
#Values below 50% might give odd results, use on own risk ;)
#Range: 1 ~ 100
uiScaling = 100
#Lists the criteria for partially completed advancements, e.g. the biomes required for 'Adventuring Time'
# Off: Vanilla default
# Default: List which criteria you have already obtained
# Spoiler: Only reveal unobtained criteria
# All: Show both obtained and unobtained criteria
criteriaDetail = "Default"
criteriaDetailRequiresShift = false
addInventoryButton = false
defaultDrawDirectLines = false
defaultHideLines = false
defaultCompletedLineColor = "#FFFFFF"
defaultUncompletedLineColor = "#FFFFFF"
onlyUseAboveAdvancementTabs = false

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Desert Temples"]
## General settings.
["YUNG's Better Desert Temples".General]
# Whether or not vanilla desert pyramids should be disabled.
# Default: true
"Disable Vanilla Pyramids" = true
# Whether or not mining fatigue is applied to players in the desert temple if it has not yet been cleared.
# Default: true
"Apply Mining Fatigue" = true

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
This directory is for a few additional options for YUNG's Better Desert Temples.
Options provided may vary by version.
This directory contains subdirectories for supported versions. The first time you run Better Desert Temples, a version subdirectory will be created if that version supports advanced options.
For example, the first time you use Better Desert Temples for 1.18.2 on Forge, the 'forge-1_18_2' subdirectory will be created in this folder.
If no subdirectory for your version is created, then that version probably does not support the additional options.
For example, on Forge 1.18.2 the file is 'betterdeserttemples-forge-1_18_2.toml'.

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# armorstands.json #
This file contains ItemRandomizers describing the probability distribution of armor on armor stands.
Armor stands spawn in armory rooms and wardrobe rooms.
For information on ItemRandomizers, see the bottom of this README.
# itemframes.json #
This file contains ItemRandomizers describing the probability distribution of items in item frames.
Item frames only spawn in food storage rooms and armoury rooms.
For information on ItemRandomizers, see the bottom of this README.
# ItemRandomizers #
Describes a set of items and the probability of each item being chosen.
- entries: An object where each entry's key is a item, and each value is that item's probability of being chosen.
The total sum of all probabilities SHOULD NOT exceed 1.0!
- defaultItem: The item used for any leftover probability ranges.
For example, if the total sum of all the probabilities of the entries is 0.6, then
there is a 0.4 chance of the defaultItem being selected.
Here's an example ItemRandomizer:
"entries": {
"minecraft:stone_axe": 0.25,
"minecraft:shield": 0.2,
"minecraft:air": 0.1
"defaultItem": "minecraft:iron_axe"
For each item, this randomizer has a 25% chance of returning a stone axe, 20% chance of choosing a shield,
10% chance of choosing air (nothing), and a 100 - (25 + 20 + 10) = 45% chance of choosing an iron axe (since it's the default item).

View file

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
"armoryHelmets": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_helmet": 0.3,
"golden_helmet": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"wardrobeHelmets": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_helmet": 0.2,
"leather_helmet": 0.4
"defaultItem": "air"
"armoryChestplates": {
"entries": {
"golden_chestplate": 0.2,
"chainmail_chestplate": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"
"wardrobeChestplates": {
"entries": {
"leather_chestplate": 0.4,
"chainmail_chestplate": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"armoryLeggings": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_leggings": 0.3,
"golden_leggings": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"wardrobeLeggings": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_leggings": 0.2,
"leather_leggings": 0.4
"defaultItem": "air"
"armoryBoots": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_boots": 0.3,
"golden_boots": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"wardrobeBoots": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_boots": 0.2,
"leather_boots": 0.4
"defaultItem": "air"

