#!/usr/bin/env python from pip._vendor import tomli import glob import os def noop(): return mods = dict() for mod in glob.glob("pack/mods/*.toml"): with open(mod, "r") as f: data = tomli.load(f) url = "" # there has to be a better way to do this try: print("MR: " + data.update.modrinth["mod-id"] url = "https://modrinth.com/mod/" + data.update.modrinth["mod-id"] catch: noop() try: print("CF: " + data.update.curseforge["mod-id"] url = "http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/" + data.update.curseforge["mod-id"] catch: noop() mods[data.name] = url with open("wiki/Modlist.md", "w") as f: for mod in mods: if mods[mod] != "": f.write("- [" + mod + "](" + mods[mod] + ")\r\n") else: f.write("- " + mod + "\r\n")