[key] #True if you want to hold the right mouse button to aim HoldToAim = true [render] #How far to display the lod model, 0 means always display #Range: > 0 GunLodRenderDistance = 0 #The existence time of bullet hole particles, in tick #Range: > 0 BulletHoleParticleLife = 400 #The threshold for fading out when rendering bullet hole particles #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 BulletHoleParticleFadeThreshold = 0.98 #The crosshair when holding a gun #Allowed Values: EMPTY, DOT_1, CIRCLE_1, CIRCLE_2, CIRCLE_3, CROSS_1, CROSS_2, CROSS_3, CROSS_4, CROSS_5, CROSS_6, LINE_1, LINE_2, LINE_3, SQUARE_1, SQUARE_2, SQUARE_3, SQUARE_4, SQUARE_5, SQUARE_6, TRIDENT_1, TRIDENT_2 CrosshairType = "CROSS_5" #The starting position of the hit marker #Range: -1024.0 ~ 1024.0 HitMarketStartPosition = 4.0 #Whether or not to display the head shot's hitbox HeadShotDebugHitbox = false #Whether or not to display the gun's HUD GunHUDEnable = true #Whether or not to display the kill amount KillAmountEnable = false #The duration of the kill amount, in second #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 KillAmountDurationSecond = 3.0 #The farthest render distance of the target, including minecarts type #Range: > 0 TargetRenderDistance = 128 #Whether or not to render first person bullet trail FirstPersonBulletTracerEnable = true #Disable the interact hud text in center of the screen DisableInteractHudText = false #Max time the damage counter will reset #Range: > 10 DamageCounterResetTime = 2000 [Zoom] #Screen distance coefficient for zoom, using MDV standard, default is MDV133 #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.0 ScreenDistanceCoefficient = 1.33 #Zoom sensitivity is multiplied by this factor #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 ZoomSensitivityBaseMultiplier = 1.0