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
"armouryItems": {
"entries": {
"arrow": 0.05,
"golden_sword": 0.1,
"shield": 0.1,
"name_tag": 0.05,
"stone_sword": 0.05,
"bow": 0.1,
"stone_axe": 0.05,
"golden_axe": 0.1
"defaultItem": "air"
"storageItems": {
"entries": {
"rabbit_foot": 0.01,
"bread": 0.2,
"honey_bottle": 0.1,
"melon_seeds": 0.025,
"wheat_seeds": 0.025,
"cake": 0.1,
"slime_ball": 0.05,
"beetroot_seeds": 0.025,
"pumpkin_seeds": 0.025,
"potato": 0.2,
"cookie": 0.1
"defaultItem": "air"

View file

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Dungeons"]
## General settings.
["YUNG's Better Dungeons".General]
# Whether or not dungeons should be allowed to place skeleton skulls and other mob heads.
# This option may be useful for some modpack creators.
# Default: true
"Enable Skulls & Heads" = true
# Some dungeons can rarely spawn Nether-related blocks such as soul sand, soul campfires, and soul lanterns.
# Note that the blocks will be purely decorative - nothing progression-breaking like Ancient Debris.
# Set this to false to prevent any Nether-related blocks from spawning in dungeons.
# This option may be useful for some modpack creators.
# Default: true
"Enable Nether Blocks in Dungeons" = true
## Zombie Dungeon settings.
["YUNG's Better Dungeons"."Zombie Dungeons"]
# The longest distance that can be checked when attempting to generate a surface entrance staircase.
# Making this too large may cause problems.
# Default: 20
"Zombie Dungeon Surface Entrance Staircase Max Length" = 20
## Small Dungeon settings.
["YUNG's Better Dungeons"."Small Dungeons"]
# The maximum number of banners that can spawn in a single small dungeon.
# Default: 2
#Range: 0 ~ 8
"Small Dungeon Max Banner Count" = 2
# The minimum number of chests that are guaranteed to spawn in a single small dungeon.
# Default: 1
"Small Dungeon Min Chest Count" = 1
# The maximum number of chests that can spawn in a single small dungeon.
# Default: 2
"Small Dungeon Max Chest Count" = 2
# Whether or not Small Dungeons can rarely place ore blocks in the corners of the dungeon.
# If this is set to false, any ore blocks that spawn as part of a corner prop will instead be replaced with air.
# Default: true
"Allow Ore Blocks in Corners" = true
## Small Nether Dungeon settings.
## These are disabled by default.
["YUNG's Better Dungeons"."Small Nether Dungeons"]
# Whether or not small Nether dungeons should spawn.
# Default: false
"Enable Small Nether Dungeons" = false
# Whether or not Wither skeletons spawned from small Nether dungeons have a chance to drop Wither skeleton skulls.
# Default: true
"Wither Skeletons From Spawners Drop Wither Skeleton Skulls" = true
# Whether or not blazes spawned from small Nether dungeons have a chance to drop blaze rods.
# Default: true
"Blazes From Spawners Drop Blaze Rods" = true
# The maximum number of banners that can spawn in a single small Nether dungeon.
# Default: 2
#Range: 0 ~ 8
"Small Nether Dungeon Max Banner Count" = 2

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better End Island"]
# Whether the Ender Dragon drops an egg when every time it's defeated.
# Default: false
"Resummoned Dragon Drops Egg" = false
# Whether the vanilla obsidian platform should spawn in the End instead of the revamped platform.
# Default: false
"Spawn Vanilla Obsidian Platform" = false

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses"]
## General settings.
["YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses".General]
# Whether or not vanilla Nether Fortresses should be disabled.
# Default: true
"Disable Vanilla Nether Fortresses" = true

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
This directory is for a few additional options for YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses.
Options provided may vary by version.
This directory contains subdirectories for supported versions. The first time you run Better Nether Fortresses, a version subdirectory will be created if that version supports advanced options.
For example, the first time you use Better Nether Fortresses for MC 1.19.2 on Forge, the 'forge-1_19' subdirectory will be created in this folder.
If no subdirectory for your version is created, then that version probably does not support the additional options.
NOTE -- Most of this mod's config settings can be found in a config file outside this folder!
For example, on Forge 1.19.2 the file is 'betterfortresses-forge-1_19.toml'.
Also note that many of the structure's settings such as spawn rate & spawn conditions can only be modified via data pack.

