import apfetch from "./auth-fetch.js"; import { encode } from "html-entities"; import * as sdk from "matrix-js-sdk"; import sdkExt from "./lib/ext.js"; import { resolve } from "node:path"; import fs from "node:fs"; import util from "util"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; global.fetch = fetch; import Olm from "@matrix-org/olm"; global.Olm = Olm; import env from "dotenv"; env.config(); const client = sdk.createClient({ baseUrl: process.env.BASE_URL, accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN, deviceId: process.env.DEVICE_ID, userId: process.env.USER_ID }); sdkExt(client); var prefixes = [process.env.PREFIX]; client.initialized = false; client.modules = []; client.commands = []; for (const file of fs.readdirSync(resolve("modules"))) { try { if(file.startsWith(".")) continue; var module = (await import(resolve("modules", file))).default; client.modules.push(module); client.log("[load:modules]", `loaded ${}`); } catch (err) { client.error("[load:modules]", `failed to load "${file}":\n`, err); } } for (const file of fs.readdirSync(resolve("commands"))) { try { if(file.startsWith(".")) continue; var command = (await import(resolve("commands", file))).default; command.usage = process.env.PREFIX + command.command + (command.usage ? " " + command.usage : ''); client.commands.push(command); client.log("[load:commands]", `loaded ${}`); } catch (err) { client.error("[load:commands]", `failed to load "${file}":`, err); } } function doModule(client, event) { client.modules.forEach(m => { if(!m) return; var config = client.cache.get(event.sender.roomId) ?? {}; if(config[] === false) return; m.hooks?.message(client, event); }); } function doCommand(client, event, cmd, args) { var command; command = client.commands.filter(c=>c.command==cmd)[0]; if(!command) return false; if((command.owner && event.sender.userId != process.env.OWNER_ID) || (command.admin && event.sender.powerLevel != 100 && event.sender.userId != process.env.OWNER_ID)) { var addl = `Are you sure this command is for you?\nYour power level is ${event.sender.powerLevel}`; client.reply(event, "nuh uh" + addl, 'nuh uh
' + addl); return true; } command.execute(client, event, args); return true; } client.once("sync", async function (state, prevState, data) { switch (state) { case "PREPARED": = client._store.users[client.credentials.userId].displayName; client.log("[sdk:sync]", "connected:",; prefixes.push( + ": "); prefixes.push( + " "); client.initialized = true; break; } }); client.on(sdk.RoomEvent.Timeline, async function (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) { if (!client.initialized || toStartOfTimeline || event.getType() !== "" || event.sender.userId == client.credentials.userId) { return; } if(event.event.content["m.relates_to"] != null) event.event.content.body = event.event.content.body.substring(event.event.content.body.indexOf("\n\n") + 2); event.sender = client.getRoom(event.sender.roomId).getMember(event.getSender()); var content = event.event.content.body; var isCommand = false; for(const prefix of prefixes) { if(content.startsWith(prefix)) { isCommand = true; content = content.substring(prefix.length); break; } } if(!isCommand) { doModule(client, event); } else { var args = content.split(/\s/g); var cmd = args.shift(); args = content.substring(cmd.length + 1); if(!doCommand(client, event, cmd, args)) { client.reply(event, `Command "${cmd}" not found.\nRun "${process.env.PREFIX}help" for a list of commands.`); } } }); client.on("Room.myMembership", function (room, membership, prevMembership) { if (membership === "invite") { client.joinRoom(room.roomId).then(function () { client.log("[client:autojoin] joined %s", room.roomId); }); } }); //await client.initCrypto(); await client.startClient();