[gun] #The default fire sound range (block) #Range: > 0 DefaultGunFireSoundDistance = 64 #The range (block) of other gun sound, reloading sound etc. #Range: > 0 DefaultGunOtherSoundDistance = 16 #Whether or not the player will consume ammo in creative mode CreativePlayerConsumeAmmo = true #Auto reload all the guns in player inventory, useful for pvp servers AutoReloadWhenRespawn = false [ammo] #Warning: Ammo with explosive properties can break blocks ExplosiveAmmoDestroysBlocks = false #Warning: Ammo with explosive properties can set the surroundings on fire ExplosiveAmmoFire = false #Ammo with explosive properties can add knockback effect ExplosiveAmmoKnockBack = true #The distance at which the explosion effect can be seen #Range: > 0 ExplosiveAmmoVisibleDistance = 192 #Those blocks that the ammo can pass through PassThroughBlocks = ["estrogen:dream_block"] #Whether a ammo can break the glass DestroyGlass = true #Whether a ammo can ignite the block IgniteBlock = true #Whether a ammo can ignite the entity IgniteEntity = true [other] #When enabled, the reload command will not overwrite the default model file under config DefaultPackDebug = false #The farthest sound distance of the target, including minecarts type #Range: > 0 TargetSoundDistance = 128 #DEV: Server hitbox offset (If the hitbox is ahead, fill in a negative number) #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 ServerHitboxOffset = 3.0 #Server hitbox latency fix ServerHitboxLatencyFix = true #The maximum latency (in milliseconds) for the server hitbox latency fix saved #Range: 250.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 ServerHitboxLatencyMaxSaveMs = 1000.0 #The gun pack that the client player needs to download, needs to fill in the URL and the SHA1 value of the file ClientGunPackDownloadUrls = []