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# itemframes.json #
This file contains ItemRandomizers describing the probability distribution of items in item frames.
Item frames only spawn in certain rooms and hallway pieces.
For information on ItemRandomizers, see the bottom of this README.
# ItemRandomizers #
Describes a set of items and the probability of each item being chosen.
- entries: An object where each entry's key is an item, and each value is that item's probability of being chosen.
The total sum of all probabilities SHOULD NOT exceed 1.0!
- defaultItem: The item used for any leftover probability ranges.
For example, if the total sum of all the probabilities of the entries is 0.6, then
there is a 0.4 chance of the defaultItem being selected.
Here's an example ItemRandomizer:
"entries": {
"minecraft:cobblestone": 0.25,
"minecraft:air": 0.2,
"minecraft:stone_sword": 0.1
"defaultItem": "minecraft:iron_axe"
This randomizer has a 25% chance of returning cobblestone, 20% chance of choosing air,
10% chance of choosing a stone sword, and a 100 - (25 + 20 + 10) = 45% chance of choosing iron axe (since it's the default item).

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
"weaponItems": {
"entries": {
"golden_sword": 0.05,
"iron_axe": 0.025,
"shield": 0.025,
"stone_sword": 0.025,
"iron_sword": 0.025,
"stone_axe": 0.025,
"golden_axe": 0.05,
"netherite_sword": 0.005
"defaultItem": "air"
"lootItems": {
"entries": {
"nether_wart": 0.1,
"gold_ingot": 0.1,
"gold_nugget": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"studyItems": {
"entries": {
"writable_book": 0.1,
"enchanted_book": 0.1,
"book": 0.4,
"paper": 0.1
"defaultItem": "air"
"messHallItems": {
"entries": {
"porkchop": 0.3,
"cooked_porkchop": 0.3,
"gold_ingot": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"alchemyItems": {
"entries": {
"magma_cream": 0.3,
"fire_charge": 0.2,
"quartz": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Jungle Temples"]
["YUNG's Better Jungle Temples".General]
"Disable Vanilla Jungle Temples" = true

View file

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Mineshafts"]
# Whether or not vanilla mineshafts should be disabled.
# Default: true
"Disable Vanilla Mineshafts" = true
# The lowest a mineshaft can spawn.
# Default: -55
"Minimum y-coordinate" = -55
# The highest a mineshaft can spawn.
# Default: 30
"Maximum y-coordinate" = 30
## Ore deposit settings.
["YUNG's Better Mineshafts"."Ore Deposits"]
"Enable Ore Deposits" = true
# Chance of an ore deposit being cobblestone only.
# Default: 50
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Cobble Spawn Chance (Empty Deposit)" = 50
# Chance of an ore deposit containing coal.
# Default: 20
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Coal Spawn Chance" = 20
# Chance of an ore deposit containing iron.
# Default: 9
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Iron Spawn Chance" = 9
# Chance of an ore deposit containing redstone.
# Default: 7
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Redstone Spawn Chance" = 7
# Chance of an ore deposit containing gold.
# Default: 7
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Gold Spawn Chance" = 7
# Chance of an ore deposit containing lapis lazuli.
# Default: 3
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Lapis Spawn Chance" = 3
# Chance of an ore deposit containing emerald.
# Default: 3
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Emerald Spawn Chance" = 3
# Chance of an ore deposit containing diamond.
# Default: 1
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Diamond Spawn Chance" = 1
## Spawn rates for various mineshaft parts and decorations.
["YUNG's Better Mineshafts"."Spawn Rates & More"]
# The spawn rate for lanterns in the main shaft.
# Default: .0067
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Lantern Spawn Rate" = 0.0067
# The spawn rate for torches in small shafts.
# Default: .02
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Torch Spawn Rate" = 0.02
# The spawn rate for workstation side rooms along the main shaft.
# Default: .025
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Workstation Spawn Rate" = 0.025
# The spawn rate for workstation cellars below workstations along the main shaft.
# Default: .25
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Workstation Cellar Spawn Rate" = 0.25
# The spawn rate for smaller tunnels that generate along the main shaft.
# Default: .07
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Small Shaft Spawn Rate" = 0.07
# The spawn rate for cobwebs.
# Default: .15
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Cobweb Spawn Rate" = 0.15
# The spawn rate for minecarts holding chests in small shafts.
# Default: .00125
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Small Shaft Chest Minecart Spawn Rate" = 0.00125
# The spawn rate for minecarts holding TNT in small shafts.
# Default: .0025
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Small Shaft TNT Minecart Spawn Rate" = 0.0025
# The spawn rate for minecarts holding chests in the main shaft.
# Default: .01
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Main Shaft Chest Minecart Spawn Rate" = 0.01
# The spawn rate for minecarts holding TNT in the main shaft.
# Default: .0025
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Main Shaft TNT Minecart Spawn Rate" = 0.0025
# Percent chance of an Abandoned Miners' Outpost to spawn at the end of a small mineshaft tunnel.
# Default: 2
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Abandoned Miners' Outpost Spawn Chance" = 2
# The number of "pieces" (e.g. straight, turn, ladder, intersection, etc.) in a single small shaft.
# This determines the overall length of small shafts.
# Default: 9
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
"Small Shaft Piece Chain Length" = 9

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments"]
## General settings.
["YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments".General]
# Whether or not vanilla ocean monuments should be disabled.
# Default: true
"Disable Vanilla Ocean Monuments" = true

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Strongholds"]
## General settings.
["YUNG's Better Strongholds".General]
# The rate at which cobwebs will spawn in various parts of the stronghold.
# Default: 0.1
"Cobweb Spawn Rate (NORMAL)" = 0.1
# The rate at which cobwebs will spawn around spider spawners in libraries.
# Default: 0.3
"Cobweb Spawn Rate (SPAWNER)" = 0.3
# The rate at which torches spawn throughout the stronghold.
# Default: 0.1
"Torch Spawn Rate" = 0.1
# The rate at which lanterns spawn throughout the stronghold.
# Default: 0.2
"Lantern Spawn Rate" = 0.2

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
This directory is for a few additional options for YUNG's Better Strongholds.
Options provided may vary by version.
This directory contains subdirectories for supported versions. The first time you run Better Strongholds, a version subdirectory will be created if that version supports advanced options.
For example, the first time you use Better Strongholds for MC 1.16 on Forge, the 'forge-1_16' subdirectory will be created in this folder.
If no subdirectory for your version is created, then that version probably does not support the additional options.
For example, on Forge 1.16 the file is 'betterstrongholds-forge-1_16.toml'.

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# ores.json #
This file contains a BlockSetSelector (see below) describing the probability of a given ore being chosen.
These probabilities are used in treasure rooms in the stronghold, in which
piles of ore have a chance of spawning.
For information on BlockSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README.
# rareblocks.json #
This file contains a BlockSetSelector describing the probability of a given block being chosen.
These probabilities are used in grand libraries, in which
two rare blocks will spawn.
For information on BlockSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README.
# armorstands.json #
This file contains ItemSetSelectors describing the probability distribution of armor on armor stands.
Common armor stands spawn in Armoury rooms, while Rare ones are only available in the rare Commander rooms.
For information on ItemSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README.
# itemframes.json #
This file contains ItemSetSelectors describing the probability distribution of items in item frames.
Item frames only spawn in storage rooms and armoury rooms.
For information on ItemSetSelectors, see the bottom of this README.
# BlockSetSelectors #
Describes a set of blockstates and the probability of each blockstate being chosen.
- entries: An object where each entry's key is a blockstate, and each value is that blockstate's probability of being chosen.
The total sum of all probabilities SHOULD NOT exceed 1.0!
- defaultBlock: The blockstate used for any leftover probability ranges.
For example, if the total sum of all the probabilities of the entries is 0.6, then
there is a 0.4 chance of the defaultBlock being selected.
Here's an example block selector:
"entries": {
"minecraft:cobblestone": 0.25,
"minecraft:air": 0.2,
"minecraft:stone_bricks": 0.1
"defaultBlock": "minecraft:oak_planks"
For each block, this selector has a 25% chance of returning cobblestone, 20% chance of choosing air,
10% chance of choosing stone bricks, and a 100 - (25 + 20 + 10) = 45% chance of choosing oak planks (since it's the default block).
# ItemSetSelectors #
Describes a set of items and the probability of each item being chosen.
Works the same as BlockSetSelectors, but with items instead of blockstates.

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
"commonHelmets": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_helmet": 0.3,
"leather_helmet": 0.1,
"iron_helmet": 0.3,
"carved_pumpkin": 0.01
"defaultItem": "air"
"rareHelmets": {
"entries": {
"diamond_helmet": 0.3,
"carved_pumpkin": 0.2
"defaultItem": "air"
"commonChestplates": {
"entries": {
"leather_chestplate": 0.1,
"iron_chestplate": 0.3,
"chainmail_chestplate": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"
"rareChestplates": {
"entries": {
"diamond_chestplate": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"
"commonLeggings": {
"entries": {
"chainmail_leggings": 0.3,
"leather_leggings": 0.1,
"iron_leggings": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"
"rareLeggings": {
"entries": {
"diamond_leggings": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"
"commonBoots": {
"entries": {
"iron_boots": 0.3,
"chainmail_boots": 0.3,
"leather_boots": 0.1
"defaultItem": "air"
"rareBoots": {
"entries": {
"diamond_boots": 0.3
"defaultItem": "air"

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
"armouryItems": {
"entries": {
"arrow": 0.05,
"golden_sword": 0.05,
"iron_axe": 0.1,
"shield": 0.1,
"name_tag": 0.05,
"stone_sword": 0.05,
"iron_sword": 0.1,
"bow": 0.1,
"stone_axe": 0.05,
"golden_axe": 0.05
"defaultItem": "air"
"storageItems": {
"entries": {
"flint": 0.05,
"rabbit_foot": 0.01,
"compass": 0.05,
"melon_seeds": 0.025,
"map": 0.25,
"wheat_seeds": 0.025,
"paper": 0.25,
"cake": 0.05,
"lead": 0.05,
"slime_ball": 0.05,
"beetroot_seeds": 0.025,
"pumpkin_seeds": 0.025
"defaultItem": "air"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
"oreChances": {
"entries": {
"minecraft:diamond_ore": 0.05,
"minecraft:redstone_ore[lit=false]": 0.15,
"minecraft:coal_ore": 0.2,
"minecraft:iron_ore": 0.2,
"minecraft:gold_ore": 0.2,
"minecraft:lapis_ore": 0.15,
"minecraft:emerald_ore": 0.05
"defaultBlock": "minecraft:coal_ore"

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"blockChances": {
"entries": {
"minecraft:iron_block": 0.3,
"minecraft:gold_block": 0.3,
"minecraft:quartz_block": 0.3,
"minecraft:diamond_block": 0.1
"defaultBlock": "minecraft:iron_block"

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
["YUNG's Better Witch Huts"]
## General settings.
["YUNG's Better Witch Huts".General]
# Whether or not vanilla witch huts should be disabled.
# Default: true
"Disable Vanilla Witch Huts" = true

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// When enabled, transfer the held items and armour from replaced entities by any of the Entity Spawn mods which depend on Collective.
"transferItemsBetweenReplacedEntities": true,
// The amount of times Collective loops through possible mob drops to get them all procedurally. Drops are only generated when a dependent mod uses them. Lowering this can increase world load time but decrease accuracy.
// min: 1, max: 500
"loopsAmountUsedToGetAllEntityDrops": 100,
// The delay of the is-there-a-block-around-check around entities in ms. Used in mods which depends on a specific blockstate in the world. Increasing this number can increase TPS if needed.
// min: 0, max: 3600000
"findABlockCheckAroundEntitiesDelayMs": 30000,
// Enables pets for Patrons. Will be added in a future release.
"enablePatronPets": true

View file

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
#Client-only settings - If you're looking for general settings, look inside your worlds serverconfig folder!
#Show item descriptions on Shift and controls on Ctrl.
enableTooltips = true
#Display a tooltip when looking at overstressed components.
enableOverstressedTooltip = true
#Log a stack-trace when rendering issues happen within a moving contraption.
explainRenderErrors = false
#Higher density means more spawned particles.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
fanParticleDensity = 0.5
#[in Blocks]
#Maximum Distance to the player at which items in Blocks' filter slots will be displayed
#Range: 1.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
filterItemRenderDistance = 10.0
#Show kinetic debug information on blocks while the F3-Menu is open.
enableRainbowDebug = false
#The maximum amount of blocks for which to try and calculate dynamic contraption lighting. Decrease if large contraption cause too much lag
#Range: > 0
maximumContraptionLightVolume = 16384
#Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the main menu
#Set to 0 to disable the button altogether
#Range: 0 ~ 4
mainMenuConfigButtonRow = 2
#Offset the Create config button in the main menu by this many pixels on the X axis
#The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right)
#Range: > -2147483648
mainMenuConfigButtonOffsetX = -4
#Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the in-game menu
#Set to 0 to disable the button altogether
#Range: 0 ~ 5
ingameMenuConfigButtonRow = 3
#Offset the Create config button in the in-game menu by this many pixels on the X axis
#The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right)
#Range: > -2147483648
ingameMenuConfigButtonOffsetX = -4
#Setting this to true will prevent Create from sending you a warning when playing with Fabulous graphics enabled
ignoreFabulousWarning = false
#Configure your vision range when submerged in Create's custom fluids
#The vision range through honey will be multiplied by this factor
#Range: 0.125 ~ 256.0
honey = 1.0
#The vision range though chocolate will be multiplied by this factor
#Range: 0.125 ~ 256.0
chocolate = 1.0
#Settings for the Goggle Overlay
#Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay
#Range: > -2147483648
overlayOffsetX = 20
#Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay
#Range: > -2147483648
overlayOffsetY = 0
#Enable this to use your custom colors for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlay
customColorsOverlay = false
#The custom background color to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled
#[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb]
#Range: > -2147483648
customBackgroundOverlay = -267386864
#The custom top color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled
#[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb]
#Range: > -2147483648
customBorderTopOverlay = 1347420415
#The custom bot color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled
#[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb]
#Range: > -2147483648
customBorderBotOverlay = 1344798847
#Settings for the Placement Assist
#What indicator should be used when showing where the assisted placement ends up relative to your crosshair
#Choose 'NONE' to disable the Indicator altogether
indicatorType = "TEXTURE"
#Change the size of the Indicator by this multiplier
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
indicatorScale = 1.0
#Ponder settings
#Slow down a ponder scene whenever there is text on screen.
comfyReading = false
#Show additional info in the ponder view and reload scene scripts more frequently.
editingMode = false
#Sound settings
#Make cogs rumble and machines clatter.
enableAmbientSounds = true
#Maximum volume modifier of Ambient noise
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
ambientVolumeCap = 0.10000000149011612
#Railway related settings
#How far away the Camera should zoom when seated on a train
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
mountedZoomMultiplier = 3.0
#Display nodes and edges of a Railway Network while f3 debug mode is active
showTrackGraphOnF3 = false
#Additionally display materials of a Rail Network while f3 debug mode is active
showExtendedTrackGraphOnF3 = false

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#Modify Create's impact on your terrain
#Prevents all worldgen added by Create from taking effect
disableWorldGen = false

View file

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#Small Connector max output in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
small_connector_max_output = 1000
#Small Connector max input in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
small_connector_max_input = 1000
#Small Connector With Light energy consumption in FE/t.
#Range: > 0
small_light_connector_consumption = 1
#Large Connector max wire length in blocks.
#Range: 0 ~ 256
large_connector_wire_length = 32
#Small Connector max wire length in blocks.
#Range: 0 ~ 256
small_connector_wire_length = 16
#Large Connector max input in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
large_connector_max_input = 5000
#Allows blocks attached to a connector to freely pass energy to and from the connector network.
connector_allow_passive_io = true
#Large Connector max output in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
large_connector_max_output = 5000
#Ignore checking if block face can support connector.
connector_ignore_face_check = true
#Make sure config changes are duplicated on both Clients and the Server when running a dedicated Server,
# as the config isnt synced between Clients and Server.
#General Settings
#Max stress for the Alternator and Electric Motor (in SU at 256 RPM).
#Range: > 0
max_stress = 16384
#Forge Energy conversion rate (in FE/t at 256 RPM, value is the FE/t generated and consumed is at 256rpm).
#Range: > 0
fe_at_max_rpm = 480
#If audio should be enabled or not.
audio_enabled = true
#Portable Energy Interface
#PEI max output in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
pei_max_output = 5000
#PEI max input in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
pei_max_input = 5000
#Electric Motor
#Electric Motor internal capacity in FE.
#Range: > 0
motor_capacity = 5000
#Electric Motor minimum required energy consumption in FE/t.
#Range: > 0
motor_min_consumption = 8
#Electric Motor max input in FE (Energy transfer not consumption).
#Range: > 0
motor_max_input = 5000
#Electric Motor min/max RPM.
#Range: > 1
motor_rpm_range = 256
#Tesla Coil
#Tesla Coil charge rate in FE/t.
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_charge_rate = 5000
#Tesla Coil fire interval (in ticks).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_fire_cooldown = 20
#Hurt range (in blocks/meters).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_hurt_range = 3
#Tesla Coil internal capacity in FE.
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_capacity = 40000
#Energy consumed when Tesla Coil is fired (in FE).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_hurt_energy_required = 1000
#The duration of the Shocked effect for mobs (in ticks).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_effect_time_mob = 20
#The duration of the Shocked effect for players (in ticks).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_effect_time_player = 20
#Tesla Coil max input in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_max_input = 10000
#Tesla Coil charge rate in FE/t for recipes.
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_recipe_charge_rate = 2000
#Damaged dealt to mobs when Tesla Coil is fired (in half hearts).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_hurt_mob = 3
#Damaged dealt to players when Tesla Coil is fired (in half hearts).
#Range: > 0
tesla_coil_hurt_player = 2
#Alternator efficiency relative to base conversion rate.
#Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0
generator_efficiency = 0.75
#Alternator internal capacity in FE.
#Range: > 0
generator_capacity = 5000
#Alternator max input in FE (Energy transfer, not generation).
#Range: > 0
generator_max_output = 5000
#Accumulator internal capacity per block in FE.
#Range: > 0
accumulator_capacity = 2000000
#Accumulator max output in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
accumulator_max_output = 5000
#Accumulator max input in FE/t (Energy transfer).
#Range: > 0
accumulator_max_input = 5000
#Accumulator max multiblock height.
#Range: 1 ~ 8
accumulator_max_height = 5
#Accumulator max multiblock width.
#Range: 1 ~ 8
accumulator_max_width = 3
#Rolling Mill
#Rolling Mill duration in ticks.
#Range: > 0
rolling_mill_processing_duration = 120
#Rolling Mill base stress impact.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
rolling_mill_stress = 8
#Diamond Grit Sandpaper durability (number of uses).
#Range: > 3
diamond_grit_sandpaper_uses = 1024
#Barbed Wire Damage.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
barbed_wire_damage = 2.0

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more